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Urgent help required (please): Some of our bricks are green

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We have handover this coming Friday (after 17 months).

Anyway, we have some bricks that have a green moss-like mouldy look to them.

We have these kinds of rain spouts on our property:

and for many months, before the conical things were installed there was just a horizontal sheet of zincalume type stuff which rain would pour out of - onto the bricks.

We had two sections of wall that looked like this:

If you look right down the bottom you'll see the green stuff - this was on our bricks, even up high. And even where there isn't any guttering stuff at all.

Is this OK or something to worry about? The builder has cleaned the bricks so they look much better now (as you can see in this next photo - the bricks in the corner were all green and are now pretty clean)

But will the problem keep occuring? or is this a temporary thing whilst the rain was trickling down them?
bumpity bump

My bricks (nougat - light colour) turned green and I remember a few other forum members with similar bricks had the same issue. Mine occurred after the brick cleaning, so our builder got a neutralising agent onto them which seemed to guarantee it won't happen again though

I think it has something to do with acid....
Well it is below the weepholes.
...but that doesn't help much.
It looks like moss?? is it a place that never get sun?
Say the south side?? possibly the SE corner
I think you just need to monitor the area for a while.
From the look of the last pic you can see green mould on a lot of the old cement rubble laying in the dirt,
I suspect there has been a lot of water in the area due to the downpipes not being connected
Hopefully the area will dry out and you will not have a problem.
Thanks. Yes, the bricks are on the south side.
So they get no sun

Try and shape the area so that it drains away from the building
OK, will do. Just wanted to ensure it wasn't a major problem (rising damp kind of issue)
I noticed the weep holes above the green tinge.
I would as a matter of course monitor the area.
What you should see is a white film replacing the green.
I found the following on the Austral Bricks website, not sure if it will help you or not:

Organic Growths - Fungus, Mould and Moss

Organic growths are common in shaded and damp areas. They normally appear as dark stains or patches of green.

Vigorous brushing of the affected area or high-pressure water may remove the organic growths. Care must be taken not to damage the pavers or the joints when using high pressure water jets.

Organic growths should be treated with poison or fungicide. L:iquid chlorine, common household chemicals (such as Exitmould and WhiteKing), or a proprietary weed killer could be used. The solution should be left for several days and then brushed off with hot water and detergent. Repeat as necessary. Care should be taken as some fungicides can discolour the pavement and should be tested prior to large scale use
Sodium Hypo (liquid chlorine) if you know someone with a pool.
grab a few litres and don't get your head over it.
We would use a backpack spray and long lance to do this.
Thanks everyone for your responses.

The builder has had the bricks cleaned, so I will keep an eye on it.

Just wanted to pop back and say thanks.
easy peazy
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