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Will you change door/window locks yourself on handover?

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I am worried about who has keys. I asked my builder about it.

I was told during the build, the door locks have an open barrel (no notches within it) and the builder uses the same universal unnotched key for all builds. They also give these keys to their trades. Apparently when we get our unique key - once it goes in the 'open' un-notched barrel, the lock engages/forms around the unique notches of our key and sets to that position forever. I also asked about window and sliding door locks, to which I got no answer.

I just read on someone's thread Ive been following that they suspect trades had stolen items from their home 75 minutes after they left the home where they saw them installing them (very suss).

Makes me want to change my locks but Im not happy paying for this or even doing ourselves, we have enough to do.

Will you change your locks? Am I being paranoid?
When you get your keys you just have to turn it left and right or whatever and it clicks and changes the barrel. We didn't change our locks all together that would be very costly!
We didn't, I would have thought that most builders just out a cheap lock on the front door for the build and then change it at handover.

Don't forget the back door! (see
Thats exactly what our key did when our ss put it in the lock. Then he put his master key in to prove that it didn't work. The trades never got keys to windows. We didn't change our locks aftee the build.
I'm actually thinking of changing the door locks - but not far that reason, it's because I found a
lock that actually does what I wanted - do select between double and single cylinder mode.

Generally speaking, I don't think the trades have access to any keys that will still work after handover. The doors will be on construction keying, and the windows will be left unlocked.
I am satisfied with the dead bolt on the front door that will only operate with owners key after build. Not a problem there. The window locks on Dowel windows are useless. Add extra window locks after build. The Dowel door locks on their sliding doors are just ok and adding patio bolts will boost security for the sliding doors. Having an PIR alarm system assists in security and adding CCTV security recordings add extra security to security as well. After all that, keep your insurance cover up to date and adequate. Dogs are good too.
My wife just now shared a facebook story with me about thieves that broke into a house, stabbed 11mth puppy in the head a number of times with a screw driver and stole things. The pup will live but lost an eye. Brain damage unknown. Nice work hey. There are so many low lives in this world.
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