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Glendale 38 (Elara)

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Hi Guys,

Me and my partner are building glendale 38 by metricon....we are starting this thread hoping to share and get ideas from everyone. As this is our first home through a builder...we are sure we will need lot of guidance and help and hope this forum will help us....

We just signed our tender last week and we have our next meeting on 30th July to sign the final contract...We have done few changes to the original design and selected Isla facade
Woo-hoo another Glendale and Isla facade. I will be interested to see what customisation you are doing for the facade and the interior!

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Nice to see so many Glendales around. ... i wish there were a few before we started... would have given some ideas

It's good to see so many Glendale builds! I really must go and check out the display home. Looking forward to seeing your plans

Yay! Another Glendale! Look forward to following your build Vikas!

Cool, extending the width of the study room is great. We should of done the same.

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As we are making study room as media so we wanted little bigger room than the original. so we extended both width and length.

We are still confused between Hebel for external or they gave us Hebel in the promotion as no additional cost.

I like hebel look but wife is more inclined towards the brick look similar to the display home colour combination...

and after reading some of your threads, we also requested to change the laundary door to sliding...though we have signed the tender but M agreed with this small change...
I think you can do some structural up until contract... but not major.

Wow the Glendale is certainly a popular design. Nice tweaks to the floor plan too. Good to see more Metricon builds starting.

is there anyone who is doing hebel for external?
is there anyone who is doing hebel for external?

Yes pfryan . I don't think he posts much.

Vikas, we had the same freebie with hebel render as well but initially we thought M gave us free brick render (which we prefer). There are a few other forums that discusses hebel. For us we decided to forgo the hebel due to the fear the material is not waterproof (Unless u render it with an acryllic coat). The other factors was it is high maintenance and the texture of hebel render is not smooth enough for our liking.

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We had few doubts as well initially as we were not much aware of Hebel. But did some research and read lot of good things about it...Also our Metricon sales cordinator and her manager are both building gelndale 38 themselves and they both are using hebel and gave us more confidance. I assume they have heard good things about it and thats why they both selected it considering they are working in this industry.
Oh yeah i concur the benefits of hebel are awesome so should be a food material to use

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any one of you opted for waterfall in the kitchen much it cost and also upgraded it to 40mm....
Also the one my wife likes is from Category 5...any idea how much will be the upgrade cost ...considering we have already extended the kitchen Benchtop same length as in display home....

wife is going crazy and spending all money on kitchen upgrades...
One more thing guys I want you all to check...In our tender we noticed there were couple of things which were duplicate there is big tender list with so many points ...make sure there is no duplicate entry...

we questioned it and it turned our that they entered it twice and charged us twice as well...they later reduced the price by $4000 for duplicate entries...From memory one of the duplicate entry was for Laminate shelves in kitchen pantry which we got credit for $1248.
Was the duplicate hard or easy to spot?

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They were one after another.. Sending you pic of our duplicate entry... See point no 62 and 63

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