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Hi Guys,

Can someone tell me if their front door frame is double rebated so you can fit a security door? Did you have to pay extra for this?

Two weeks until handover... Nervous times. Quite a lot of items need to be touched but thankfully there aren't any items that haven't started.

The last few days will undoubtedly be a bit of a race - getting paperwork to the bank in time is probably the biggest hurdle that I can see.

Hi Guys,

Can someone tell me if their front door frame is double rebated so you can fit a security door? Did you have to pay extra for this?

Hi ftdt, I remember asking this question and I believe we were told that the door frames come like this. I would double check though.

Our place - little quiet, painters hard at work inside all week, so I am leaving them to it.
have update pics of our lovely scraped dirt

for anyone who wants to see - am not tech savvy so isn't the prettiest of blogs

Claire, maybe next time you update the blog you could add it to your signature so I can stay updated with your build!
Lots of envy! Our site start is still 3-5 months away
I can't work out how to do that meowsy
Claire- go into Control Panel (on top right hand side when you are signed in) then > Profile > Edit signature- then just type it in
ok so like this?

am going to go update the blog now
Yay! nice work
Jackula, i checked your blog to see what the hold up was- seems there is much red tape to get through before they can start on site?
Yippee we've been slabbed. The guys were packing up at 5.30 when we went out there tonight. Now it really feels like it's happening.
We even met our new neighbours when they drove by. Looks like they are building with PD too.
I feel like an awful impatient woman for what I posted on wed - our chippies maynot be as fast but they are nice young blokes and where at the site today on a sunday doing bits and pieces before crane action happens tomorrow - had a nice chat so good on ya boys
Back Pocket congratulations! Who would have thought a big piece of concrete is so exciting

Claire, I'm sure they are going to do a fantastic job. It will be great to see what this week brings for you. The blog is great too.
good morning all,

quick question. having my electrical appointments at hopetoun tomorrow. Building a single storey 29 square home. Downlights. Any opinions on options?

1. Get them through PD? i think they are approx 135 each
2. Have battens instead and change them post handover? no idea of costs associated
3. Do nothing and just have the single batten for each room in the middle and do downlights separately after. Again, no idea of costs.

We didn't select any downlights - we did put in a few extra battens in the larger rooms - I don't particularily like down lights but if you like them I would put them in during the build but that's just a personal opinion - it may cost less for batten but by the time you buy the downlights and pay a sparky if you don't have friend who is one it probably is a similar out lay.
good morning all,

quick question. having my electrical appointments at hopetoun tomorrow. Building a single storey 29 square home. Downlights. Any opinions on options?

1. Get them through PD? i think they are approx 135 each
The advantage here is that when PD installs the downlights you know that at least you won't have any issues with the placement of the downlight i.e. they can't be installing a downlight on a beam! However, keep in mind as well that the LED downlight that they install may not be bright enough for what you want, from memory I believe its only an 8w LED downlight, could be wrong on the wattage admittedly, so best to check

2. Have battens instead and change them post handover? no idea of costs associated
This is definitely another option, but you'll have to make it very clear to them that battens are not to be affixed to any beams and you'll most likely have to work with the electrician on site to ensure that this is the case. Installation of downlights post hand-over shouldn't be hard admittedly, and whether you get an electrician post handover to install downlights for you (due to insulation in the way, proper installation etc etc), that's a decision you'll need to make I guess....

3. Do nothing and just have the single batten for each room in the middle and do downlights separately after. Again, no idea of costs.
Cheapest option, if its a single storey and you have access to the roof cavity its definitely easier. If it was a double storey and it was the first floor then it'd be pretty tough I'd imagine....

HOCM - check out info I listed on my blog from electrical appt back in Feb, some of this may help. ... c=postname

Here is an extract
"Originally we thought we would just get batten lights put in where we wanted downlights as we thought that they cost around $200 a downlight. However the downlights were only $125 (8W, cover up to 1.5 metres). If we put in batten lights, it was around $48 a light plus $15 to offset the light position off the actual batten - therefore a total of $61 per light. We would then have to get an electrician in to replace all the battens with the downlights and purchase downlights, so we decided to just to the downlights through PD.

Note - the downlights can not be dimmed. I looked in a brochure the other day and if you want to buy downlights that dim, these alone cost around $100 each. Perhaps replace what we need down the track....."
I have listed some of their prices there as well.

I think I priced higher wattage downlights and they cost a lot more. I will be interested to see how much coverage we get with the 1.5m radius of the 8W globe.
mummadj, i have actually read your posting on your blog prior to posting.

what i have thought of doing instead having researched a bit would be to leave the standard batten in the middle of the room to be replaced with a downlight/fan in the future if need be.

i will then specify for another single batten on one corner of the room. The thinking behind this would be if i could get each batten point (2 in total) controlled by an individual switch. Therefore for the future prehaps link up all downlights to the switch for the batten in the corner and then another switch for the ceiling fan?

any thoughts or ideas? feel free to rip it to shreds anyone.
Well we are at 7 weeks left in contract build on Monday the 2 September. Site start 22 Feb building the Heathcote 36sq.
There have been no hold ups with the build, only one day of bad weather and we are yet to have started painting little own paint preparation!!!!!!!!!!!
No words could describe this experience with PD, respect the dream lol
No words could describe this experience with PD, respect the dream lol

Tell me about it... I'm two days away from PCI with no certificate of occupancy, no idea what is expected of me on Thursday, and apparently I'm expected to be ready for handover next week. My BC isn't answering my emails (except with one form-letter that caused more confusion than anything else), perhaps because she's upset that I'm not happy with her (or PD's) performance. I'm sorry, but neither of my BCs have been much help - maybe I'm misinterpreting their role in all of this and it's somebody else I should be upset with but she dodges my questions about who is actually responsible.

Maybe all builders are like this, but I have to say this is the most stressful thing I've done in years. For the money I'm spending I really expected a higher degree of organisation and quality. It's a shame they've ignored my pleas for somebody to check that their sub-contractors are all working off the right drawings or this last phase would have been so much easier. Instead now they're busy fixing these mistakes instead of finishing off my house. PCI can't include electrical because of this, which strikes me as unfair on me (I told them they were using the wrong plans months ago).

The bank is refusing to even book in their valuation inspection without the right paperwork from PD and yet somehow I suspect it'll become my problem to find a way around their shortfall next week when handover comes along. Not that handover seems likely for next week, I doubt they'll have everything lined up in time.

Thankfully I held back on cancelling my current lease but I still have removalists, curtain installations, driveway, insurance, time off work and all sorts of other things lined up to make next week a possibility. All for nothing if they don't get their act together in the next day or two. I hate to think of how much money this delay will cost me

Frustrating is an understatement. That whole "respect the dream" tagline seems particularly offensive lately.
Porter Davis Soil Test Results

Building A New House

Three options 1 Ask the liquidator 2 Find another PD customer and ask the source of their report 3 Pay for new report

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