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Hi All- Kuz is building in Russia

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seeking solutions
I reckon that Kuz would have the same heating concept (a sort of clay stove) as all generations of Russian who has lived in loghouses for centuries

you would hope that has been modernised

I spent the first 10 yrs of my like in USSR and I recall central heating, granted we did not live in a log house

I spent 13 years of my life there -- could be more but the whole thing has collapsed in 1991
Did you have any relatives in the countryside? In Ukraine, for example, loghouses are not popular at all however, the clay stoves are common even nowadays in most of the smaller villages. In cities and towns the situation is very different indeed.. The central heating is a great thing -- regardless of how cold it is outside it never gets below +20 inside
It's really coming along Kuz. Looks great.

...can't wait to visit St Petersburg. Hope to travel the Trans-Mongolian railway one day - a long held travel dream.
Hi Kuz, how is your home coming along?

The photo's are amazing!! I love looking at the snow
Would love to see an update.
It's hard to tell too much from the pictures but I don't see much evidence of ******* timber being used in the build, it all looks nice and straight, and would have to be with so much doubling up. Can we borrow your builders for a while, they could probably teach the average tradie here a lesson or two!

I'm learning Russian at the moment - I hope to visit & travel extensively there one day.
How on earth did I miss this thread? What amazing photos, Russia sure is a gorgeous place. Kuz your house appears to be built extremely strong (unlike some of the frames here

Cant wait to see more photos - keep them coming
Kaz, I am sure you can teach us a thing or 2 about insulation, can't wait to see the house finished.
Hi Kuz

I like your roof!

Greetings to all! Now I am engaged in house warming, soon there will be new photos.

Excuse that I answer not all remarks, simply time does not suffice also knowledge of language

After communism has changed not so much as we expected((((((. Now we have "Putinism", it's analogue communism(((
Looking forward to those photos Kuz!!
HAPPY HOUSE WARMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it still snowing??
themax - tank's, now is raining, all time))), -2+5C, it's cool))

This is a little off-topic, but i'm currently in the process of trying to find an I.T (Information Technology) servicing company in Russia (particularly: Sakhalin Island, Moscow and Salym). Do you know of any companies that can accommodate?

By the way, Russia looks beautiful. Loving the house! Keep the pictures coming!

Also, more importantly, what's the deal with Moscow? It appears that many businesses are fleeing Moscow and going to St. Petersburg, what's the go with that?
privet, sorry to hear that things did not improve much. Where do you learn / practice you english?
bigred, the company of what area you particularly interests?
From Moskau in Petersberg the companies do not run)), in our country two very much cities and Moscow - the most attractive in business
seeking solutions - Hei! in really i speak english very very bed, i learn in Scool and in University German)), in the big text i use Internet translator -, i practise english at your forum
... i practise english at your forum

Love it, love it, love it !!! And it begs me to say "me too"

Kuz is definitely not lacking any wittiness, even in English!!
Also love the house, the scenery and the wheather (well, the wheather - at least on pictures
) ... reminds me of my previous life ...
Can't wait for the photo update
bigred, the company of what area you particularly interests?
From Moskau in Petersberg the companies do not run)), in our country two very much cities and Moscow - the most attractive in business

Hi kuz,

I'm trying to find a company that does computer hardware fixing in the locations: Sakhalin Island, Moscow and Salym.

Do you happen to know of any? Or know someone who can help?


Lex - thank's for a your post))
bigred - You have in view of installation of the computer equipment? or no?
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