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Building a new home in S.A

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Hi guys
We are currently building a new house which is not going too well. It took over a year from signing of the block of land to settling. Once we settled we got a start date from are builder which was only in 2 days time, but only if we agree to pay $3000 for rise and fall because our contract time had ran out. We had only done final costing 2 weeks before and nothing about this was brought up only when we got the start date. As you can imagine we had a few arguments and finally agreed to the extra money only to find out they hadn't lodge the correct forms for encumbrances. So we ended up getting ok to start 2 weeks later.
Ok so we put all that behind us and we are getting excited as they cleared the land and poured our footings. We then get a bill for the footing which is 20% of the cost of our house. The bill has a final figure on it over $20k more than our house. We rang the builder to find out what’s going on and point out the mistake. Then was told the original contract had A/C and flooring on the quote as P.C. items and was taken off before final costing but we still have to pay on the original quote and not the final costing (go figure..if anyone knows about this one please let me know).
Now the timber frame is going up and much to our horror found them jack hammering up our footing in the laundry because they crushed the pipe in the pouring and pouring a retaining wall on the side of the garage that they forgot to do while pouring the footings.
Again to our horror we notice 4x 20mm hole drilled into my newly poured garage floor.
Confused why this is so it dawned on me they did this to prop up there form work while re-pouring the retaining wall on the garage, 2 of which goes straight through the footings and the water poof barrier. To top things of we saw them adding more concrete in one of our rooms because they poured the wet area wrong size and it extended in to the next room.
We also have a couple of other major problems in which the builder seems to be playing dumb with, so we have got an inspectors coming out to do a full report. We will keep you guys posted on how this goes and add some pictures for you too.
Hi Georgia,

Geez what an awful journey you have had so far. Hopefully things start to sort themselves out as the build progresses. Who are you building through??
We are building with Hickinbotham, but to be fair to Hickies its the contractors that have messed up and Hickies are trying to sort it all out for us.
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