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Builders dumping rubbish and rubble on our site

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Some builder is dumping all their rubbish on our site. Does anyone know where I stand legally If I find out who is doing it. Can I report them to the police?

You know when I joined this forum I was a bit surprised that ppl found sticky beaks and grubby builders painful and thought you lot were over- reacting a tad

Now I am building my own home I understand perfectly. Went to the block yesterday and saw 3 builders (from another company) eating their lunch in my house. Now I know there is only a frame and rafters up, and it was 38 degrees, but did they HAVE TO LEAVE THEIR RUBBISH IN MY BEDROOM.

Now that I have that off my chest ... I don't think there is anything you can do about rubbish on your site unless you catch them doing it. If you suspect a builder you could speak to them and ask them politely to dump their rubbish elsewhere. You could also contact your developer and let them know.

I have seen signs on vacant land warning ppl that it is an offence to dump rubbish. You could ring the police and ask if they are interested???? Not sure if that is helpful ...

Good luck.
In our area, all sites must (should) be fenced off. If The builder has not done this, then they are breaking council regs.

Generally speaking if there is fencing aropund a site, they will not dump rubbish there, or go in there.

The site next to us is not too bad, but I keep any eye on trucks going in there as our neighbour thought we were dumping rubbish. After I ever so politely told him to ..............and that he can ........... I rang him to tell him the rego of a truck that dumped some rock on his block.

He dropped off some beer (albeit fosters) and all was settled.
Someone from the forum gave this link- but only good if you are in NSW.
You may want to give them a call.
Good luck.
call the local council and report it, have a look through the rubbish there is probably a company name on boxes etc for delivery and quite often the delivery slip, if you find a name dont touch it take photos and get the council to come out and view the rubbish with name on it they can prosecute them
Pool Builders, in and around The Hills Greater Sydney

Building A New House

Thanks again Simeon for being so elaborate. Appreciate it. Its gives us a very idea. Kind Regards

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