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Facade dilemma :)

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Hi all,

As some of you may know, we left PD and we're planning to build with a small volume builder.

We're at final stages of the floorplan sketching and was wondering what is you preferred Facades that you wished you'd have chosen ?

My builder has given us $3K allowance for facade and he said that can cover the fanciest facade we want to choose.

I was thinking of M3tricon's Talbot facade. We like how it looks and the colours as well. But the question is, do these facades date ?

A facade such as that will definitely tie you to a certain time so it will date. Especially if you were to do the tiled area. But in saying that, it's not necessarily a bad thing! If you love it, you will always love seeing it when you pull into your driveway.
You should not mention any builder's facade... could get you into some bother...

You should get when ever you want! who cares if it goes out of fashion?
And as ed said be careful about using other builders designs as they will get ya due to copyright. you will have to change something on the design.
Thanks guys, my builder and the drafter won't even want to see the design of any builder, but they could work out a design that could meet our liking
yes they def do date, but you have to put something there - and you may as well get something contemporary so it suits the homes in your area.

Also, in 10 or 20 so years, all facades can be updated to a certain extent so don't stress about then now!

I reckon choose what you like and do it well. The best Federation homes, with careful attention to detail and sympathetically designed gardens, that have been well maintained, still look great, and I was never even keen on that style anyway. The ones adorned by a few bits of token decorative trim, now with peeling paint, and a paddock of dry grass out the front look . . . not that great. Some of the best new houses, especially with the stacked stone features, seem reminiscent of 20th century organic architecture. The worst look like institutions, schools and so on, of the type that our local government has been fond of building in the last couple of decades, in a sort of a "thrown together from leftovers" style, following the rule of a couple of different bricks and a bit of render. Just yesterday I drove through a new area and there was a drab motley row of these. In the next street was an eye-catching house which followed the same basic rule but somehow got the colours and proportions right and it worked beautifully. I'm sure I'll still admire that house in years to come. I wonder if there'll be a thread like this in a few years about Spanish style facades (that's got to be about due for a comeback)?
I will say that the one thing in the picture that would be particularly dating, and I imagine hard to change if you wanted to in the future, would be the parapet wall, and I suspect there could be problems with water getting in if the guttering behind the parapet isn't done just right. So if you don't absolutely love parapet walls I'd leave that out.
Hi all,

As some of you may know, we left PD and we're planning to build with a small volume builder.

We're at final stages of the floorplan sketching and was wondering what is you preferred Facades that you wished you'd have chosen ?

My builder has given us $3K allowance for facade and he said that can cover the fanciest facade we want to choose.

I was thinking of M3tricon's Talbot facade. We like how it looks and the colours as well. But the question is, do these facades date ?


Wow I love it!
What a nice sleek & Stylish design...and yes I do agree with the other posters...go for what you like...don't worry about it dating...its your home...and choosing a facade you like makes it special in that way
I think go with what YOU like too...i think there is a danger that something will date...but who knows what trends will emerge as the years go by...and even if it does date, it will most probably come back in fashion at some stage. I really like the facade you have chosen and if it is done right, and properly maintained like others have said you can't go wrong. I think sometimes, it has to do with people being house proud and actually maintaining things....rather than chosing something that won't date. IMO anyways
i love this and guess what i m making this Metro facade too on soho 27
I love the facade very modern.

Can i ask who you are now building with? We have paid our deposit with PD but our site tests won't be done til September that is when our land settles so that is what i am really nervous about what the cost will be.
Facade Dilemma - Even we had the same, but finally we sticked to the "Traditional Facade".. Because we wanted fancier facade, it will cost another 7-10 k ( according to our builder Facades), we thought inspite of spending that money on exterior looks, we will spend inside the home (ie Furnitures,Feature walls etc).. it was a tough decision to take though.. but your builders seems to be charging less money (3K is less compared to 7-10K), so u can definetly go for one
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