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Masterton Homes - The new thread 3.0

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Does anyone know if masterton are suppose to clean up all the rocks and pebbles they put on site when they were in construction? They put it there to "stabilise" the driveway. They have left lots of junk around as well. Are they suppose to come and scrape all that up?
Hi Paulevan,

No they don't remove their all weather access driveway. They will (if you nag) come and clean up the site of other building debris.

Hi Jo&Waz,

The stairs don't go in til later - they will then create the under stairs doorway and hidey hole
I think ours went in after gyprocking (I'll go back through my photos).

thanks... gee what a mess they leave behind then... they left this green material on the sides of the house as well... a whole long wall of it spiked into the ground with black metal poles.

Hi Paulevan,

No they don't remove their all weather access driveway. They will (if you nag) come and clean up the site of other building debris.

Hi Jo&Waz,

The stairs don't go in til later - they will then create the under stairs doorway and hidey hole
I think ours went in after gyprocking (I'll go back through my photos).

Ah yes, the sediment fence... isn't it pretty
that sediment fencing needs to stay there until you have done your landscaping,its a council requirement.
To everyone,make sure the painters undercoat your walls and ceiling before painting as ours wernt(short cuts) and thats why we now have to have it all sanded back and redone,what a pain its going to be now that we are living here,moving and covering the furniture let alone the mess its going to create.

Just found out the construction 20 day countdown does not start till the survey pegs are done and M has the report from the surveyor.

For us, the pegout was a requirement of the pre-construction stage and was done about 2 weeks before we signed our validation letter.
DSA - Our back stacker door had a beam on an angle from the alfresco to the door open, once our stack door was installed it disappeared, so dont fear that its permanent, they use the offcuts of the timber used on the build for other purposes... There were lots of things we thought were not right, but once the next step was completed it all fell into place..

Hey Rinnai79 Im pretty sure this is permanent. The middle post isnt supposed to be there

This is an old photo the roof is up now and the other timbers that have been temporarily put in place of the brick pillars look nothing like this middle one

What do your plans show?
how can you tell?

To everyone,make sure the painters undercoat your walls and ceiling before painting as ours wernt(short cuts) and thats why we now have to have it all sanded back and redone,what a pain its going to be now that we are living here,moving and covering the furniture let alone the mess its going to create.
DSA - Our back stacker door had a beam on an angle from the alfresco to the door open, once our stack door was installed it disappeared, so dont fear that its permanent, they use the offcuts of the timber used on the build for other purposes... There were lots of things we thought were not right, but once the next step was completed it all fell into place..

Hey Rinnai79 Im pretty sure this is permanent. The middle post isnt supposed to be there

This is an old photo the roof is up now and the other timbers that have been temporarily put in place of the brick pillars look nothing like this middle one

Wow, they've stuffed up big-time then. There will have to be significant overhead support for that arrangement - I-beams or similar bolted together. You've got nothing there!

How do the doors join together on the plan?
Hi mrs rose & jo&waz, the plans are a bit deceiving it shows the doors butting up against each other no solid lines depicting a join however if you look really closely there is a tiny dot where this timber is placed. Our only saving grace is the variation is very clear the doors are to be similar to the ones in a display home and it goes as far as stipulating which one and it's location. I'm confident we will b fine in terms of getting this fixed however I foresee a considerable delay particularly if as you say it requires support beams. Question will it require support beams if it's not a load bearing wall? There is no second story on top only a small roof.

Thanks guys
how can you tell?

To everyone,make sure the painters undercoat your walls and ceiling before painting as ours wernt(short cuts) and thats why we now have to have it all sanded back and redone,what a pain its going to be now that we are living here,moving and covering the furniture let alone the mess its going to create.

You can normally tell with the finished product,as we can see through it in most spots as well as seeing where all the joins are in the gybrock,you can also request with your ss an inspection when the painters are in.With our painters they came in way too early and were working around other workers,mainly the tiler and they didnt cover anything so i had paint splatters all over my kitchen and bathrooms that took ages to get off.
Just got informed our survey will be done tomorrow, followed by the report on Monday (hopes) and 20 'working day' countdown starts.

I guess I'll be too hopeful to have roof before xmas break. Most likely just a slab.

I'm two minded here. Just not too keen on having bare frames up for 5 weeks, with rain and all. If roof will not make it before the break, I'll rather wait till after the break.

I've been told that sometimes M does not go on a long break during xmas. Anyone experience this?
Vatche - Good stuff.
Our slab was poured around 4.5 weeks ago now. The bricks are 2/3 of the way done and should be finished next week and the roof tiles/fascia and gutters should be done the following week. So all up from slab to roof & bricks complete for us was 7 weeks. Its now around 9.5 weeks to xmas.
I reckon you might just squeeze in having your bricks and roof tiles done.

M state they have a 5 week industry shut down but I think it will be up to the tradies as I cant see a lot of them taking 5 weeks off. They'd go broke.

For us, and going by other peoples timelines, we should be definitely at lock up stage in around 4-6 weeks and have a lot of the internal fit-out done before xmas. I dont think we will see the painting and flooring done until after xmas.
It wouldve been great if M installed the roof before the wrap.
This wouldve enabled the electrical rough in, insulation and gyp-rocking to get started along with the bricks. Weve lost about 2 weeks because of this error. Oh well....
thnx.. think that is one thing that didnt stuff up on my house... the quality of the pain job was shocking though.

how can you tell?

To everyone,make sure the painters undercoat your walls and ceiling before painting as ours wernt(short cuts) and thats why we now have to have it all sanded back and redone,what a pain its going to be now that we are living here,moving and covering the furniture let alone the mess its going to create.

You can normally tell with the finished product,as we can see through it in most spots as well as seeing where all the joins are in the gybrock,you can also request with your ss an inspection when the painters are in.With our painters they came in way too early and were working around other workers,mainly the tiler and they didnt cover anything so i had paint splatters all over my kitchen and bathrooms that took ages to get off.
Vatche - Good stuff.
Our slab was poured around 4.5 weeks ago now. The bricks are 2/3 of the way done and should be finished next week and the roof tiles/fascia and gutters should be done the following week. So all up from slab to roof & bricks complete for us was 7 weeks. Its now around 9.5 weeks to xmas.
I reckon you might just squeeze in having your bricks and roof tiles done.

M state they have a 5 week industry shut down but I think it will be up to the tradies as I cant see a lot of them taking 5 weeks off. They'd go broke.

Ours is two story though, so it might take longer. As long as there is a roof, or short break, I'm fine with it.

BTW, my build timeline data collection is getting there. More work than I thought, due to variations if the build is KDR or vacant land etc.

Thanks to all the bloggers in advance for the info.
The xmas shutdown was 3 weeks,starting from xmas eve for us
The xmas shutdown was 3 weeks,starting from xmas eve for us

That's good. Normal xmas time off, same time as we take time off work too. Hope it is 3 weeks for us too.
Masterton Homes Hydraulics

Building A New House

Thanks again. I will ask Masterton if they do this.

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