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Help with roof design.

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Hi im looking for some advice for our roof and or house design.

As you can see our roof looks like a monstrosity at the moment so we are Co sideline stepping out the kitchen and maybe a skillion roof.

But are starting to run out of ideas and would love some others input on the design.

Thanks Kate

This is my opinion so hopefully you don't mind.

- Porch undersized for width of facade
- facade has no articulation which is why the roof dominates
- there simply things you can do to improve the look

Reduce roof pitch to 18 or 20 degrees, widen porch, lift the porch up, provide parapets I'll post some pics

Same style of house as yours

Just changing to a larger porch will help the look tremendously

Hi there,
I agree with PP, your roof needs some articulation - look at widening the portico and maybe consider stepping out the laundry and bed 6 to break up the facade and roofline

For what it's worth, I'd also look at incorporating a window into your Laundry, that's a big chunk of blank wall on your facade

You could alternatively step out part of the media room and bed 4 to create a jut out incorporating the entry portico.. Sorry to bombard you, I work as a draftsperson/building designer and see lots of potential - pm me if you'd like me to sketch a couple of ideas!

Thanks guys I was only thinking last night about stepping out the media to incorporate it in the portico.
I'm in qld is the a minimum roof pitch? Looking at changing media room windows to two 0618 one on top of each other and adding weathertex to the media room.

Will also add the same window to laundry

I'd also remove door from living to master bedroom. Make the portico much much bigger , make sure you have acoustic quality gib on wall between master and living and your media to reduce potential noise disruption, and rearrange bathroom and toilet do the loo door doesn't open directly at end of that long hallway. Maybe put toilet on other side of wall where vanities are so its door doesn't open direct along hallway, then move/ rearrange bathroom layout into what was the toilet space. Good luck with your build o

You could alternatively step out part of the media room and bed 4 to create a jut out incorporating the entry portico.. Sorry to bombard you, I work as a draftsperson/building designer and see lots of potential - pm me if you'd like me to sketch a couple of ideas!

Thanks I think I've sent you a msg. Some fresh ideas would be great.

Excuse how ******* my sketching is, dealing with a feral toddler ATM and trying to get my ideas on paper as quick as possible! These are the 2 suggestions I had, bit easier to explain by pic I think

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