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Different paint colour for different rooms???

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Hi all,

Wondering if anyone can tell me if you have painted whole rooms in your house different colours to the main house colour?

Foe example, I would really like to paint our master bedroom and our formal lounge room a much darker, richer colour than the rest of the house.

We have chosen a 600x600 limestone porcelain tile for our living/wet areas and like Wattyl Organic Rice as a wall colour which will make those areas look really light and bright, but with the carpeted rooms, in particular the master and formal lounge I want a much more warm feeling? Our carpet is going to be considerably darker than the tile colour, (not confirmed but will be a dark brown/grey)

Any photos, thoughts, do's, dont's, advice would be really appreciated!

I have no idea how to post a photo of the tile!!!
We are about to paint our house and have our living, hallway, kitchen colour...that will go through to master and two beds and study. DDs room is having pink on two walls and the main colour on the other two and then our theatre is to be DARK.
Our tiles are light and we have dark carpet. Main area is wattyl peace lily. We were thinking of doing our bedroom different colour, but we are having a different colour for our wet areas (only slightly) and paint price was getting up. Buying in big tins is obviously cheaper than little ones. A light colour is perfect in your main areas, nothing too obtrusive.
In our theatre we were having solver black russian which is almost same colour as our carpet...deep brown, but we chose dulux paint and they didn't have a formula, so scarily chose peppercorn rent. Probably go on walls this weekend. Will post pics once up.
We aren't doing any feature walls...except DDs room. Keeping it simple with the whole theatre a feature!
Thanks for a reply!!! I was thinking nobody was doing different colours!

Really look forward to seeing your photos!
I haven't done different wall colours with our builder, but would def do it after handover. There is no reason why it wouldn't work. Go for it!
Can't see why you couldn't do different colours! It is your house after all! Sometimes you can get away with a different strength of the paint colour (i.e. full strength rather than say 1/4) but my guess is you're looking for something with a lot more depth. Just make sure you don't go too dark if you have a dark carpet and / or curtains otherwise your room will feel smaller. Maybe get some colour advice from a colour consultant or the paint shop. Just take samples of your carpet with you. Good luck!
I would absolutely love to have just about every room a different colour, but the builder wanted $250 per room from memory - and even $130 just for feature walls.

All that adds up way too quickly
We just went for the same colour throughout with only the bathroom and ensuite different. We had 2 colours we could choose for free each other would have been $100 with feature walls $220.......

We are going to just paint our own features once we are in
We painted our own place during a reno ... different situation, I guess, because the local paint-shop ain't going to give any more of a discount for 20L of one colour than 10L of one + 5L of another + 5L of another. However it turned out quite nicely IMHO (my wife's taste being the reason for that - none of my doing
), there's an odd stairway at the rear of the loungeroom which has been changed from an annoyance to a feature by being in a different colour, and there's now a "feature wall" in the lounge & also the entry-way (which both also hide slice+dice in the gyprock from removing wallpaper under darker colours).
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