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Lock up stage

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Hi all

I just wanted to check something... we received our lockup invoice on Thursday but when we went to the block today the bricking isn't completely finished. There is a small corner of the front facade that isn't done and around most of the windows isn't finished. Is this not a bit cheeky to be invoice when its not finished yet or am I misunderstanding the definition of lock up.

I was also a bit confused by the definition of lockup in the contract as it refers to flooring being laid as well. Our flooring is not laid yet either.

Would appreciate it if anyone could shed some light for us!!

Hi all

I just wanted to check something... we received our lockup invoice on Thursday but when we went to the block today the bricking isn't completely finished. There is a small corner of the front facade that isn't done and around most of the windows isn't finished. Is this not a bit cheeky to be invoice when its not finished yet or am I misunderstanding the definition of lock up.

I was also a bit confused by the definition of lockup in the contract as it refers to flooring being laid as well. Our flooring is not laid yet either.

Would appreciate it if anyone could shed some light for us!!


If wall is not completed then your house is not at lock up. Flooring being laid means if you house has a slab then it considered flooring laid. If it is on stump then floor shall be laid.

About 3 weeks ago I received my lock up stage invoice and after inspection I have found that part of roof not completed and repoted to my CSO and asked to re-issue the invoice after the house ful fill the definition of lock up as per contract. Yesterday recevied revised invoice and going to check tomorro to see whether roof completed.
sometimes they can on a technicality send the invoice as over 75% is done,,I believe that still doenst mean you have to pay it is not really lock up
Thanks very much! I didn't think they should be issuing until it is finished. I think there is probably only a day left in it but given the invoice was issued last Thursday thats potentially an extra 5-6 days interest we would be paying on the mortgage drawdown. I will ask them to re-issue it too.
I leave my payments til the last possible day for that same reason, i hate it that they send it before it is really at the stage that you are paying for...we have the opposite at the moment we have a lock up invoice at the moment, when most of the fix and some of the final stage is already done......I still leave it to the last moment to pay it though,as ours means we save more money every day we hold it off.....we all have to do what is best for ourselves,,,,cause the builders do thats for sure!
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sure. its the builders problem.

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