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Vundaful's House - Front Garden Update May 2011

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Glad you like it! I spent 2 HOURS picking it hehehehe! It's a Bunnings job - 43cm diameter about $45 each. I deliberated so long over pots, I wasn't sure whether I wanted glazed, coloured, terracotta, square, tapered, ribbed... argh!

I put two large square green glaze pots on the trolley (intending to match my fence), saw some textured clay pots in a beautiful latte, heaved the glazed pots off the trolley, stood in front of the terracotta pots for 30 mins picturing the way the citrus tree would look in it, walked around the corner and saw the beauties I ended up buying.

It was love at first sight
I was 100% confident buying them, and I still adore them. GROW LITTLE TREES, GROW!
Ordering limestone blocks for the front retaining wall tomorrow, and should have a start date by Friday
oo thought it might have been a bunnings one. I saw the same sort of pots a couple of weeks ago when I was at a Bunnings with Mum. Fell in love with the super large version. Mum bought glazed blue/green pots.
Will be waiting for those pics V!
the finishing touches are the fun part. i do know what you mean by standing there for 1/2 hr.. just picturing what it may look like. and then if you can decide you do the phone a friend trick to get their opinon!!!

We have a start date for the retaining wall! Things have slowed to a crawl so I'm glad we have some action in sight. Next Wednesday is the day, so we'll have a wall by the weekend after next YAY!

The landscaper tentatively said that he should be good for the week following the wall installation... so I might have a front garden by the start of August!
You move into your house, you get a million things organised (flooring, concreting, blinds, stuff....) and then the money runs out, everything grinds to a halt and you wait. And wait. And waaaaiiiitttt.....

Fun, isn't it?
Amen Kek
Waiting, and getting up 6am and getting home at 6pm in the meantime

It's a new feeling for us having something around the house to do on the weekends though. That's when it feels like we can sit down and enjoy this house that we've built. Even with our current sandpatch we still have things to do around the garden. I dug up the weeds in the backyard (lupin, onion grass, oxalis and dandelion - the Four Horsemen of the Weed Apocalypse) which took way longer than I thought it would, but it was very satisfying. They're all nicely beaten with the shovel and dug back through, so I'll probably have a few zombies to take care of this coming weekend.
Hurrah, the retaining wall has been started! Very happy so far, I'm going through a local blocklayer who has been fab to work with. Just the first course has been laid so that we can double check with him whether we're happy with the shape. I'm a bit hesitant about the driveway-side return wall (for the stairs), and have asked him to reduce the length by 2 blocks

Super happy! Should be done tomorrow

Can't wait to see the finished product V!
And I think I see what you mean about where the stairs are to go
Looking good vundaful! Can u tell me how much your retaining wall is costing? We need to do something across the front of our place too.
For 9m of a 2-course curving wall and 1.8m of steps it's costing $2200 in labour (includes laying, digging, earthworks, backfill and clean up). I bought the limestone blocks seperately from BGC - about $780 for 3 pallets (72 blocks) and delivery.

Total just under $3000
Oh wow looks awesome! We are needing to get the same done as we are the same and have a slight hill on our block. I love what your doing, might have to steal it
for jus the front to have retic do you know how much its costing? We only get 3k for our front landscaping and I have a feeling all that will be taken up in retic.
Do eet

Our retic is included in the landscape package, so we're getting retic, labour, compost, and grass included for 3k. We forfeited our plant allowance to upgrade our grass from wintergreen to empire zoysia
Oh I am stealing this as well
, we have a huge drop from the front door! Looks great!
Vundaful - is there a cement footing for the retaining? I can't see it from your photos. Maybe your wall is not high enough to warrant the footing. I thought that all retaining walls will need one...
Hi V, just caught up on your thread! Looking vveerryy NICE! has the kitty settled in yet? Those pics were just precious
Vundaful - is there a cement footing for the retaining? I can't see it from your photos. Maybe your wall is not high enough to warrant the footing. I thought that all retaining walls will need one...

No footing apart from compacted sand
It's under 70cm (two courses) so it doesn't need any concrete footings.

seeking solutions
Hi V, just caught up on your thread! Looking vveerryy NICE! has the kitty settled in yet? Those pics were just precious

Hi SS! Yeah kitty is doing muuuuuch better, he's strutting around like he owns the place! Strangely enough, he's been acting up less in the new house than in the old one, which is a bonus
I'm a bit hesitant about the driveway-side return wall (for the stairs), and have asked him to reduce the length by 2 blocks

good idea to reduce it. you would hate to have a car parked there and have trouble getting in and out those blocks there. also risk scaping the car door on that block????
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