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Our first build: "Bridgewater" by Gj's Shoalhaven

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So exciting Kym... pics of the bricks please
Will do Reg! We are taking some friends around this arvo to have a look so will get some then! The house across the road has the same bricks so I can show you what it will look like lol
Cue 'and here's one I prepared earlier'

Ok brick pics! Wow that could sound really wrong lol

And these are our bricks on our neighbors house

Oh wow!!! They are gorgeous! You'll be locked up at Xmas!

Shouldn't your neighbour get their own bricks..

I guess the bricks will look better with your roof than your neighbours lighter roof...
How gorgeous Hun!!

GJ Gardner Modified Coolum 277
They look fantastic! How exciting

Thanks guys!!

Lol Reg... are you a dad?! That was such a sad joke

Yes I'm hoping they should go really well with our roof. I'm pretty pumped to see it all together.

Dee! Hoping to be locked out by then
sort of. As long as they don't lock the doors lol.

The brickies lacky was there yesterday Arvo planning bricks out around the house they are doing this week. We got the shock of our lives coz we pulled over there to sort through all the Christmas prezzies we bought and he comes wandering out.

They will look awesome once bricking begins, does your neighbour and your builds have different features?
I can't wait for lockup stage so they can get it secure and get stuck into the internals

Follow my build

Each of the facades are different. Our place has the post, the dark roof and the wide front door.
The one opposite with the same bricks is a slightly different facade without the post etc.

I did a drive by on my way back from collecting miss 4 from preschool and they've started laying out the bricks around the house. The sand has been delivered. Hoping by the end of the week we should have started bricks.

Woohoo!!! Crossing everything for you for bricks to start this week

GJ Gardner Modified Coolum 277
Each of the facades are different. Our place has the post, the dark roof and the wide front door.
The one opposite with the same bricks is a slightly different facade without the post etc.

I did a drive by on my way back from collecting miss 4 from preschool and they've started laying out the bricks around the house. The sand has been delivered. Hoping by the end of the week we should have started bricks.

That's good sounds like yours will look a bit more personalised which will be good to stand out if you ever want to sell

Follow my build

Oh my oh my. Bricking has started!!! Pics later on!

Oh my gawd!!! Woohoo!!!

GJ Gardner Modified Coolum 277

Awesome work and all that progress in a day is amazing!

Follow my build

They've done heaps!! So much progress!!

GJ Gardner Modified Coolum 277
Ps they are lovely!!

GJ Gardner Modified Coolum 277
I know I was so surprised!!

How's this for living in a small town. My neighbour at the rental called me this morning to tell me she saw people at our site bricking, then I had to go to Woolies this arvo and ran into a school mum friend who told me the same thing. I went round this arvo and oh my god. I love them

How exciting !!! Lock up before Chrissy for sure

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