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Modify Existing / Draftsman / Building Designer / Architect

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We are starting out on the building route- we almost decided on a builder with a display home we liked, but have since decided to go single storey, instead of two storey. There aren't any single storey plans that suit us (we want three living type areas and 4 bedrooms- as we have a deep block we think we can accommodate this in a single storey home).

Our options are:

- modify a display builder's current design to our requirements- this will require significant modification, and the builders we like don't have something too similar.

- get a design done for us and go out for quotes from builders we like.

We're not after a whizz-bang house in terms of features- I have a sketch that incorporates room sizes and features that we like, so we have some kind of basis to start with. If we were to go with getting a design done, would you recommend a draftsman / building designer or architect? How much detail needs to go out for a builder to prepare costs?

When we were comparing two display designs for costs we got back significantly different prices and found this had to do with the what quality of features was included (eg doors, tapware, etc). If there is none of that type of detail in the drawings to go out for pricing, we won't be getting an accurate comparison between builders.

We also don't want to run into too many costs for a design service before we even start. If there's anything I can do myself for this (I am a civil engineer!!) I'd be keen to avoid costs that way too!

Your thoughts would be much appreciated.
You will probably find that it will be cheaper to modify an existing design
I have a bad experience with the house design. I have a serious talked with 2-3 builders. One of the builder was furious and claim that the plan that i have from a draftman is "similar" to his.

Although i was quite incline to go with this builder due to his quality inclusion, his bad language and accusation swayed me away. He accused me of copyright infrignment.

So be aware, especially if you do not finally go with one of the builder who "owned" the original design. You will find yourself copyright issue.

My case was quite simple as my block is a small corner block, and again many design may look alike.

When i went to the draftman i mentioned that i should be able to use the plan to give to the propective builders. When i approached him, i did not show any plans, and only give verbal instruction.

After the accusation, i also go to another draftman to see how a "new" plan can be made for my block with my certain criteria (such as four bed rooms etc). The design came out quite the same.

when you approach the draftman, as him to write a note that you did not show any plan, and he draw based on general instruction from you. if necessary record your conversation.

Just be aware. It wasted almost 4 weeks of my time, and almost wrecked mynerves.
if you have something in mind go with a draftsman, wont cost you too much.

As for getting quotes, get as much info as to what finish you want in your home ie: appliances, materials, bathroom products etc, and that will give the builder some idea of how to quote for you.
Hi Star

we were in pretty much the same situation as you and after months of researching project builders and trying to modify their plans, we ended up going to a draftsperson (building designer) and arranging our own plans (including everything we need to get a building permit). We are now extremely happy with what we have, its a nice simple design that incorporates exactly what we want, and we didn't have to compromise on anything.

At the moment we are interviewing builder, asking for formal quotes (and negotiating coordinating some of the work ourselves) we are also talking to individual trades such as cabinet makers & window companies in case we decide to only go to lock up with builder...we have had a good experience thus far and feel really in control of the whole processs...

I would highly recommend our draftsperson/building designer, but he is in Melbourne - so probably doesn't help you!!

All the best with your plans, hope you get what you want!
just got a quote from our designers for 7300, complete drawn up/eco star rating/electrical diagram/council yadayada

2x storey/4xbdrm/2.5x bath

this resonable?

i asked a similar question in regards to finding a project manager and got the following response in the owner builder forum:

hi peter.
i have just employed blue square developements (from a recommendation here) - initially for design (including concept plan and 3d drawing). i actually had a meeting with them last night- all went good.

they are a young team - but fantastic ideas, which is what i wanted as im trying to achive a different design. so fingers crossed when the consept plan comes in

they offer a few different services - im at the beginning so i might go the full hog - so you can pick and choose what you want.

if plans go well i will look at the next stage (working drawings and costings).

there website is if you wana take a peek, not the best website (was only created recently) but it may give you the info your after

i have actually employed them now to project manage certain aspects of my build - and so far so good!
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