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The Jeffery Pad - Coral Homes - QLD

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We are excitedly doing our first ever build we have sold up and currently renting back our old place!! Our place sold in 2 hours from going live on Domain and we couldnt find the right place for us, the next thing you know we are in a Coral Homes sale office. One week later we brought a block a few days later we we back in signing our life over to Coral Homes...the land settled on 19th December 2016. Last week I stumbled across this forum after googling Coral homes i got scared from all the bad reviews and hoped to hell we were not making a bad choice but all your threads have given me hope and I am now Very Excited.

Anyway cant wait to share our journey with you and in return have your input and advice. We are building the Noosa 29 we have made minor changes. We are express to contact so we can finance the land build all in one. The contract is due on Monday and we have an appointment to view and sign on this coming Tuesday 17th Jan 🙈

Too funny, I do think this whole process does send you to drink but that is the beauty of this forum you get to vent to like minded people that are going the the the motions also. So welcome can't wait to see your selections and any changes to your plans. Btw what area are you building? We all love plans and photos.... can't believe how fast this process is for you. I got first drawings done in March then signed in June and we only just got our roof on

Too funny, I do think this whole process does send you to drink but that is the beauty of this forum you get to vent to like minded people that are going the the the motions also. So welcome can't wait to see your selections and any changes to your plans. Btw what area are you building? We all love plans and photos.... can't believe how fast this process is for you. I got first drawings done in March then signed in June and we only just got our roof on

Hi thanks for following along. I have seen bits of your journey hope to find time during the daily madness of kids to get some reading time soon and start at page 1 lol... we are building at Elimbah 1 hour North Brisbane Bottom end Sunshine Coast....its limbo land really but love being half way between the 2 best locations in Qld. We currently reside at Sandstone Point but wanted more land space so making the move. 3225 m2 is our block size and we have quickly come to realise this space doesnt go far after a house pool and 4bay shed!!

Congrats on selling your home and deciding to build. Good luck!

Wow that is a big block!!
How great is your block so flat and neat that will save you a fortune in the future and will be easy to landscape.. love that area we are in NSW mid north coast but a few of the Queensland builds fly along... so you might be in mid year, how exciting. A few things that might come up in the forum they don't brick over the windows and doors so you have to pay extra or put windows up under eaves... they don't put drain holes in laundry... add at least $3000to $5000 extra for electricial and around $7000 to $10000 in your loan for your colour selections at upgrades on exterior or interior fitting etc (we learnt this too late so now we have to save and pay out of our money for handover),.. they will only do the minimum site cut but I think you will be fine... extra for flyscreens.. that's all I can think off of the top of my head but if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask

Hi My Names Donna and im an alcoholic....oh sorry wrong thread...

We are excitedly doing our first ever build we have sold up and currently renting back our old place!! Our place sold in 2 hours from going live on Domain and we couldnt find the right place for us, the next thing you know we are in a Coral Homes sale office. One week later we brought a block a few days later we we back in signing our life over to Coral Homes...the land settled on 19th December 2016. Last week I stumbled across this forum after googling Coral homes i got scared from all the bad reviews and hoped to hell we were not making a bad choice but all your threads have given me hope and I am now Very Excited.

Anyway cant wait to share our journey with you and in return have your imput and advice. We are building the Noosa 29 we have made minor changes. We are express to contact so we can finance the land build all in one. The contract is due on Monday and we have an appointment to view and sign on this coming Tuesday 17th Jan 🙈

Where in QLD are you building

Hi My Names Donna and im an alcoholic....oh sorry wrong thread...

We are excitedly doing our first ever build we have sold up and currently renting back our old place!! Our place sold in 2 hours from going live on Domain and we couldnt find the right place for us, the next thing you know we are in a Coral Homes sale office. One week later we brought a block a few days later we we back in signing our life over to Coral Homes...the land settled on 19th December 2016. Last week I stumbled across this forum after googling Coral homes i got scared from all the bad reviews and hoped to hell we were not making a bad choice but all your threads have given me hope and I am now Very Excited.

