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Excessive piers for a house???

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Hi all, especially Structure Engineer out there.

I reviewed my structural drawings for my slab and it seems pretty excessive in the number of 450dia. piers the engineers schedule.
I do not have my geotech report but I would not expect the piers to be that much.

So from my understanding the engineer schedule my structure to be piers, then strip footing, then dwarf brickwork, then slab.

Even my builder said it seems extreme structure!


Can you post sections/ elevations of your house and the slab plan?
Ashington Homes
Can you post sections/ elevations of your house and the slab plan?

Hope it is clear enough to view.

Thanks for posting those.

Unfortunately from those elevations it is hard to tell what your natural ground level RL is.

Normally, if your finished floor level is higher than 1200mm engineers will not allow you to do a drop edge beam, and will specify strip footings instead.

For a slab of this size you will probably need 70-80 piers anyway to be safe.

If you could post your structural plans that would be helpful as well


Thank you for that Simeon.

I posted the snapshot of structural plan on my first post. But you can try below link. ... 9ftz5sqsg0
Thank you for that Simeon.

I posted the snapshot of structural plan on my first post. But you can try below link. ... 9ftz5sqsg0

Thanks for that.

I am with my partner who is a structural engineer and after looking at the architectural plans we think the engineer has specified the strip footing slab to take the weight of the 2 precast concrete walls you have.

If you were to delete those you could then go back to the engineer and ask if you could get away with a waffle slab. We would still keep those piers as they look fairly standard.

At the end of the day, for your design we feel that your engineer is correct.

It might be worth having a chat to him and `telling him your concerns and see if he has other options


Hi Simeon,

Ok noted. Thank you for spending time briefly reviewing my plan. Have a great day!
How good is Simeon?! Always taking time to help others out! Wish we were building in NSW and could work together.

Thanks for all that you do!
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