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Footings costs & potential blowouts

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Hi, we have just purchased a block at Mallala (right in the town centre). We are planningon building the Leabrook with Fairmont and we have been quoted 12 grand for our footings. Recently we went and asked the one and only person living in the new development about his soil report and footings and he said that his footings had cost him $40,000 due to the clay in the soil (no elaboration on that so not much info to work with). We are now having a complete freakout about a close to 30 grand increase in footings. Our home will be at the opposite end of the new subdivision so probably 200m away. My question is what kind of soil did you have, what did your footings cost, who did you build with, did you have people close by who had different soil test results and therefore cheaper/more expensive footings (all the normal stuff a first time builder is asking when they have no idea). Thanks heaps guys
Hi Tasha

Firstly get a soil test report and secondly shop around with more than one builder and then try to negotiate a fixed price contract with the builder.
Help Please? Building, bathroom potential defects & no HBCF

General Discussion

All 3 items listed are defects and are of concern. Please seek qualified independent inspector and/or legal advice for your state.

Potential Water buildup under slab

General Discussion

Just removed 40 liters of water in the span of 2 hours. Water fills up the hole just above the seepage point and doesn't overflow.

Potential Asbestos?

Renovation + Home Improvement

That brown colour looks like Masonite or hardboard. Get it checked but typically asbestos was used in wet areas and plaster board or Masonite in other areas

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