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Burnished concrete

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Hey guys

has anyone got any pics of burnished concrete done on main floors in a residential - or a pic of a couple of grinds done unsealed?

Hi mav,

The guy who designed our house has done one with burnished concrete...

If you click through the pictures of the Benjafield blades house you will some some internal shots showing burnished concrete.
thanks for that,

hey small world, i have been watching your blog for some time now (the word glass got me) i am massive fan of urban industrial. the polished concrete and the retaining clearly its not your average project, nice stuff, is it inspired by aussie architect GM???

we are doing a project home so its up in the air whether we can even do a grind becuase the slab hasnt been protected throughout the build, if i have to i will (horror of horrors) resign to a tile
Thanks mav.

is it inspired by aussie architect GM???

No, although I can't say where our designer go his inspiration from. We went on a sustainable homes tour some years back, when we had pretty much decided to go with a different designer. But all the houses we liked on the tour were designed by Clever Design, so we went with them. The original designer probably would have been better at the sustainable side of things, but we just loved this design so much.
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