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Our second home-JG King Memphis - We are in!

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So we had a exciting week of concreting about a week ago and since then we or particularly me is at depressed stage again wondering if we will ever actually get to handover and moving in. We have reached 11 months of building 😣😭😭😭😭
Both hubby and I tried SS on friday as we had heard nothing and we never got a call back. We have my nannys funeral on this friday so unless we do handover on thursday its not happening until the week after. We still have quite a list to be done and our painter is not coming back until its all done as he keeps coming and his work is getting wrecked. Our brick work has been "cleaned" again but he conpletely missed the east side of the house and did a shocking job of the rest. We are wondering if he just used water as its done nothing.
But on a positive note the things i organise myself get done

Our colorbond gate is attached

Sorry for the winge everyone but building sucks at this point for us. Im sure in a few weeks i might be saying different 😄

Vent away! We all know building is a rollercoaster ride and you have every right to feel frustrated and down at the moment.

It would be nice for them to under promise and over deliver for a change. Constantly having to chase them gets old.

Your brick saga is beyond ridiculous now. I know it's been mostly out of their control but the least they could do now is make an an effort to finish everything off quickly.

Stay strong
you'll be in your home soon

Whinge away, that`s what we are hear for
I`ve done my fair share of whinging that`s for sure lol.
Woohoo for the gate, one less thing to worry about.

Any more updates?
Yes it's good our yard is now secure for our dogs.

Ok slight update, they have been working through our list ticking things off, still a bit to go. Things like they have ordered the replacement windows but not quite sure on timing. Our cross over should be done today and the exposed sealed tomorrow.

All things going well hand over should be Monday, can't wait!
Our cross over was done today and we have a gas meter. Our exposed should be seal tomorrow.

I look like they've had thrid try at cleaning the bricks and they are still dirty.... Also they touched up the rear garage door but its given it a matt rough finish. I really dont know how some tradies survive with the quailty of work. Must be lucky to be in a boom.

We got our first crop of apples off our trees for the house. May of left them on the tree for a bit long the bugs got them a bit but still pretty happy with them. Now to get them in the ground.

Is everything still looking good for Monday?

Wowie, look at those apples, NICE!
Wait til your driveway is sealed, it makes a huge difference!
Is everything still looking good for Monday?

Wowie, look at those apples, NICE!
Wait til your driveway is sealed, it makes a huge difference!

As far as we know havent heard from our SS so guess so. The drive is meant to be getting sealed today.

Yes I'm happy with the apples just need to bug pretect them a bit more next time.
Look how great our front door has come up! I love the colour

Meant to be meeting with site supervisor monday for handover but we dont think we will hand over yet. Still a lot to get done. Who knows what monday will bring.

Door looks great! Good luck Monday. Totally agree don't hand over until you're happy.

Agree.. Unless you have to vacate your current residence, don't accept handover until you're 100% happy.
Our handover was weeks after our initially advised date, and we couldn't extend on the tenancy any further, so we were under some duress to take possession.

Then, in spite of being assured many of the outstanding issues would be addressed promptly, we had to wait until the 3 month maintenance period had lapsed before they would take further action.

So regret handing over that final cheque.
Meeting SS at 1 today. Hopefully they've been busy and address our cocerns. We'll let you know how it goes.
Good luck! My fingers are crossed that you turn up and like magic everything is done
Good luck today 😊

WE GOT THE KEYS!!! 🔑🎉?🎉🔑
Still have a few things that need to be done but we are confident his got them organised and should happen in the next week or so.
Its so exciting, the kids are running around the house like crazy its pretty cute and hubby has already put the kids bedroom curtains up and they look fantastic. I love the colour and texture.

Omg. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

. Finally, so happy for your family. Enjoy moving into your new home.

Massive congratulations guys!!!

YAY!!! Fantastic news, Great happy snap!!

Looking forward to some more pics! Any idea of a moving date?

Lol hubby cant help were moving tomorrow!! Straight after we got the keys we rang and hired a small DIY truck for 2 days

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