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Building with Dale Alcock in Ashby - Roof & Electrics!!

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Going a little bit crazy waiting for the siteworks date. We're so close to starting I can feel it.

Went out to visit the block today, houses on both sides looking great and I'm just imagining ours slotting in between them all proud!. and also looking very different to the neighbours LOL. Only house in Ashby Rise I've seen go red brick. (and brick/render combo too)

May as well post some pics of our neighbours with all their activity and funs. ha

Left side - the same plan Dale Alcock with the facade from the standard plan (we won't look the same

Right side - a pretty nice looking Gemmil build.

Our empty sand... with the neighbours sand on it. bah

Picturing it now.. !
That facia:

And that kitchen with subways baaah!
Siteworks date given from Dales!

We should have activity end of the week, FINGERS CROSSED!!

Slab end next week hopefully, can't wait!
Finally - first activity on site woohoo!

We've got a sign!

AAAND, siteworks happened two days early!

Roll on slab next week!!!
But where's the portaloo?
fancy pants
But where's the portaloo?

Haha, well! Our neighbour is also a Dale Alcock (we are building the same plan with different facades ha!) SO we share a loo!

That's why our sign is on the back fence instead.

I don't know how to feel about this baha.. Do I get some kind of refund for no portaloo investment? LOL jk hahaha
Wow looks like a big block, all happening now!! Better put the champers on ice now!
We got slabbed!!!

Ahead of schedule again, go Dales!

The build next door is going well with their bricks so I think they are trying to piggy back our trades (fingers crossed). They should be able to start our bricks as soon as they finish the neighbours!

Whoo Hooo!! That is excellent!
congrats on slab!!!!
now they have started !!
Thanks everyone!

Going out there tonight for a slab party ha!
Minor update - The cage where the put the brick scraps into arrived!

Not 100% if its for us or just the dale site next door using our site. ha!.

Hopefully bricks soon... We got an estimated handover time from DAH today after asking, they've said September. I guess the first house was a lot quicker to build than this one... good things come to those who wait I guess (better quality and finishes on this one as well)..

The rent beast is not making us very happy at the moment
Oh I'm following your build! Nice bricks - am thinking if using the same however we are building down in Albany.
thanks chrome_magnet - we used the same bricks on our last place and they look awesome when they go up! love the white, red, black combination through them

Quick site update, the soak wells have been buried and all trenched etc.

Ready for brick delivery!
Great news coupled with some not so great issues - bricks delivered AND they've started!

But - the bricks we've chosen have a mix of red, dark and white and are meant to be laid as an assortment so it doesn't look too dark.

Looking through the pallets of bricks - it looks like the mix of bricks has hardly any white in them currently...

And well. I guess you can guess whats happening - heres how it looks thus far:

I wish I could be more excited at this point but instead now I've got to complain and whinge to get the intended look. I'm not sure if its the brick suppliers fault or the brickies fault... looks like we need a bulk delivery of WHITE stat.

We don't want them to knock the work down thus far - and we are happy to live with it as its on the side off the house.. we are just most worried about the front.

Do you think we have right to whinge about this? I know they can't guarantee consistency of bricks but honestly - it doesn't even look like the same brick choice without the white ones....!

Having seen these bricks before, and you'd know them from the last build, I can't see a single white brick!! And looks like too many with the black.

I'd at least be asking the question, and quickly!
Ha! I was just going to comment on how good it looks!

But yes, if white bricks interspersed with these colours are the reason you selected this brick in the first place then you need to say something. Otherwise what was the point of making your selection? Hopefully they can add a bit more variation in, at least at the front of the house.

Good luck!
Though on my drive home from school today I saw a house on joondalup drive (between wanneroo and pinjar rd) that has red brick with the black through it but without the white and actually looked good, thought of you when I saw it on my way home today
That's quite bad. Even without the white they've not varied the bricks enough. We've just seen a DA house in Secret Harbour with exactly these brick (but they've got the white ones) and it looks complete different to yours.

They need to stop straight away before it gets worse. Can understand you not wanting to knock down the already-laid part but it may look too different when they eventually start using the white ones?
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