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Building with Fairmont Homes - Port Willunga

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Building three house for the family to live in. Work commenced in January and slabs poured February.

Waiting for frames to go up... Pics to follow..

Slabs with bricks
Wood ready to build frames..

This is our slab... Will be one of three modified Baltimore designs

Wow, 3 houses. Will be cool to watch this one. Same colour schemes or different for each of them?
Two are pretty much the same with raised porticos whereas ours will look a bit different without one. Two have black roofs whereas ours will be monument colour. It has taken just over a year to get to this stage with subdivision and tree removal s but it's seems to be all go now with an early August completion date. I have enjoyed reading your thread!!

Frame going up..

Wow that must be really exciting to share this experience with family, you must be close-knit

We all live very close at Hallett Cove at the moment

We all live very close at Hallett Cove at the moment

We're in HC too

Hi janbo - We know who we are!
How's M?
Hope it goes quick for you - I'm working on your house-warming present this weekend - Don't tell M, I'll give it to her soon.
Is that your frame going up first? Yippee!
Hi janbo - We know who we are!
How's M?
Hope it goes quick for you - I'm working on your house-warming present this weekend - Don't tell M, I'll give it to her soon.
Is that your frame going up first? Yippee!

Ours is first but they haven't touched it in a week. The wood has been there for nearly 4 weeks now... hope there are no delays at the other end. Do you work with M ?

Yes, indeedy, I do! But not for much longer - this is my second last week at work.
Hubby's colleagues were all building when we started, they're all finished now, bar one.
I was jealous when you lot started before we did - did anyone at the builders tell you why the delay with framing?

We met briefly at the display homes down our way...

I really love the idea to have the three together - I'd have liked to have my Mum next door, but her place wasn't ready to sell, and it was all bad timing with our giant delay on the land settlement.

Hope your frames go up soon!
More progress.. woodwork frame looks just about done...

Frames are nearly complete for all 3 houses!!

Roof is on...moving along!!

yay, roof!
House Plan...Fairmont Baltimore

More pics

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