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Floor plan - thoughts? What do you think?

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Wanting to know others' opinions on this floor plan - looking for constructive comments for those who know more than me about the whole building process (I'm pretty sure that's 99.5% of you), and any variations/amendments to floor plan, anything I definitely must have based on layout, etc.

I have a thousands of thoughts running through my head about everything and I must make a list, but would like to know what you think of the plan - I've been staring at it for a long time I need fresh eyes to help

Now I'm limited to posting the image onto Photobucket right now, but I was able to upload the floor plan onto my blog, have a look at the plan here: Floorplan here

Thanks in advance!
Looks like a great plan. I presume north is to the right?

My only thought is that the main bathroom looks absolutely teeny tiny. It would be difficult trying to bathe/dress/brush teeth kids in there (if that's relevant to you!).

I think it looks good.
Provided the house (or site) is oriented appropriately for solar access, the living areas and patio are positioned well.
Bedroom 3 looks a little small in comparison to the other rooms, so if it's not needed, i might consider removing it and giving that space to the living areas. Again, make use of solar access and enjoy a larger living area. It is a little hard without dimensions, but I think the layout itself works.

At the end of the day, the layout comes down to the site specifics as well as your lifestyle and what you require
Looks like a really nice plan.
I agree, I have always thought in regards to floorplans, that it is such an indvidual thing.
What I might hate in a house, someone might love etc. When I posted my custom plan up, I had a lot of great advice, but also a lot of personal opinion, rather than actual constructive "this door will block off that exit" etc.
One good trick i've learned is to know your room sizes and try and visit displays with similar sized spaces and see if its enough, too much and will "fit" what you are planning to use it for. Floorplans on paper can be very deceptive!

The only thing i'd suggest is maybe some doors to make the rear media room a private space? Much more usable as dedicated media room that way.

I really like the gallery in front of the kitchen leading out to the alfresco, that feels really nice in the displays i've been in. Great spot to have breakfast and read the paper!
The family room and alfresco positioning feels awkward to me. Its a weird path just to sit down in a lounge chair. If the lounge chair was on the outside wall it would open it up but then you lose a spot for a TV.
EmyN - mothers' instincts are so strong! They were also my thoughts - I asked the builder if it was possible to make the Bed 3 smaller (currently at 3600x3000) to make more space for a baby bath in the bathroom. Willing to also push the WIR and Ens in master bed to make more room in the laundry.

Bed 1 - 4580x4500
Bed 2 - 3150x3000
Bed 3 - 3600x3000
Bed 4 - 3000x3500

Mark K - I read a lot about how to make a home solar efficient, but I accepted I can't have everything (unless I was able to buy a farm and place the house any which way I wanted.. maybe in the future!) - the block we have is facing North, so the plan will be flipped to have the living areas facing East. Not ideal I know, but thought during breakfast time the sun will shine through and smile in (just hope we're not next door to a double storey as the land next door has not been sold yet).

Deluxes - My thoughts too! Especially since the family and media are right next to each other therefore if two TVs are on, then it won't make sense. Was also thinking of swapping the family and dining, and having bifolds that open up so you can have one long table across the house in and out if we really wanted lol.. But, the bifold is a dream.

Thanks everyone.
Yes you wont have much luck using them as TV spaces if there isnt a clear seperation!
That has always been a floorplan gripe (for me) with adjoining living areas that are designed to be TV rooms, if they cant be closed off, whats the point?

I like your idea of swapping the dining room to the otherside, that would work well.. even without the bi-fold!
Ari - I thought about your comment and thanks, it's something I hadn't thought off. Initially I thought you meant it's a far walk from the front door to the living areas for a sit down (which is true). Then I realise you meant that we have to weave through to get to sit on the couches and I see that. Perhaps the swap between Meals area and Family will address this - and this can be done easily.

Also, good advice to see other displays with similar-sized rooms. I will add that to the to-do list!
Ari - I thought about your comment and thanks, it's something I hadn't thought off. Initially I thought you meant it's a far walk from the front door to the living areas for a sit down (which is true). Then I realise you meant that we have to weave through to get to sit on the couches and I see that. Perhaps the swap between Meals area and Family will address this - and this can be done easily.

Also, good advice to see other displays with similar-sized rooms. I will add that to the to-do list!

