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Building our dream home.. walls no longer bare!

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Yes, we finally started building on the 6th of December.

Actually, we went to our block on the 5th, Wednesday, just to check if the area is clean.
We were surprised to see a bulldozer parked on our block!
That was a guarantee that we would start on tiime!

Here are the photos taken on Thursday - Day 1:

block scraped

we have a water tap

After 3 working days (5 calendar days) since site start, we have a meter box

And just today, we have the plumbing

and gravel

Looks like it's possible to have the slab before the Christmas break (hope so)!!!

More photos tomorrow![/img]
Fantastic!!! A great christmas present I'd say to get a start on your dream home.

Great pics too .. keep them up right throughout the build process.
Yay VJ, it's so exciting seeing things happen on your block.

Looks good VJ, good luck with the rest of the build!

Hi VJ, full of envy from me. Hope you get the slab before christmas!

Congratulations VJ, it is all moving so fast...
Put it this way, they will not start the plumbing etc if they ar not going to lay the slab before Christmas. It is an OH&S issue if they leave it.

So no need to worry, you'll have a slab for Christmas for sure!!!!

(she says, cursing under her breath......) - only joking......All the very best!!!!!
You going two stories ? Looks like quite a high density area with small yards.
Yep. You will have a slab before Christmas.

Given that we start next year, I might console myself with my own slab for Christmas....
Fantastic!!! A great christmas present I'd say to get a start on your dream home.

Great pics too .. keep them up right throughout the build process.

Amber, it's definitely a great Christmas present for us!
We will definitely post photos everytime there's something to share to all of you!
I actually started a blog around 2 months ago... it's in iblog. But after doing so much hardwork on it, when I logged in this Monday, I couldn't

It was asking me to download something to fix it. I was worried of getting a virus so I didn't follow the instruction.
Will check again today whether I could log on and will share our blog here once I update it with recent photos.
Yay VJ, it's so exciting seeing things happen on your block.

Jet, it's really so exciting! We always go to our block to see what was accomplished on that day and share the photos to our parents at home
Looks good VJ, good luck with the rest of the build!

Thanks, JnK!

Hi VJ, full of envy from me. Hope you get the slab before christmas!

It's going to be the best Christmas gift ever if we get a slab before Christmas!
Put it this way, they will not start the plumbing etc if they ar not going to lay the slab before Christmas. It is an OH&S issue if they leave it.

Is that true?????

Wow! That would be great then! You're an angel, Phoenix! Thanks for that info!
I'm already dancing with joy here!

So no need to worry, you'll have a slab for Christmas for sure!!!!
(she says, cursing under her breath......) - only joking

By the way, I'm just waiting for the time that you start building... and our bet is still on!
(though I know yours will finish earlier than ours.. as per our CSC's letter, the building works will be completed by the 26th of Sept 2008 (based upon time period stated in the contract, but may vary if delays arise).
Yep. You will have a slab before Christmas.

Perry, thanks for that re-assurance... lots of people have been telling us this great news and it's really making us rrrreeeeeeealllllllllyyyyyyyy happy!!

Given that we start next year, I might console myself with my own slab for Christmas....

hhhmmm... i wonder what sort of slab are you talking about

a carton of beer????????
a modified car??????
is it your new avatar?
You know I could have sworn I replied to this……????
Maybe in my head?

Good luck VJ…’s looking good!

Can’t wait for next year so many home being built again…….keep us posted with all your photos!!!
Congratulations vj
your day has finally arrived
hope everything goes well for you guys.

Its great to see progress when visiting the block isnt it!
Great to see the progress photos - your build is really coming along well.

Our build is going nowhere fast but the bet is still on!! Builder told us yesterday that we may not have our slab by Xmas <surprise, surprise

Hope you have a Xmas slab party!!
Good luck VJ…’s looking good!

Can’t wait for next year so many home being built again…….keep us posted with all your photos!!!

Thanks Michelle.
Yes, this forum will be flooded with photos of new houses being built again..... some of the people here were already finished..... now it's our turn!

We will definitely post new photos once they become available.
Congratulations vj your day has finally arrived hope everything goes well for you guys.

Its great to see progress when visiting the block isnt it!

Thanks Clath!

Yes, we always look forward to see our block everyday, see progress and take some photos
Our build is going nowhere fast but the bet is still on!! Builder told us yesterday that we may not have our slab by Xmas <surprise, surprise >

Hope you have a Xmas slab party!!

Our bet is definitely still on!
It's gonna make this forum exciting.. hehe.

We're not really sure whether we could get a slab before Christmas.
We went to the block today.... saw nothing changed!
A bit disappointed.
Don't know what's next after plumbing.
Probably what they did for the day wasn't really obvious for us

I just wonder why our CSCC (Customer Service Co-ordinator - Construction) doesn't give us any schedule of building works.
I was hoping to receive an update at least... Am I asking too much?

Also, we have a free 32" TCL LCD (as part of the promo) TV that, according to our contract, is ready for delivery once we commence building.
We asked our CSCC when we could have it delivered....... she said once the promo ends. There is nowhere in the contract it was mentioned that we would get it once the promo ends!

My mum is waiting for it.. as we have an old 51cm TV in our unit

We rang our CSCC today, emailed her (last week), and even left a message on her answering machine. But she didn't return our calls.

Anyway, still happy that we commenced building on time and hopefully have a slab b4 Christmas..... we just want our TV!!!!!!!!!
Friday, 14 December

After 7 working days (9 calendar days) since site start, this is how our block looks.....

LHS is where the garage will be

RHS will be our home theatre

L-shaped near the meter box is where the pergola post will be erected

Can somebody tell me at what stage our house is in now?

I was looking for the deep excavations that others in this forum had (in preparation for the slab) but I haven't seen it... wonder if I missed it and wasn't able to take photos? Or is it because we have different slab? Ours is H slab.

According to our CSCC, last day of building works will be on Friday (21st) and will re-commence on the 7th of January, but site manager will be back a week after (14th of January).

You reckon we could still get the slab before Christmas?
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