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Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

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The lengths they will go to to save $50 per day marina, seriously! That is laughable. How many days are they trying to claim??? Keep fighting that one ....

When does it end

In about 12 more months .... Unfortunately the keys are not the end! Almost worse than a bad marriage ... You know you want out, but can't get out until they do x, y, z etc .... Just keep that new fridge stocked with lots of

They are claiming 11 days

I have an email from SS a week after the first day they are claiming to say that work in wet areas has stopped but they will continue to move forward with majority of house which proves they were working on house.

Marina12, 11 days is long time. M Might argue that wet aera tiling is critical path. You should try to prove it is not.

They were tiling the alfresco and portico during this time

11 days is outrageous ... In that case i would keep fighting to get those tiles changed (keep escalating & escalating) .... Then once they are changed, you will get those 11 days (ie $550 .... As i assume you are in damages territory by now) back. You might want to let them know that in advance to see if it might help change their minds!

I must be close to the finish surely I got my first ever email from SS telling me painting is complete

We have cleaners booked for beginning of next week and they still won't give us a pci date.

Here's a little bit of good news, our DA has just been approved after being in Council for 8 weeks . Bring on the demolition!

Congrats Gibson! You'll have a loo and fence before you know it!

Just to add to the good news our kitchen and countertops have been installed. Looks great if I do say so myself!
Gibson, great news, better hurry up, otherwise, your project will cross two xmas. That is 7 weeks longer.

Congrats Gibson

Been a busy couple of days for us, the bank is taking its time & we are unsure if they will pay in time for our 2:30 meeting tomorrow to get the keys
Movers booked for friday, so we hope it comes through in time.

Still some fiddley stuff to do at the house & it looks like the removalists will be chasing the cleaners out

Praying for a posative day tomorrow with keys in our hands & a good move on friday.

Although no appliances till next wendsday
But we just need to get in while we are both still on holidays
How much notice did everyone get for pci? Also do they just handover the keys at your final inspection of the house or do you have to go somewhere else to get them? We are in the Newcastle area.

Congrats on the progress everyone.

Does anyone know why the renders would leave the inside of the balcony unrendered to do later?
How much notice did everyone get for pci? Also do they just handover the keys at your final inspection of the house or do you have to go somewhere else to get them? We are in the Newcastle area.

From memory, we had about 10 days notice for pci. then we arranged for the final payment to be made. Once M receive that, our SS picked up the keys/paperwork from M at Warwick Farm (apparently he goes up there once a week) then we got them the following day (it was about a week after pci).
Congrats on the progress everyone.

Does anyone know why the renders would leave the inside of the balcony unrendered to do later?

maybe they do the bits that require the scaffolding first, then they can do the rest later and they aren't dependent on having the scaffolding? we don't have any rendering, so i'm just guessing!
Thanks Gillym it's bizarre! It's less than a days work. Maybe they forgot or they didn't order enough render or my SS didn't read the plans correctly again...the renderers took all their belongings so they won't be back tomorrow
once they're told they haven't finished, they'll have to come back! but it just adds to the delays, which is just a pain.
Masterton Homes Hydraulics

Building A New House

Thanks again. I will ask Masterton if they do this.

My builder made the wrong height door, what should I do next

Building A New House

i imagine you also have another contract with an architect? and yeah, whatever other's said about special conditions and appendices

Running irrigation line under footpath (next to home)

Landscape & Garden Design

Hi all I am looking to run a water line under my concrete footpath which is directly next to my home, was seeing if this is possible without cutting the entire section…

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