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Alkira Homes KDR (Ryde NSW) - DIY Landscaping

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Alkira Homes KDR - A Kind Of Olivia

I've been a little reticent about posting any postation about our build ... it's been a bit of a PITA journey so far, and claiming anything as "fact" seemed likely to jinx it. However, given that we've thrown ~$60k at it, signed contracts, the bulldozer has now been & at the time I'm typing this the block is nearly ready for a new house to be built on it ... well it almost seems like Murphy might not shove his ugly mug in the way, at least for a while.

What we were after

We didn't have uber-solid goals, and we weren't particularly looking for "fancy".
I guess the main ones were:

Oh, the process ...

We started looking around in late 2010, to get an idea of what was around & what was going to cost how much. Looked at a couple of display homes, and had a particular liking for one medium-sized builder who seemed to specialise in relatively "green" designs. They even had some designs you could work with, and the display home both looked & felt great and was within budget ... although meeting the garage requirement would have been a bit of work. This was Home Team, with that link being to their page on the display home we were taken with.
However ... by late 2011 when we'd umm'd & ahh'd long enough (and the leaks in the roof had gotten annoying enough to start thinking about spending money again), we tried to contact them & they didn't return any voicemails. They were on the ASIC site, can't recall whether they were in voluntary liquidation but it didn't sound good & their display hom was closed. So that was that - we had to go with someone else. As a side note, I see their site has been updated to be Copyright 2013 and I don't think their offices used to be where they currently are ... so I think they've not gotten themselves out of whatever that trouble was ... dunno, we've moved on!

So we looked around, found someone we liked, did a feasibility study with them; which came back at about $1.2m. That's ... a bit much. And there were still lots of things about the design that needed fixing (and there might not be room on the block to fix it). At that point we decided we were using a volume/project builder as we were convinced we couldn't afford a custom design. I'm not sure I'm still convinced that was true, with the benefit of everything we've investigated/decided I think we should probably have engaged an architect with a relatively strict list of requirements, and then pimped the resulting design around a few builders.

So anyway, further looking around led us to a volume builder who "could do everything we wanted"; they said to think of them as custom builders who also have a range of standard designs. We were told the best way to come up with our design was to use the standard ones as a basis ... one standard design was brilliant but was too long for our block, but we managed to find another which we swapped-around to be what we thought was pretty close to what we wanted. So having paid our deposit, we awaited the tender ... and when it came back it had the floorplan we'd asked for but nothing else. No extended garage ceiling-height, no under-floor heating, none of the bathroom cabinetry we'd wanted, the OdourVac hadn't been included, basic windows & insulation, and so on.
Further enquiry told us they now "couldn't" do the under-floor heating, and given that suddenly there were things they wouldn't do there was a fair bit of back-and-forth in working out exactly what they would do. So we worked with them a lot to get an idea of what they would & wouldn't do, and finally we had a list they said they'd do ... so we left it with them.
For a few months, after which we'd heard nothing.
So we started getting antsy & looked around at other alternatives again. In the middle of that process, we had a pretty major "a-ha!" moment with the design of the house and the fact that we should've been building a 2nd separate garage rather than trying to squeeze it into the same single building. So we asked the builder if they'd started any of the estimating or drafting yet; answer came back no; we asked whether we could rearrange the design and get them to quote on the rearranged design; they said yes; we asked if their private certifier would approve the separate garage idea; they said yes. So we hastily drew-up something (a few rooms moved around & standard ceiling-heights for the house) which wouldn't need any walls moved nor the stairs, and left it with them again.
And again ... nothing came back, so we continued being antsy & started working more seriously with a few others.
Eventually they got back to us, after 6 months of "no response" (despite my attempts to get in contact), and told us they'd decided they wouldn't be able to do it & would therefore refund half our money. Hmmmm. OK we;d used some of the surveys they did etc, so they agreed to refund a bit more & we only paid for the stuff we eventually used. Reality was the Sydney market had gotten busy, they had a bunch of standard knock-it-up-fast work to keep them busy, and were no longer interested in major modifications to the design like ours was.

That lengthy & painful process brought us eventually to the people who are (touch wood!) building our place, Alkira Homes. We'd settled on having a separate garage (allowing more normal ceiling heights in the house itself), and the main area we spend our time being upstairs to avoid being shaded by the big gum-tree across the road in winter as well as hopefully catching more breeze. There weren't many builders, who'd do the OdourVac (we'd given up on many other requirements by now), and with private certifiers who'd approve the separate garage we wanted (ie. as well as the inbuilt one). Well OK, it's quite possible that there weren't many builders who had salesfolk who were willing to ask their private certifiers rather than just saying "no" based on their understanding of the CDC rules (but anyone who's built a project home knows that's just how it works).
'Tis based on the Olivia 38.2 sq (which was called Olivia 36 sq when we first started looking but the marketing department bolted an extra 2.2 sq in the meanwhile

What we've ended-up with

Again, a summary (just the highlights I guess):

I'll update this with colours/selections when I recall what they are/were &/or find examples.

