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what is easier? house packages or doing it all seperately?

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hey everyone, just wondering what is easier and less stressful.
buying a house and land package or buying land first and building later?
I am not sure which is less stressful - depends what causes you stress, I suppose

We did a house/land package and have been in our house 11 months now and are very happy with the deal.

However, some points on home/land packages.

Pro's: no problems with making sure you can get the house you want to fit on the block.
Soil tests usually done by builder, therefore fixed site and footing costs.
Total cost is up front, can make budgeting easier (as oppossed to buying land and then house costs more than you thought)
Extras are often included -convenience and budgeting advantages.

Con's - some house/land packages are very rigid, one we looked into would not let you change anything - House plan X, exactly as it is, goes on Block Y.
However others, like ours, are much more flexible - we could basically select an available block and pick any of their plans to go on it, builder even adjusted plan so it would fit on the block we wanted by moving back part of house across (block slopes inwards on one side) , we then upgraded to higher ceilings, moved windows, changed a door to an archway and vice versa, made kitchen reconfigurations, added bullnose verandah, screen doors, BIR's to 2 bedrooms, and had full choice in colours, tiles etc.
Extras included in our package were fencing, driveway, perimeter paths, clothesline, floor coverings, storm water drainage, rain water tank.
Airconditining and front landscaping were also included but we chose to have these removed and do them ourselves.

Make sure you are comparing apples with apples - inclusions vary greatly between different packages. But if you find a plan which suits you and/or a builder who is willing to make adjustments, I think they can be a good way to go
I don't really understand how it all differs to be honest. I did a "house/land" package, but it seemed like I was doing it seperately.

In terms of stress, I haven't had any so far (the build hasn't started though). But I'm not one to really stress, I'm a chiller. Kind of like a VB, I just chill.
Both can have there moments!!!
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