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Differences between custom and project homes

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There are plenty of answers to this question from a web search, but they are primarily from builders, and I wanted to get some opinions from developers and owners.

I know that the main difference is customisability, but aside from that, what are ways you can differentiate between custom homes and project homes? Say you're at an open home - ignoring other houses that look similar, how can you tell?
I don't think you can tell.
But a custom house could be just a floor plan that is customised, materials used etc. Alot of builders that do 'custom homes' really only do them 'within boundries' of what they offer. Eg custom floorplans but only use brand a Windows which you can't have as double hung, or brand b bricks which don't have solids etc. I'm finding it very hard to find builders that will build to my specific plans. Raked ceilings without scissor trusses... nope, bearers and joists on screw piers with adjustable heads... nah, weathertex installed cavity method... the list goes on....
Project Builders don't go outside of their comfort zone, nuf said
Project Builders don't go outside of their comfort zone, nuf said

So true, but more precise could be "profit zone"
Profit is not always guaranteed, nor is a compliant build, especially with what's being experienced at the moment ie, price increases, Trade/skill shortages, supply chain disruptions, build time delays, etc,etc . I pay good money for the right people to work with me on site
I digress, During boom times I see Project Builder ads for site supervisors.
Site supervisors Wanted, Qualified, Experienced must have own trades, no time wasters
LOL, No time to teach you on the Job

Good SS become Custom Builders, why would they want to work for a Marketing Company and earn less than a New home salesman?
So what features are typically not found in project builds? Double hung windows and raked ceilings were mentioned.

And would you generally say go custom if you can because project builders don't add enough value, or go volume unless there are things they won't do that you know from the outset?
Custom = What you want

Project = What they have to offer you or what your willing to accept
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