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Some of our selections

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I really love your selections, just thought I would give you a heads up that we also selected the beglga 300x600 but had to have the tiles ripped up and select a new tile as they found that the tiles were all different size. There was a variances of 5mm in length and 3mm in width and once he saw it, the tiler refused to lay any more so we had to choose a new tile! The manufacturer also indicated they couldn’t guarantee if they supplied a new batch whether they would be okay

Hopefully your batch will be fine, but I would maybe have a chat to your SS so they are on the look out to make sure they are fine!
Oh thank you we will definitely will make sure they are ok fingers crossed but if we had to choose again I'm sure we would find something similar.
Is that the concrete fuze in the top photo?

I loooove that tile but we couldn’t make that our new choice becuase it wouldnt be instixk until after Xmas so we moved to icon dove.
No top tile is evolution grey it's beautiful we wanted it to look like concrete in our main living area.
Ahhh gosh they look similar!

We looked at evolution too, but we were wanting the rectangle tile look.

Industrial concrete flooring look is 😍
You can get this one also in the 300 x600 is that what you mean by rectangle??? We are having this the laundry and powder room because apparently coral don't do 600 x600 in wet rooms due to issues with falls.
You can get this one also in the 300 x600 is that what you mean by rectangle??? We are having this the laundry and powder room because apparently coral don't do 600 x600 in wet rooms due to issues with falls.

Sorry, larger rectangle ie 900wide

Apparently laying large tiles in wet areas cost a bomb due to the extra work.
Oh so the very big ones they are beautiful! Yeah laying cost is huge lol
I love your island bench pendants. Very nice selections.
Oh thanks you hopefully they work well we wanted to contrast the void pendant with the island bench pendants. Void pendant you see as you walk through the front door then down the hall you will see the kitchen to the left.
Changing selections after getting bank loan

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How much are you ahead in payments compared to where the build is at? Have you fully drawn down the loan?

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