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Coral - Noosa 279 Pictures.. Now and Then..

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Hi was looking through some pictures of our build with the wife a couple of weeks ago and couldn't believe how far we had come. Still ALOT more to do before we are done but thought I would share a few now & then pics of our build

Last but not least the best outside addition.......

Oooh, I've been hanging for this post since you first mentioned it.

Your house looks amazing! It's very exciting to see the transformation between frame, bricks and mortar to home. It makes me look forward to the completion of our build even more than before

So... I'm jealous of the mirror splashback (we got a quote but it was out of our budget), pantry door, and the awesome interior styling - you're so lucky to be blessed with style savvy/wife with style savvy.

Especially love the outdoor addition -cute as!

Quick question - was the plasterboard installed before or after the bricks went up?
Thanks im looking forward to watching ur build as well.. Was telling the wife about yours around the corner and had a quick look at your blog and couldnt believe how quick it seems to be moving.. Probably feels slow for you haha

Still feels like their is so much to do but we are just chipping away little bit by little bit as we get money.

We copied a lot of the display home at Chisholm so corals interior designers done a lot of the hard work for us

Our mirror splashback was included in our package, they said they hadnt done one before and therefore wasnt sure on a price so we got a nice surprise when they said it wont cost us any extra..!!

And yes we did do plaster before bricks.. We had bad weather and brickies had a big hold up so supervisor asked if we were ok with him starting inside.. Didnt bother me as long as nothing inside could be damaged and in the end was all fine.
Love the before and now photos. They look great. You have done a lot.

My favourite picture is your Boxer - love your new addition. I am a bit biased though as we have 3 Boxers.
it looks great!
Thank Jen and Tina..

I love them as well Jen, had a boxer when i was growing up and sister has had 2 so as soon as the fences were done i started searching.. He's only 5 months but is going great, no hassles at all with him touch wood
Hello, your now and then pictures are great!
It's nice to look back on where you've come and where you are now. I hope to do the same too
We really enjoyed reading your post
. We are currently in the process of choosing a builder for our house. We like the Daydream 30 design from Coral and wanted to ask if you are happy with the quality of your house and Coral in general? We are looking at Stylemaster homes also.we've never built before so it's our first time and after reading some reviews we are a bit worried. Your advice would be very much appreciated, thank you Julia
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Well thats a relief! The whole family is sick of waiting.

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