As long as I retain any interest in this thread (
) I'll update this timeline as we go ...

Current Contractual End-Date (rain days taken into account): October 7th, 2014.
Initial Photos

Click on a thumbnail, to open each pikky ...

What our house looked like a few weeks ago ... compared to a few & a couple of days ago

New block overview:

Ground-floor floorplan (vs. standard for Alkira Olivia):

First-floor floorplan (vs. standard for Alkira Olivia):

Elevations & the shed:

Electrical Plans (upstairs & downstairs):
Some Selections

Bricks: Austral Bricks Urban One, Latte
Tiles: Monier Traditional, Wild Rice

Colourbond roofing sections, gutters, downpipes, garage doors: Evening Haze
Fascias: Surfmist
Windows & Sliding Doors: "Uncoloured aluminium" (don't have the colour code)

Front door: Hume XS26 1200mm, teak stain, with one of these big Gainsborough lock/handles.
Facade: A little like the Alkira Kennedy, the posts match the front door & the railing is APO Grey to match windows/sliders ... there's an awning that sticks-out a little further than this picture, though, and it's all face-brick rather than render.

Interior paint colours are basically off-white walls, with standard white cielings & semi-gloss (or was it gloss?) white skirtings. No cornices. No feature wall or niches either, we'll decorate mostly with furniture & maybe the occasional something-in-a-frame (I've got.a bunch of Queen picture-discs I'd like to frame & hang, but don't think that'd pass the Taste Test

Tiles throughout ... a "wood look" (but distressed or lime-washed version), 900mm x ~15mm ... I don't have the exact tile we're getting (and I suspect there's a chance it might change before the house is built), but the following pikkies off eBay kinda/sorta look very similar (note the kitchen isn't styled like that at all, it's just a pikky to show the tiles):

Kitchen Design 3D view (click to open):

Glass Splashback: colour Clover 2210 (below is close but not exact, couldn't find an example online)
Satin-finish polyurethane kitchen cupboards/drawers, colour Natural White (not picured - it's satin white!)
Kitchen 40mm Caesarstone, colour Osprey 3141
Kick-panel (under island bench) Laminex Natural Finish Stipple Grass 868

Cabinet/drawer handles (kitchen, bathrooms, laundry) - Hettisch 9995501 (wide enough to hang a hand-towel over in bathrooms):

Caesarstone for bathrooms 40mm (Laundry 20mm), colour is Wild Rice 4360 (the picky is just to show the benchtop)
Vanities in Formica Warm White (also not pictured - also white!)

For the small bathroom downstairs we've got fairly simple cupboards under the benchtop & also mirror-faced cupboards at face-level.
However for the ensuite & main bathroom upstairs we've got vanities with a ~600mm wide (full depth) tall-boy next to (well "part of" really) the vanity; extra storage, power-points for recharging toothbrushes/shavers etc.

Track drains for showers, "invisible drain" for middle of rooms & laundry

Sinks are all under-mount, laundry & kitchen have those removable veggie-sprayer nozzles.
We got these for all showers:

Villeroy & Boch O Novo toilet suites:

As for electricals, we've just upgraded a bunch of power-points including a few outdoor ones, we've had more power installed in the alfresco so we can install those overhead space-heaters later. We've got downlights downstairs, and battens upstairs which we'll get downlighted after handover. Not much fancy ethernet, just a couple ofmcables from near TV points running back to a "utility cupboard" which can be used for the NBN gear if it comes through.
Looks fabulous!!! Can't believe it's finally all happening for you!
Floor plan looks great, flows really well.
My husband would love a hoist for his minis I am sure!!
Looking forward to seeing your place progress.
Go Forg Go! Will be a masterpiece, you've really put a lot of effort to get here, I hope the tradies and the builder treats you well and it goes smoothly from here on out.
Go Forg
Go Forg

Can't believe that it is finally happening for you.

The hoist in the shed - DH will be jealous of both the shed and the hoist. He has always wanted a hoist. The closest he ever got to a hoist was when his parents built their garage in their house in England they had a pit built for him so he could work on cars in the garage and be able to work under them without having to jack them off the ground.
Thanks all!

And Jen, good to hear things're still OK up your way, what with the fires etc.

This thread now strikes me as being somewhat self-indulgent (on Friday I was more excited about how I was creating it than if anyone'd care
) ... wondering if people really have an interest in stuff like splashback colours & kitchen design & tile choices etc?
And Jen, good to hear things're still OK up your way, what with the fires etc.

