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Riksters place - Kid's play area

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Hi Guys,

Thought I would post a pic of our new homes progress. It's coming along !
All the internal work starts on Wednesday... I can't wait !
Hi Rikster,

Nice house!
Nice bricks... roof tiles and windows too!

Looks huge!
the house looks very nice, nice roof/pitch profile.
Nice house. Love the design and colors.
Thanks guys.

It's a bit 'old style', but we chose that look as I think it won't date as quickly as some of the current contemporary designs.
Thanks guys.

It's a bit 'old style', but we chose that look as I think it won't date as quickly as some of the current contemporary designs.

More in keeping with the character of the neighbourhood!

You are a thoughtful neighbour.

The house looks to be a decent size! How many squares/spm is it?

Congrats too! It looks awesome.
Nice design/fascade. A bit more intresting and original than the usual volume build type - Im guessing architect designed? I like it and I don't say that lightly.
Great house.

Where are the internal photos !!!

You know we are sticky beaks
Hi folks,
Thanks for all your nice comments. We think it fits in with the existing houses in the neighbourhood too.

Matt, It's 360m2 internally.

3timesbuilda... nope, it's not architect designed... it's a heavily modified project home.

Here's an internal pic....

Internals start this Wednesday... it's just a frame at present. I'll post some pics once the internal work starts.
That's a lovely house - usually, I don't go for new 'olde worlde' houses (I HATED the Federation craze with a PASSION), but that facade is just gorgeous. I like that facade....
House looks fantastic Rikster. I too love the facade.
Is that a Young or Gremmo home?
Wow. Terrific looking home.

The tradies are getting younger and younger.....

Your house is absolutely gorgeous! Well done...dont forget to post some more pics once your interior is done.
Sounds like our brick, roof tile & colours have all come together well. Thanks for all your wonderful comments.
It's really difficult selecting all the different items & not really knowing how it will look in the end.
I must say I am releived that it all seems to work !

I can't really say who the builder is.. I don't want to get into any trouble !
Yeah….I’m not fussed on the MOCK federation look that took over 2000 -3.

But your house looks great; the detailed windows are so charming!

Well done, can’t wait to see the finished product.
Wait, you're totally happy (or are you?:) with your builder, nothing is wrong, you're not complaining etc and you are afraid to say who your builder is?? Or rather afraid that you might get into some kind of trouble?

That's a bit worrisome to me.

I can't really say who the builder is.. I don't want to get into any trouble !

Rikster, you are more than welcome to mention your builder, from the look of the home, i'm sure they wouldn't mind? You should ask them if you have any concerns. Most reputable builders would be more than happy to have their work on show!

What you need to be careful of is any slanderous remarks on the forum.
I'm sure if you're happy, you'd want to be singing their praises! A pat on the back for a job well done is always nice!

Remember, every build has some issues, it's how these issues are resolved and the level of service provided by the builder that makes all the difference.

BTW, your house is absolutely stunning!!!!
As others have already mentioned, we'd love to see more pics. Can't wait to see your internal colour/material selections.....
Thanks Phoenix. I shall tell you the builder now then...
It's Y*u g Homes.
Overall I think they are very flexible & are more than willing to resolve any issues.
The great thing about them, is that you can take one of their standard designs & do absolutely anything to it.
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