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Can I outsource something during my build? [VIC]

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Building a new JG King home very soon (please, no horror stories, they have been great so far). I have a best mate who's an A grade electrician and he said it'd be great to wire up a home data network (blue cables), extra TV antenna cables and speaker wires before all the plasterboard goes in as it'll be twice as hard to do once the home is finished. Mentioned this to JG King and they said outright no. I explained he was a registered A grade electrician but they said something about he wouldn't be insured for the site, yadda yadda. Does this mean I can't outsource ANYTHING of my own during the build? Considering I'm paying for all the materials, all the site costs and all of the wages for everybody working there. You'd thing I'd be allowed to do a few things as well during the build that are not included by JG King. Outsourced myself.

What are my right here? Or do they have me over a barrel?

Regional Victoria FYI.
With things like this you really need to bring the subject up before you sign the contract when builders may be a bit more flexible.

Most, but not all, builders are very much against having other tradies on their sites. This is more fully described at this link ... n-tradies/
With things like this you really need to bring the subject up before you sign the contract when builders may be a bit more flexible.

Most, but not all, builders are very much against having other tradies on their sites. This is more fully described at this link ... n-tradies/

We haven't signed our final contract yet. But they seemed pretty against it when I asked.
Shame, he was happy to do all that wiring for me if I paid for mat's and bought him a slab of beer.

I have a mate that ran his cables on the weekend prior to the plasterboard being put up and waited until after hand-over to create the wall outlets. Meticulous diagrams and measurements were needed, but they did it. I was hoping for a far 'less suspect' alternative.
Yes, unfortunately many builders will not allow it. It does come back to insurance - if your mate got injured doing the work, the possible legal ramifications scares off many builders from considering it
Its a sign of the times, once we turned a blind eye and as long as it didn't interfere with any of the trades working on site it was ok to come in after hours and do some cabling.
Now there's 2 main reasons we dont allow it, one being there always seemed to be a drama associated with owner installed cables. There always seemed to be less cables then the owners contractor supposedly installed.
The other is as explained above, insurance and work place safety. It's hard enough keeping on top of whats required for the contractors we have agreements with, the last thing needed is having randoms coming on site.
I was hoping to do similar with some 'additional' non mains wiring, and other extras.
Nothing in writing but it was inferred that if I have a white card then it may be tolerated.

As for the supervision required, bit of a joke given that a supervisor is not always on site, and often it's relatively inexperienced apprentices left alone.
From personal experience, I would advise against it.

We had all our cabling done through an external tradie which was not through the builders contract. We had to sign a clause in the contract that the builders would not be liable for any damage to the 'outside of contract' work done on our house. They also suggested we use a tradie that THEY recommended. My BIL installs cables as his job, and he wasn't allowed on site to carry out the works (would have been a lot cheaper...)

The house was all cabled up with 16 data points, 3 phone points, 4 TV points, and a 10 metre $200 HDMI cable going from the family room to the alfresco. All good and exactly what we wanted. The plaster went up, and everything was great.

The problem arose, when the builders electricians came to do the fit off. They were NOT contracted to fit off any plates to any of the work done by the external it was not in our contract that we signed. They were all going to be fitted off by the cable people at a later stage.

The builders electricians fitted off a plate to the HDMI cable in the alfresco (NOT in their contract to do so...) and in doing so, cut the plug off the end to fit it behind the plate, rendering the $200 cable useless. They refused to fix it because it wasn't part of the contracted works, yet they should NEVER have touched it in the first place. Who cuts off a plug obviously designed to be on the end of a cable, anyway??

I battled with them for over a year to fix it, and always got the same answer, "Not our problem". 5 years later, I still haven't got an HDMI cable in the alfresco. Easy fix for my BIL, but haven't got around to it. The fact is, it shouldn't need fixing in the first place...
As a builder myself I would not allow owner to bring anyone else to my site. Why would I? If you want something done then pay me to do it.

If as a builder you do it then you are just good Samaritan and you may regret it.
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