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Where do i get acoustic and electrolysis reports from

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Hi all,

this is related to this post here where i am documenting my experience from negotiation through to build

This is potentially my first hurdle. I've been told by [council]/[builder doing the tender] that due to close proximity to the railroad (isnt really that close in my mind - cross a road, a park and then a small estuary) that i will need two reports
1. an acoustic report - which i understand what it is and how to get one. i have found a supplier for around $1500. happy to hear everyone's thoughts on that price.
2. an electrolysis report that checks for stray current leakage from the railroad. I have not bee able to find any information on this - what is it? how do i find a supplier of these reports? how much should i expect this to cost?

If anyone could kindly share any information they have on these i would be over the moon.
Council told me EPA could advise, i rang the EPA and they said it wasnt an issue for them. My [builder name] says they have never heard of this style of report before.

I am a bit concerned as the lady at council that told me about this requirement said it was important as stray currents in the ground can react with the concrete and cause concrete cancer and that the solution if the test was positive was to build on top of some rubber or thick plastic material... i'm not sure if this is legit or a bit of hocus pocus.

Ok so from my conversation with wollongong council they sent me this link ->

From that link i then called department of planning on 1300 305 695. They dont know how i can get a report, just that its needed if within the proximity of a railroad line. They said rail corp may be able to help me.

After searching on railcorp website i have found

Rail Corridor Management Group
Tel: (02) 8922 0322

I have rang the number and awaiting a call back. Hope to be able to share the information with everyone soon!

still happy to hear advice beforehand if anyone has it.
Ok all,

So i have been able to find an engineering company that can provide this report. The acoustic report plus electrolysis report will be a combined $2200. My builder took 2 days to find a company that could do this and he has not told me the name but i am now much relieved to know this wasnt going to blow my costs out massively.

thread closed.
I have had advice from railcorp

<email excerpt>

However, given the location of your proporty at a minimum we will require the following conditions complied with. In relation to the acoustic requirement this can be waived if noise wll has been erected. Could you provide photo evidence.

• An acoustic assessment is to be submitted to Council prior to the issue of a construction certificate demonstrating how the proposed development will comply with the Department of Planning’s document titled “Development Near Rail Corridors and Busy Roads- Interim Guidelines”.
As an alternative the applicant can incorporate the deemed-to-satisfy measures contained in Appendix C of the above document.

• Prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate the Applicant is to engage an Electrolysis Expert to prepare a report on the Electrolysis Risk to the development from stray currents. The Applicant must incorporate in the development all the measures recommended in the report to control that risk. A copy of the report is to be provided to the Principal Certifying Authority with the application for a Construction Certificate.
As an alternative the applicant can incorporate measures provided in Section 5.2 of the Department of Planning’s document titled “Development Near Rail Corridors and Busy Roads- Interim Guidelines.

</email excerpt>

the document can be found here

basically the sound proofing we were planning on doing anyway (10mm laminated glass and tiled roof) however in section 5 the precautions listed don't make much sense to me (so hoping they do to the builder)
TBH, I'm a bit gobsmacked to be reading this (electrolysis report particularly)...

Railcorp own the infratructure, yet the onus is on you to prove it is safe???

Surely provided you maintain some minimum safe distance from the lines you would be deemed to automatically comply? I'd have thought railcorp would have to provide evidence of this if they're building through a residential area.
Railcorp own the infratructure, yet the onus is on you to prove it is safe???

The railway was there before the developer subdivided the land, however I would have thought that the developer and railcorp would have done the appropriate checks to ensure it was safe - i agree with your point and am glad im now the only one who thought it.

Either way it appears that the things you need to do to comply will probably cost less than getting the report done, which will then most likely ask me to get the things done anyway.

it is frustrating as well because there is so little information on it available anywhere and that information is constantly differing between sources as well.
I had to have an Acoustic Assement done for my place. My Builder provide me with a contact. So I got a quote. Then I rang around and found a far less expesive provider for the same assesment and report.

Pays to ring around.
Internal brick wall vs plasterboard - cost and acoustic?

Building A New House

Thank you alexp79 and gommeqld for your advice, that's very helpful, thanks

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