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REDINK Build - NOR - Key Handover 3rd Oct!!!

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Sweet dreams rosie! Looks so luxe. Aww sweet little boy can sense the relief and joy and is sleeping well. Ha ha, so totally cannot wait to not battle w the stupid shower curtain! I cannot wait:)
That looks really nice rosienchris! You must be over the moon now that you're in your own home

Your bedroom looks divine. So relaxing. Congrats.
Your bedroom looks amazing!! I hope you had a fantastic sleep there!!
Bedroom looks awesome Rosie! How was the sleep? Was it incredible and everything you hoped for? Haha
Hi guys, thanks so much for your kind words
I do love our bedroom

Sooooo I have been pretty much bed ridden for the last 4 days with yuk morning sickness
no fun! I never had terrible morning sickness with first pregnsncy so this is new to me

On a building note though our paving has well and truly started! Here is our almost finished drive way

Oh no! You poor thing. Morning sickness is just horrible, and nobody knows why it's called morning sickness when you can suffer from it morning, noon and night. I threw up for 8 months of my pregnancy. It became so normal that I carried plastic bags with me, could have a discreet spew in the fruit and veg section of Coles, and just keep on shopping. It was never ending and truly disgusting. I hope you feel better soon, and that it passes as it should as your pregnancy progresses.
Your paving looks so good! xx
Oh no! You poor thing. Morning sickness is just horrible, and nobody knows why it's called morning sickness when you can suffer from it morning, noon and night. I threw up for 8 months of my pregnancy. It became so normal that I carried plastic bags with me, could have a discreet spew in the fruit and veg section of Coles, and just keep on shopping. It was never ending and truly disgusting. I hope you feel better soon, and that it passes as it should as your pregnancy progresses.
Your paving looks so good! xx

Oh Kelly that is crazy you poor thing! I think if this continues for the majority of the pregnancy I may throw myself to the sharks! It's the most horrible thing ever! But I have found some morning sickness tablets that seem to be helping a lot so fingers crossed they see me through and that it ends by 12 weeks!
Paving is going so good, looking forward to it being finished at the moment we feel like we are trapped on an island because there's so much sand out there!
Plus I still haven't finished unpacking! The thought of unpacking makes me queasy haha!
Oh no! You poor thing. Morning sickness is just horrible, and nobody knows why it's called morning sickness when you can suffer from it morning, noon and night. I threw up for 8 months of my pregnancy. It became so normal that I carried plastic bags with me, could have a discreet spew in the fruit and veg section of Coles, and just keep on shopping. It was never ending and truly disgusting. I hope you feel better soon, and that it passes as it should as your pregnancy progresses.
Your paving looks so good! xx

Oh Kelly that is crazy you poor thing! I think if this continues for the majority of the pregnancy I may throw myself to the sharks! It's the most horrible thing ever! But I have found some morning sickness tablets that seem to be helping a lot so fingers crossed they see me through and that it ends by 12 weeks!
Paving is going so good, looking forward to it being finished at the moment we feel like we are trapped on an island because there's so much sand out there!
Plus I still haven't finished unpacking! The thought of unpacking makes me queasy haha!

You have plenty of time to unpack, just relax and feel better. I wore these fabric brackets that some times helped. They were designed for people with seasickness, and had little bumps in the inside of the fabric that put pressure on acupuncture points on the inside of your wrists. I remember them being quite helpful, you could push down on the pressure point bit when you had a wave of queasiness, and it (sometimes) helped it to subside.
I'm not sure if you can still get them though, it was a loooong time ago.

I've just had an (AWFUL) flash back to my mum making me wet myself in a shopping centre right at the end of my pregnany
I was busting, and she was making me laugh by doing this weird walking thing. I kept telling her to stop, or I would have an accident, and then oopsie, it was too late.
Pregnancy is so not glamorous!! Hang in their chickie. It's so worth it at that end.
Ginger beer works really well but the one in the bottles . Not the best drink . But I think it works .
Oh poor you Rosie. I didn't have it with my first but it was awful with my second. But it did subside by 12-14 wks. Ginger anything helps and i used those seasickness bands too. Got them at katmandu. Kelly that's funny. I totally wet my pants in woolies while shopping w my mother in law. So embarrassing

The paving looks great. Changes Changes the whole look of the house. Rest up Rosie. Hope you feel better soon. I kept crackers in my bedside table and would force one down first thing in the morning. It helped!
Your paving looks amazing!

Hope the morning sicness paases soon. anything ginger really helps, try not to get too hungry... nibble on little bits and pieces.
I got those sea sickness bands for my son from the pharmacy
Aww you poor thing I hate being sick I cant think of anything worse! I really hope you start to feel better soon! In a positive your paving looks gorgeous love the colour it ties in soo well! Its all coming together you must love seeing it happen
Paving looks great! The only thing that worked for my morning sickness was gingernut biscuits! I used to secretly hoe down in them in my office
Oh my goodness!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Paving looks great! The only thing that worked for my morning sickness was gingernut biscuits! I used to secretly hoe down in them in my office

Me too, I also chewed crystallised ginger.
Thanks ladies for all your lovely tips!! I will definitely be trying them! I'm onto the ginger nut biscuits and ginger beer. But it's been such a downer
hard to get motivated to do anything when you feel so rubbish, but Kelly you are right plenty of time ahead of me to worry about unpacking, essentials are out that's the main thing

I love your wee stories Kelly and Ardie haha! Pelvic floor muscles are non existent after pregnancy haha!
Sooooo I was so excited about a dishwasher but we have a problem with our dishwasher recess! It's standard size on the inside which is great but the opening has a weird little nib bit sticking out which is 40mm bring our opening down to 560mm when a standard dishwasher size is 600mm. It's a stupid mistake but I actually don't think there's a solution as the floor tiling has been done and it would be a major job to rip the kitchen out to reposition the cupboards so this problem could be rectified!
I'm fuming
please add that to your PCI lists people! Check the dishwasher recess size! Not sure what we are going to do about it!

We are finding random mistakes here and there, one funny one is we have two different toilets hahaha! Random! I thought maybe they had only upgraded one toilet but the toilet base seems to be the same but the systems at the top our different sizes and different buttons haha oh well I'm sure no one will notice!
If I remember rightly Good Guys has a dishwasher that is slimmer than normal.
please add that to your PCI lists people! Check the dishwasher recess size! Not sure what we are going to do about it!

Thanks for the tip RnC, will do.

I'm sorry to hear about your struggles with morning sickness. I don't have children, so I'm not able to put myself in your position. If it's anything like 'that time of the month' but continuous, then I truly feel for you. Ugh, the things I have to look forward to in married life hey... (surrogacy is looking the goods haha!)

We are finding random mistakes here and there, one funny one is we have two different toilets
What a truly bizarre thing for Redink to get wrong. You know, if it bugs you, you should get it fixed. No one may notice, but you know it's there. You got to get what you paid for! Unless you got a free upgrade, in which case shut your mouth and enjoy haha!
Key Handover

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