We are all good Forg - a little bit scary there for awhile on Sunday night. Really have to give thanks to the RFS for all the hard work they have done protecting our houses. They have put up some photos on FB of the smoke and damage caused by the fire. Hoping mother nature plays nice for those that are still under threat from the other fires wreaking havoc on NSW

This thread now strikes me as being somewhat self-indulgent (on Friday I was more excited about how I was creating it than if anyone'd care
) ... wondering if people really have an interest in stuff like splashback colours & kitchen design & tile choices etc?

People do have an interest in this stuff Forg. My MIL is building at the moment and so are friends of ours. What do they talk about and get everyones opinions on - colours!!!
People do have an interest in this stuff Forg. My MIL is building at the moment and so are friends of ours. What do they talk about and get everyones opinions on - colours!!!

If that's the case ... updated the Selections post above with some more info.
Haven't started yet & already we're delayed!
The concrete encasement people have had to cancel ... it seems petty complaining, given that they've cancelled because their people live up the Blue Mountains & obviously have much bigger problems than a job not going ahead ... but it still has the horrible odour of an indicator of how this thing's gonna go ...
Well we do have some progress ... the block is now empty!

Looks a lot larger without a house on it.

[Again with the clicky-clicky to view 'em]

(Oh, I also added electrical plans above)
Not good on delays Forg, but with bush fires I guess it cant be helped.

We had a funny one up here on the weekend. With all the bush fires around and with the evacuations etc - we then get a updated post on FB from NSW incident alerts to say that the Fire Brigade are responding to a cat in a tree not far from us - I think they have more things to worry about than a cat in a tree.

Love the selections. My boss has the same shower heads as you have chosen - the shower heads are HUGE.
I guess a cat in a tree is a lot more pleasant to deal with than what else has been going on!

Yeah for the shower heads we're sorta umming-and-ahhing over whether we want to just switch the heads themselves (obviously way after building has finished!) to these guys. we've got a predominantly light-coloured house but what colour we have is a glassy mid green so we thought these'd match:

... except in the green:

But that's for a few years away, if we ever bother.
The green would look very cool in an all white bathroom
Hi just wanted to pop by and say Gorgeous WIR and Master area.

We too had to facilitate a hoist for DH - which resulted in our roof space being huge (so much so that our roof carpenters were offended that we weren't using it as a loft and have set it out for an easy conversion later on down the track).

I think your selections are gorgeous and can't wait to follow this build


Keep safe everyone in the bushfire areas our thoughts are with you all
Hi just wanted to pop by and say Gorgeous WIR and Master area.

Thanks AKB!

That arrangement is mostly the result of "leftover space" ... we'd rearranged about a billion project-builder designs, and the Alkira Olivia was one which allowed the guest-rooms downstairs, a spot for an upstairs north-facing informal lounge ("spending all our time in") room, and the right length to allow the separate garage at the back with enough room downstairs for the kitchen & dining/entertaining areas. Wanting to fiddle rooms to make the 2nd bedroom & master bedrooms diagonally opposite left us with the design we're building.

We're happy with what we've got & are not changing it; however if something were to happen & we had to start again, I'd go with a wider house that was a little shorter, have a drive-through garage attached to the house (ie. door behind the 2nd bay would allow access to the side driveway & the separate rear garage). But I've seen nothing like that in any catalogue, it'd have to be architected & we'd pimp it around builders until we found one that wasn't as exhorbitantly-priced as the first people we went to ...
Hi Forg,

Just wanted to say your house looks gorgeous!!!
and the info you have posted is really helpful so thank you, I will try to do the same for my house.
Ta Chumlee!

And we've had a wee bit of progress ... I found that some stakes had been driven into it yesterday.
Obviously a rising-from-the-dead/Halloween thing.

Hi Forg.

We're in a similar position to where you were in 2010, except that we do have some plans by our builder but we have some challenges you don't:)

Fortunately for us, one of them is not block size, but rather trees.

We're in the Ryde area as well, and first plan was to built space for 7 cars, 4 car in front and 3 car in the back all with high ceilings for the same reason as you;) (How hight are your's? We're planning 3.5m internal height).

Oru problem is the neighbours trees, one on either side right in the middle of the lot. Either we can't build as wide as we'd like, or as long. I think at this stage we've settled with not building as long, but it leaves me with 6 car attached and problems building an OK roof-line without making the whole house a huge mansion. We also have some trees we want to get rid of as part of the development so we cannot do complying development anyway.

Waiting on latest plans from builder.

KDR - Looking for feedback on Kialla Homes

Building A New House

Hi, I am looking into doing a KDR in Melbourne and am contemplating using Kialla Homes. I am looking for feedback on them from others who have built with them.

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