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Have you ever had handover date dramas?

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We now have handover date dramas and want to know if any of you have ever had them and what the builders have done to come and try to work towards an arrangement that works with both parties.

Our very high level summary is as follows

- We received formal notice that handover was scheduled on the 18th of May (about 5 weeks ago)
- Numerous verbal follow ups until last week indicated that we were on track
- I receive information today that there are issues with meeting the 18th of May (< 3 days out)
- Apparently the issues relate to a missing handrail which will take some time to order and be received
-We still don't have formal written confirmation but our new date has been verbally communicated as the 27th of May

We have planned new childcare, tenants, work commitments and other tradie around this date and shifting another week would not be possible without significant financial and personal inconvenience.

I want to know how some of you have handled similar situations and what I could request from the builder to ease the situation.

Very angry and disappointed about the lack of notice around shifting dates around

Yep, we were shafted as well. We were officially told November 30th. We gave plenty of notice on the rental (28th December from memory). We kept getting put off and put off... until finally we got the house on the 18th December (a Friday, last day before Christmas shut down, so we had to take it). They put our splashback and benchtop in on handover day..... we still have issues with both and finally have a site meeting this coming Wednesday to sort it.... nearly 18 months after we moved in.

Moral of my story.... don't accept handover until the house is right. A couple of weeks of big inconvenience and additional expenses is much better than 18 months of crap once you move in.
very annoying i can imagine - especially the part about having to wait 18months to fix things up.....

i'm perhaps more annoyed and irked at the notice - ie.. our handover is supposed to be in 2 days time and there has been alot of verbally notifying that dates will change but nothing formal has been sent through so don't know what date i need to plan for..

however will definitely keep it in mind that we shouldn't accept house without being completed - i mean we have waited almost 12 months from start - another week isn't going to hurt but the inadequate notice around when it will shift definitely will
We had the opposite problem - they were pushing for handover so they could make end of month, it was us that wasn't willing to accept it because there were still things on the PCI list that hadn't been done. We were lucky that we aren't moving in straight away so could affort to stand our ground. Still a few odds and ends being fixed but they should be done by moving date (TBA....we are waiting for all of the concreting to be done so we aren't moving furniture and boxes through mud!).

Best of luck with it
Maybe push for handover minus the missing rail - our builder sure would have tried to! We had no lightbulbs in the whole living area/kitchen!
chipndip.... well it looks like the excuse is that they had spec homes that have priority to complete before ours as they only get the cash when the owners settle on the property as opposed to ours where they get progressive payments

very disappointed with being mucked around on dates but glad that they didn't rush as it looks like that there is so much still outstanding!!!!
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