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Building in the Dandenong Ranges? (VIC)

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Hi all,

Wondering whether anyone has built in the Dandenong Ranges or on the outskirts (Monbulk/Emerald) and would mind shedding a little light on their experience?

There appears to be reasonably cheap land available out there, but I suspect it’s due to being in a bushfire prone area, together with environmental overlays…

Few queries (if you can help, awesome!):

· Where & when did you build?
· Who did you build with?
· What BAL rating were you, if any? What costs were associated with reducing your BAL rating?
· Were there any limitations imposed on your build by Council?
· Anything else to note?

I live near there, but not in the Ranges. The other likely issue that may come up is that most land would be sloping, quite significantly in some spots, which would greatly increase site costs. Good luck.
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