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Floor tiles and wall colour dilemma

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My husband and I are building our first home and are wondering if anyone has grey floor tiles and grey walls. I really love grey but don't want it to look strange. Pictures would be awesome. I just realized this morning that the floor tiles and the wall colour are almost the same
We have just chosen a darker grey floor tile. Will go for a light grey wall colour.
Just repaint if need be. find the tile you like because it will be there for a long time.
But yes similar coloured floor and walls may look odd. especially being grey. IMO
We had our colour consult yesterday and have gone grey everything nearly! Lol.

Our designer said it should all work fine together. We've gone mostly white walls but with a few grey walls - all of media room, one wall in bedroom, two walls in living room - in a darker grey. I think it was called double or dark shale? She hasn't sent through the list of all the names yet but it was something like that (and we've gone shale as the render colour on the outside, which is a shade or so lighter than the double shale).

We've also go grey cabinets on our overheads, and grey carpet. I think what you have to do is make sure you have a true grey, rather than blue/olive/brown grey. Do you have a colour consultant who works for your builder that can help you? Don't know what we would have done without ours!

We are having grey tiles and grey walls in our bathrooms although like Casanova our walls will be a lot lighter grey to the floor. Is it a dark grey, mid grey or light grey? If dark I would be inclined to have them contrast a little more against each other. But I'm no interior designer, just my opinion. Maybe have a search around for images that have a similar look, that always helps me.
Oh Stellabella, we are stalking each other
We too are having lots of grey and white hence the title of my blog below.
Haha I think we just follow each other around the forum lol we ended up having a lot more white than I thought (I was thinking more grey) but hopefully will be enough contrast to look good!
I used a lightish grey wall tile and dark grey floor tile for wet areas in current house.
Im wanting a medium/light grey floor tile for new house. Ill have to find a light grey for walls or maybe just white. Vanitys either a dark grey or white. So hard to choose haha

This is my current kids bathroom

Hope someone can post some photos for you. I'm interested in all grey bathrooms haha
Thanks everyone.

It's a very light grey we are actually going for Taubmans Grey Comfort 1/2 strength on the walls and apparently I'm so blonde the floor tile matched. I just spoke with the colour consultant and they are going to let me pick from a different company so i have more selection.

It's so hard picking colours. I really like your bathroom LeanneR it's gorgeous!
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