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Building with Di#on/Tamw@@d - SE Qld (watch the progress)

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Hi everyone!

This is a great site by the way...

We are building with Dixon Tamawood. Our block has been excavated and now we are just waiting to see how things go.

Just wondering what other peoples' experiences are wtih building with this builder? Is there anything we should be wary of as we go along. Apparently we have a good builder - or so I was told by a few people. His name is Mario.

We have had a fair bit of rain atm so the slab is not down but finger's crossed we will get there soon. We have been waiting for 4 weeks to get to this stage...

Hi Nicole,

Our friends are building with mario and says he is fantastic, any problems and he fixes them right away. They haven't had any problems, they are up to the brick stage now.

We are building with Dixon too, unfortunately I heard that Mario is leaving next year as I was hoping we would get him too.
Dixon has been great so far and were perfect for our budget. I look forward to reading your progress.

Jett, we had heard he was good too so were very happy to have him as our builder. He is a little behind atm with all this rain but finger's crossed he catches up soon.

Dixon were perfect for us budget wise as well. We were able to get more for our money and do things that we probably wouldn't have been able to do if we went with a more 'expensive' builder.

Here is our plans...

You should REALLY get next door to mow their grass!

I'm just upset that our block isn't cleared yet.
Even better Andrew...I might just dump all my rubbish there
Hi everyone!

This is a great site by the way...

We are building with Dixon Tamawood. Our block has been excavated and now we are just waiting to see how things go.

Just wondering what other peoples' experiences are wtih building with this builder? Is there anything we should be wary of as we go along. Apparently we have a good builder - or so I was told by a few people. His name is Mario.

We have had a fair bit of rain atm so the slab is not down but finger's crossed we will get there soon. We have been waiting for 4 weeks to get to this stage...


I keep my fingers crossed for you. First opinion I heard about Dixon Tamawood is: Don't touch them!
I can see they are all the time looking for contractors.

My friend built with Tamawood 8 years ago and she only complained about lack of professional advice during designing of the house.

Close to my place someone built with Dixon and it has been done pretty quickly. Another one is hardly touched for last few months.
hi wantingahouse
what is the name of the design you are building
what size is it ?
looks like a great floor plan
micjod, the house we originally decided on could not be used because there was a sewer line on the property
so we ended up going with the Cicely. If you take a look at the Cicely though you will see we have changed it substantially - ensuite, main particularly. The house is 270m2

I just got word from our builder that they will be digging the trenches and doing the footing tomorrow presuming it doesn't rain. They have scheduled the plumbing to take place on Tuesday and booked the concreters for Thursday.

HOWEVER, if it rains then obviously this will change. What do you know....storms are scheduled for tonight with rain/showers on and off until Monday

Why are we in a drought yet it choses to rain right when I want my house started???

Grrrr to this rain!!!!
I recognise that development from that awful looking colorbond fence. I agree that those blocks are tough to build on because of a sewer line running down the rear of each allotment.
awful looking colorbond fence

I've seen worse. I don't mind it.

Our block wasn't too bad but some others have been a nightmare to find a hosue that fits.
It's a community title subdivision so the setback from the internal road is only 1.5 metres to the OMP for lowsets and 2.0 metres to the OMP for highsets. Of course people want to be able to park in their driveway so garage walls should be 5.4 metres back from the internal road.
Well, we went to Dixon today as we have recieved covernant approval, we signed all the plans and tender letters. They say it will take one to two weeks until we sign contracts and then we go to council!

I normally get excited about xmas but this year it just seems to be a pain in the bum with getting things moving. Hopefully we will be ready to start early Feb then in by Aug. I am sooooooooooooo over this rental and desperate to move in to my own home again.

Nicole, did you know that if you use Errol Smith flooring next door you get a discount? They also go next door to Dixon and got our plans and will cost it all up for us and then it goes in the tender letter from Dixon. Less paperwork to take to the bank.

It's a community title subdivision so the setback from the internal road is only 1.5 metres to the OMP for lowsets and 2.0 metres to the OMP for highsets. Of course people want to be able to park in their driveway so garage walls should be 5.4 metres back from the internal road.

....and your point is?????
Jet, good to hear things are moving along nicely for you. I know what you mean about Christmas. It falls right smack bang in the middle of building for us. The house (or slab) will probably just sit there for 4 weeks+. I did know you get a discount at the carpet place. We might see what type of deal we can get from them and a few others.
My point was that even though the sewer line constrains the blocks, the houses don't need to be setback 6 metres, which effectively gains 4 metres.
I just had to share my progress

(We have electricity!)

(And an ensuiteā€¦)

Did anyone else's house look really small
. My husband and I are thinking the house looks very small. I hope we're wrong.

Apparently everyone thinks that when they see the layout. I'm sure it'll be a good size.

A question, that gravel that arrived on your block, is that for "Builders Access"? Did they tell you what it was for?
yep...we had the tape measure out checking it was the right size!!
Well done on the progress so far!
Andrew, are you refferring to the pile of dirt in the corner? I'm not sure what you mean by builder's access though. The pile of dirt has to be cartered away. It's from the deep foundations and the drainage.

Apparantely it is going to cost $500 to get rid of it
No there was some actual Gravel there on Wednesday? The guy at my contract meeting said we will need some as well. I think it goes where the driveway is going to go so that they have somewhere to drive onto? Maybe I'm talking crap as well??
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Hi, I contracted a Builder to do a Garage to Bedroom + ensuite conversion (Class 1a), the Builder engaged the Certifier and Engineer and received BDA from the Certifier…

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haha a draw? didnt realise we were battling!

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