Anyway cant wait to share our journey with you and in return have your imput and advice. We are building the Noosa 29 we have made minor changes. We are express to contact so we can finance the land build all in one. The contract is due on Monday and we have an appointment to view and sign on this coming Tuesday 17th Jan 🙈

Where in QLD are you building

Hi, we are building on a 3225 block at Elimbah. It in th Morton Bay Region. Are you building in qld atm?

Congrats on selling your home and deciding to build. Good luck!

Wow that is a big block!!

Thanks it 3225 m2 nice flat and easy to work with. Fencing in also will help cut down our cost. Are you currently building?

Hi My Names Donna and im an alcoholic....oh sorry wrong thread...

We are excitedly doing our first ever build we have sold up and currently renting back our old place!! Our place sold in 2 hours from going live on Domain and we couldnt find the right place for us, the next thing you know we are in a Coral Homes sale office. One week later we brought a block a few days later we we back in signing our life over to Coral Homes...the land settled on 19th December 2016. Last week I stumbled across this forum after googling Coral homes i got scared from all the bad reviews and hoped to hell we were not making a bad choice but all your threads have given me hope and I am now Very Excited.

Anyway cant wait to share our journey with you and in return have your imput and advice. We are building the Noosa 29 we have made minor changes. We are express to contact so we can finance the land build all in one. The contract is due on Monday and we have an appointment to view and sign on this coming Tuesday 17th Jan 🙈

Where in QLD are you building

Hi, we are building on a 3225 block at Elimbah. It in th Morton Bay Region. Are you building in qld atm?

building in Mundoolun

Congrats on selling your home and deciding to build. Good luck!

Wow that is a big block!!

Thanks it 3225 m2 nice flat and easy to work with. Fencing in also will help cut down our cost. Are you currently building?

I am indeed building
about 8 weeks away from handover, couldn't be more excited!!

My land is only 293m2
So yours sounds enormous to me. But I wish I could have afforded land that big. My block is pretty average size for the estate I'm building in. One day I hope I can afford to move to a more regional area with a larger house and land.

I have to pay for all my fencing and my estate requires a front fence too (which is costing about 8k

I thought my land was going to be flat, but the estate put fill on it, so my site costs jumped up 6k and now I have a slope at the front of my block. Not the end of the world, annoying!!
How great is your block so flat and neat that will save you a fortune in the future and will be easy to landscape.. love that area we are in NSW mid north coast but a few of the Queensland builds fly along... so you might be in mid year, how exciting. A few things that might come up in the forum they don't brick over the windows and doors so you have to pay extra or put windows up under eaves... they don't put drain holes in laundry... add at least $3000to $5000 extra for electricial and around $7000 to $10000 in your loan for your colour selections at upgrades on exterior or interior fitting etc (we learnt this too late so now we have to save and pay out of our money for handover),.. they will only do the minimum site cut but I think you will be fine... extra for flyscreens.. that's all I can think off of the top of my head but if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask

We are hoping by June but i have read enough to know thats probally not achievable. Thanks for the insite I cant believe they dont brick to eves bloody stupid its part of building a house, I read the drain hole thing last night and told hubby today he thought it was code in wet rooms!! Our sales consultant told us to speak to the electrician on site for any extra work we want done hope this works out for us but we made a small 5k allowance for power points, we want to supply our own fans etc. We have a $6300 allowance for engineered timber floors but are second guessing the product. We have a 4k allowance for colour consult...i can see this may not be enough!! I just found out yesterday you have to pay for the white mortor look hate to think how much it will cost..Do you know?? Any idea how much for drain hole, brick to eves? How much does the average Coral Build cost after people upgrade I wonder ?

Hi there, we are building a Noosa 26 so a bit smaller than yours but off white mortor was about $450 and bricks above windows and doors was about $1500 but that doesnt include the garage door. Will look forward to watching your build. Nice big block you have. We have just started our build and our contract end date for completion is 4th July. Hoping we are in sooner but it gives you an idea of what they allow for.

