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Posting landscape topics

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Folks over the years I have noticed that many of you get stuck in this forum and tend to post landscape topics relating to your homes in here either as a separate thread or as something included in your current build thread. It would be such a good thing to have the part of your building journey involving plants and landscaping opened up to so many more people. I don't frequent this forum so much and by posting in here you are missing out on one hell of a landscape and horticultural brains trust. The likes of which you may never really know.

Our landscapes believe it or not, have an enormous impact on the cities we live in and we want you to not only reduce that impact but also make sure it becomes a garden you are not a slave to and isn't going to burn a hole in your pocket. it is easy, it is doable
Got it!!! you mean post in the landscape thread...

Yes please

Even a quick title with a link to the relavent section of your build thread. Something that links the info and sets it in the correct forum.

Also the same can be said of many other topics relating to other forums.

Post a link in the kitchen section relating to your kitchen in your build, post a link in the bathroom section to include what is happening in your build.

scroll down. see all the forum sections. Look for Outdoors and you will find the landscape subheading.
I came here to find a quick way to get there... but since no one has posted a direct link to the Landscaping Topic area I will

We have different threads for a reason right guys? Haha! In any case, it's a good reminder to everyone to try and post things in the right place so that we can get the appropriate responses to our questions
I should think that there's a number of other channels and even social media pages that we could pose our questions to if we spend a little time with our friend Mr Google too....
Landscape Design Parramatta NSW

Landscape & Garden Design

Landscape Design Parramatta We have been doing a large amount of landscape design work in Sydney…

Landscape backyard on a slope land

Landscape & Garden Design

Need advice on the backyard plan above. Should I excavate and cut all of the dirt to level with the house slab or semi-excavate as per photo above? Both left and right…

Landscape construction drawings and process

Landscape & Garden Design

Thanks very much! And would the landscaper/contractor generally involve the engineer or is that something the client would do? Thanks for your help

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