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Contract Tips Before Signing

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Hi Everyone!

Looking to build the Franklin 40 with Metricon soon.

Does anyone have tips on what I should request to be changed on the contract? I will definitely still engage a solicitor before signing but wanted to gauge peoples experience!

E.g. A friend was able to change the charge payable by the builder from $30 per day to $100 per day delayed.

Thanks in advance!
Hey dvan

I wrote a blog with 11 things you can look out for.

Feel free to ask any questions also - would be happy to help out!
Hi @Homebuildguide-Colin

We are in Victoria and going to sign the HIA Contract soon. But there are some changes and variations that need to be in that contract.

Ex: delete the flooring - 25K
Adding extra lights /Taps, changing the front door, etc.

When I ask to remove this from the contract, they are saying not to worry and sign the contract they will include this as a variation and adjust it from the final contract signing?

is this normal? I have sent these changes/variations last year.

What should I do now? if I have not signed my base price will go up ( 270 days pass from the Initial deposit)
Risk of signing contract before soil test

General Discussion

Oh ok, we had soil test done before demolition.

Contract Sum Adjustments in HIA contract

Building A New House

You talk about deletions, are they variations or PS and PC adjustments? pleas list them

Builder has set mediation with Master Builders GC. Any tips

Renovation + Home Improvement

Thank you so much. This has been very helpful. We definitely wish to settle and get these people out of our life. They are trying to charge us interest on late…

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