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Aurora Estate - Alex Avenue - Schofields

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Hi All

I'm on lot 44 went up to see estate today all in sealed and did see a couple of street signs but could see things are getting closer! If anyone knows the name of the roads please post!

All the Best.
Hi All,

Looks like the roadworks are complete.
The streets have names too.we went there yesterday and couldnt see any equipment at all.
The 1st street is called apollo street (parallel to lot 1-12)
The second street is called cloud street (between lot 15-26 and 27-38)
The 3rd street is called eclipse street (between 42-54 and 55-66)
The last parallel street is galaxy street.
The 2 roads to enter from alex avenue are called sunrise st (which is near lot 4,5,6)
the other road on other end of the proposed par is called beacon street.(near lot 12-15,27-54;55-81)
I am not sure of the road on end of community near lot 1-26.

Hope I have made sense.

Thanks Venkat! That's great look forward in meeting you in the estate.

All the Best!
Hi Venkat,

Thanks very much for posting the names!

Interesting to know that we live on the Galaxy St. Are you guys happy with the street names?

Hmm..Eclipse St...interesting o_0
Hi Venkat - thanks so much for the update on the street names!

I have to admit, I laughed when I read the names of the streets.

I'm more excited that the land is almost ready for registration. Can't wait for them to open up the estate so we can drive around. =)

Soon enough, we'll start to see some slabs and frames. Do you think the entire estate will be ready by the end of the year?
Hi guys, did u all get an email from rawson confirming variations (i.e. colour scheme choice and any add ons)?
Yes I did...garage has to be bigger causing slight size changes to adjusting hall and bed biggest issue is bed back on house single story has to loose a back window due to a rainwater tank! This wasn't mentioned!..not all that happy actually.
Yeh I asked for the revised plans so I could see exactly what would be changing... i need to see the original plans to compare so I know what the difference is...

same thing happened with bedroom2 for our place - but window was moved from the back of the house to the side because of that rainwater tank...

It's tough because we don't have much say do we?
No we don't have put some pressure on but council regulation is tough. Exactly what has happened with your bedroom I have had the same thing. I received the revised plans and there seems to be some change to bed 1 width and hallway but not too bad. My biggest disappointment was like you bed 2 change...anyway like you said not much can be done. Will let you know if I have any updates but we only have 7 days to sign the amendments.

It's a battle I don't think I will win. Look forward in meeting you on the estate!
"The exterior walls of the garage will also be changed from engaged piers to timber frame, with brick veneer."
I don't actually understand what's differences between engaged piers and timber frame...which one is better?... Is this means their cost will lower than before?

And the external colour scheme will be changed . >_<

Not happy with those changes.

BTW, I'm in lot 50. Look forward to see you ^_^


Hi guys,

I saw there is a big green box with words' high voltage' which is near by lot 50,51 and 54. It seems very dangerous. Are they gonna remove this? I am very worried about it.

FYI I didn't win the battle had to accept changes in garage and water tank even asked if they could go underground.

Ted that box is a power transformer and would be there to stay unfortunately.

Also looking forward in saying hi.
Hi Ted - was there any indication on your plans that this green box was going to be situated there? That really sucks.

Thanks Steeley for your update on your conversation with Rawson regarding the (unexpected!) variations.

I hope these are the only changes they will be making. I will be very disappointed of there are any more material changes.

Hopefully all smooth sailing from here on.

We spoke to Helen to ask if we could make any additions to our variations list (wass thinking we should have added the glass splashback in the kitchen as an option! Haha!) But no changes can be made. Oh well.

She also mentioned said that Rawson are releasing a new estate on hambledon rd (closer to Schofields road) called Half Moon (?) estate. I'll be interested to see pricing for the lots there. =)

Anyway, we are also looking forward to meeting everyone in the estate!
Hi All,

Is the site accessible now? Whenever we have driven past its locked up so I am just wondering when you guys actually go there? Coz we are eagerly waiting to see our lot

And I asked about the new Ponds View estate from L&S right next to us and the prices have gone crazy ..... they are nearly asking 100K more than what we paid for our land price

And same here ...... hope there are no more changes to the house plans after this!

Hi Jen, Rawsons home never mention about the green box . I saw it by myself last week...And I sent email to them, they told me the box is part of the electrical supply network and it will be there permanentlyT^T.

Mridu, there is a gap between the fences. You can walk through it.

Hope no more change as well.

[quote="Steeley"]FYI I didn't win the battle had to accept changes in garage and water tank even asked if they could go underground.


I was wondering if you were given any specific reasons for the water tank being at the back of bed 2.


Hi All,

Does anybody have the new Ponds Primary school's website ?

The link from DET's website is broken.

May be school's website is not ready yet.


Hi Anushka,

Did you find out what you needed to know about the school? I don't think the website is up yet but my boys have started at the school this year and I'm happy to answer any questions you might have.
Hi Donna

Council requirement to have a water tank only place it could go wouldn't fit down the side and they don't put them underground... "not normal practice apparently"
Hi Donna

Council requirement to have a water tank only place it could go wouldn't fit down the side and they don't put them underground... "not normal practice apparently"

Thanks for your response.

Hmm, I'm not yet convinced on the "won't fit down the side" response. There are water tanks that are less than 900mm that hold similar amounts of water to that noted for our homes. It would block off the side access from one end but with the other side free that wouldn't bother me. The Development Control Plan 2014 says you can have a water tank in a set back but it doesn't specify a size that I can see. I'm waiting for a response myself so I guess I'll get a similar answer from Rawson soon.

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