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Costs to modify Henley floorplan?

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Hi guys,
New to the forum.

We have put a deposit on a block in Doreen Vic and have found a home we really love.
It is the Lexington Lux Q1 however we are wondering if its is costly to modify the floorplan.

What we want to do is basically keep the front of the house the same (Garage and Master bedroom) but then flip the rest of the house horizontally. It will require reducing the size of the ensuite a little and adding about a metre to the length of the garage.

Has anyone done any major modifications to a floorplan from Henley or any other builder like this before and if so is it extremely costly?

Just want to get a rough idea before we go sit down with someone at Henley if it is worth considering or if it gonna be a huge addition to the costs of the build.

Any info would be great.
Hi and welcome

Henley used to have a big book that included prices to alter parts of their plans (I dont think they have this anymore?). You could try PM-ing Felistoper, as she made some major alterations with the floor plan of her Voyager.

Which estate in Doreen?
Harrison's View in Laurimar.
Oh lovely
We built with Henley in Doreen too, been in just over 10 months, love it out here

Do a search for "Lexington" as there's quite a few other members building the same house
Love the floor plan
Hi Sturdz,
we are building the Lexington Q2 and also wanted to keep the front as is but flip the back. Henley said no, can't be done as the garage didn't line up with the other side of the house. they didn't give us an option to reduce the ensuite etc. But no harm in asking them again - they might realise that some people want it that way.
Thanks for the info huddo.

Ive emailed them a quick question in relation to this and they said they are going to get in touch with the drafts people to see if it could be done.

Fingers crossed.

Renovation + Home Improvement

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