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Chuq's custom 5br courtyard house (7/3 roof on!)

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WOW. Tell the builders to hurry up...I want to see it in progress :lol:

Me too, don't you worry about that!! :P

I know these are your final plans so its probably too late to change but it would drive me wild to have to open the bifold doors to access the washing machine and then close them again to get out the door to the drying area.

Oh gees.. I showed my wife that, now it's going to drive her crazy.. haha! We'll try for some different doors but otherwise.. I think we'll just put up with it for the time being!

Anyway, a more general update... we are currently going backwards and forwards with builder and architect, working out which bits are to be done later (ie. all the downstairs rooms are to be finished off later - lock up stage only initially, and flooring, plastering, painting, electrical, lighting, joinery to be done after we have moved in and current house has been sold). Should get our "final" price on Monday, but we are very confident at the moment! :)
Chuq that theatre room setup...
awesome... cant wait to see build pics.

Building contract signed today! :) :) :)

Start date sometime between April-June
Completion date - 1 May 2012

Sorry for brief update - more later!
within budget?
Congrats Chuq....let the building begin!
within budget?

Well lets just say the house will not be 100% complete when we move in! Most of downstairs except the garage, hall and laundry will be at lockup stage only. But the important living areas are upstairs so that's ok!

We are also sourcing carpet, data comms, bathroom fittings, and tiles ourselves, as we know people in various industries meaning we can get better deals, so that has helped to bring the cost down as well!
i love your house! keep on the good work, and we want pictures!
Digging started 30 June!!

Photos to come tonight :)
Chuq, look forward to see some photos.
Hope it all runs smoothly for you.
Wahoo the start of the pictures to come!
Wow you guys are patient - I'm only THREE WEEKS LATE with my promise and not one whinge :)

Full details here: ... s-1-3.html

In the meantime:

View from front right:

Panorama from eastern side:

View of driveway, pregnant wife ... oh and Mt Wellington!

Wow what a view. Those mountain will change their character all day long. Your music room will be the best room in the house.
This is very exciting Chuq. Can't hardly wait to see more progress. Fave house on forum at the mo.

What absolutely amazing views!
I have been incredibly slack with the updates.. both here and on the blog! Here is a teaser...

Aug 11th

Aug 15th

Aug 22nd

Sep 8th

Sep 14th

Sep 19th

Sep 27th

Sep 30th (about 1 hour before posting this!)

More details later on :)
I should also mention that the "pregnant wife" in the previous set of pics is now un-pregnant and we are proud parents of a 1 month old baby girl :) That's three for us... and that's how many kid's bedrooms the house has.. so we are stopping there!
WOW - just gorgeous!!

congrats mate!!
And more :)

These are all from the same angle since it is easier to see the changes from day to day ....

Oct 4th

Oct 14th

Oct 19th

Oct 26th

Nov 3rd

Nov 7th

Nov 10th

A couple of other interesting views:

This is a 180deg pano from the back of the ground floor - "storage" room and drying deck.

A pano of the floor area pre-slab, from the opposite corner:

There are heaps more pictures visible from: - feel free to browse!
Holy smoke! WOW! Awesome and congratulations!!!!

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