I know it's not till you are in the thick of it that all these extras become apparent. We were doing the engineered flooring but went with dark grey tiles as we have 3 boys and that's what we are living on at the moment and as soon as it gets wet it swells and for the love of god don't drop anything heavy on it. grout does cost more and rectified tiles are more expensive. But I think with your allowance you have it covered
forgot to say I think our off white mortar was $500 but we are 31 plus the bricks are all different categories so check out will your sp what is in your allowance and go to the brickyards and check them out ours were an extra $2500 so with off white $3000
cat 2

Congrats on selling your home and deciding to build. Good luck!

Wow that is a big block!!

Thanks it 3225 m2 nice flat and easy to work with. Fencing in also will help cut down our cost. Are you currently building?

I am indeed building
about 8 weeks away from handover, couldn't be more excited!!

My land is only 293m2
So yours sounds enormous to me. But I wish I could have afforded land that big. My block is pretty average size for the estate I'm building in. One day I hope I can afford to move to a more regional area with a larger house and land.

I have to pay for all my fencing and my estate requires a front fence too (which is costing about 8k

I thought my land was going to be flat, but the estate put fill on it, so my site costs jumped up 6k and now I have a slope at the front of my block. Not the end of the world, annoying!!

Oh 8 weeks woohoo!! So exciting. Yes block sizes are so small now. Do you have a thread? Would love to know where your building and what plan you have

Hahahaha classic!!!

Ooh I love the Noosa 29 design, the ensuite layout is so nice!!!

Your block looks so luscious and flat

Definitely add in more for your colour allowance, it all adds up

Looking forward to following

GJ Gardner Modified Coolum 277
I know it's not till you are in the thick of it that all these extras become apparent. We were doing the engineered flooring but went with dark grey tiles as we have 3 boys and that's what we are living on at the moment and as soon as it gets wet it swells and for the love of god don't drop anything heavy on it. grout does cost more and rectified tiles are more expensive. But I think with your allowance you have it covered
forgot to say I think our off white mortar was $500 but we are 31 plus the bricks are all different categories so check out will your sp what is in your allowance and go to the brickyards and check them out ours were an extra $2500 so with off white $3000
cat 2

Oh we have 3 boys also just told hubby think back to tiles for us maybe a wood look but would be an upgrade we went to beamounts on Sat for our first look and their are none in the gold and silver range which we can select from. Maybe i should try national tiles which we can also use. We also went to the pgh yard to look at bricks. We found a build close to us and hubby knocked on her door today to ask her what bricks she used lol...stalkerish i know but they look cool and she was so lovely and helpful

pic below of the house we stalked!!

Hi there, we are building a Noosa 26 so a bit smaller than yours but off white mortor was about $450 and bricks above windows and doors was about $1500 but that doesnt include the garage door. Will look forward to watching your build. Nice big block you have. We have just started our build and our contract end date for completion is 4th July. Hoping we are in sooner but it gives you an idea of what they allow for.

Pluck A extra $1500!!

Where is your build ive seen you name around my thread stalking.. still trying to get use to the site and find my way back to things ive read.

We built a modified Noosa 29 in Mango Hill last year, it's such a great floor plan. Can you post yours? Hope your build goes smoothly. Good luck!

I know it's not till you are in the thick of it that all these extras become apparent. We were doing the engineered flooring but went with dark grey tiles as we have 3 boys and that's what we are living on at the moment and as soon as it gets wet it swells and for the love of god don't drop anything heavy on it. grout does cost more and rectified tiles are more expensive. But I think with your allowance you have it covered
forgot to say I think our off white mortar was $500 but we are 31 plus the bricks are all different categories so check out will your sp what is in your allowance and go to the brickyards and check them out ours were an extra $2500 so with off white $3000
cat 2

Oh we have 3 boys also just told hubby think back to tiles for us maybe a wood look but would be an upgrade we went to beamounts on Sat for our first look and their are none in the gold and silver range which we can select from. Maybe i should try national tiles which we can also use. We also went to the pgh yard to look at bricks. We found a build close to us and hubby knocked on her door today to ask her what bricks she used lol...stalkerish i know but they look cool and she was so lovely and helpful

pic below of the house we stalked!!

the best way to do it and most would be flattered, I like it the colours. Let me know how you go...goodluck

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