Yes, sorry that is what I meant. Its a bit of an obstacle course to get the seats. Switching the family and meals would help. Or if its a more flexible builder you could switch the family and study and push the alfresco a bit further towards the back of the house.
i like it, i would probally close off the pantry and make the laundry be up by the main bath though
Hi Gristy - thanks for your input - what is the benefit of having the laundry and main bath next to each other? Sorry if the question seems simple, I really have no clue! Or is it just a personal preference?
I would print out a big version and draw all your furniture to scale so you can visualise how it will look (or use My Virtual Home software).
I would personally add windows to Bed 1 and Bed 3 on the other wall for cross-ventilation but I know some people don't like that.
I would include sound-proofing between the laundry and Bed 2 so you can run the washer without waking up kids, and also between the Media and Bed 4.
Nice plan. I'd probably add another WC somewhere.
My only thoughts are that I personally prefer the Alfresco to be overlooking the garden, especially if you have kids, they can play and not be separate from the adults when you are entertaining or just relaxing outside.
Hi Tina

Good idea about cross-ventilation - will have to look into it more because if I do add windows to Bed 1 and Bed 3, they will be windows facing the West, and want to try limit the heat getting in through the windows in summer.

Soundproofing the media room definitely! Need to research what type of doors to apply to the media room, because when we are having a party I'd still like to open this room up and have it freeflowing all the way to the backyard (thinking of having sliding doors in the media room), so double doors would be too small for this effect. Was thinking of one big sliding door, but I assume that would eat into Bed 4..

d@n - I'd love a powder room, question is where and how much would that be... lol being a first home builder, we have so many "wants", but trying to keep our feet on the ground and just make sure all the necessities are there.
I'm slightly surprised that no one has mentioned/commented the fact that the entry is just that - only an entry, and it takes a while to get to the centre of the house. And from the entry you kind of feel like it doesn't give you that grand feeling of entering into houses, esp some display homes where you open the door and bang, big effect. I might ask the builder about a raised roof for entry... I'd like to put some furniture in that corner, maybe display some pictures/put up frames.

Also wanted to add that the house is 29sq - in your opinion would you upgrade to 2700 high ceilings? It is currently at 2590.
I Like the floor plan, Are you going with the same facade or are you picking another one? You can choose the Newport as it is an alternative option of facades with your floor plan.
I agree with Meowsy, I would personally like to have the alfresco towards the back. Depending on where you have the most space available, some blocks are wide therefore you may have more space on the side and less of a back yard. Its an individual thing. You have to happy with it, after all "Home is where the heart is". The worst thing we can do is regret not doing what we could have done.
If i was to change anything i would also close off the media room with a bi-fold or a big glass sliding door. Also i would put double doors with that size entry or at least a bigger door than your standard 820. So the fun begins. Choices, Choices, and more Choices.
Hi Gristy - thanks for your input - what is the benefit of having the laundry and main bath next to each other? Sorry if the question seems simple, I really have no clue! Or is it just a personal preference?

just means youll have a bigger pantry as you can use the wall instead of having a door in
meowsy - I totally agree too, initially was looking at plans that had the alfresco at the back, however partner and I just agreed (together, which is a "stars aligned" moment) with this plan and decided to employ our cousin to help us with a more "open" alfresco (idea would be something like the angled pergola found at bottom of this link: which can be accessed from alfresco or straight from media room (with sliding doors to go out as an addition). This will be when things have settled and we're used to paying a mortgage!

Angeltherapy - Still deciding on facade, and everything else!! Need to respond to your PM, will do soon!
It's a pretty great plan myh1logon...

I think you could probably reposition your ensuite toilet to face towards the shower, so that your WIR could have more space (if you needed/wanted it)...but it would make your ensuite itself a bit smaller.... that space is kind of wasted, unless you're hanging a towel rack on the wall backing the WIR.

I think with your family/gallery/alfresco a cornered stacker door would be absolutely perfect in terms of opening up the space you've got and making it one big area.

I don't think you should have the back door from the garage going into the yard....your laundry is on the other side and you have the alfresco on that side too so there's already access.

Maybe in your study, take away the window where it is and move the window on to the other wall? Maybe a long window that is the same length of the wall would like real modern and have it running from just above the top of your desk. But then you wouldn't be able to have a hutch if you wanted your desk along that wall...

I'm not sure how big the windows are in bed 2, 3 & 4 but they look small....and they're all in the corner. I don't think they'll distribute enough natural lighting being small & in the corner, to those rooms.

Good luck, it's a really great floorplan nonetheless!
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