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Building with Metricon

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My porch and alfresco slab was poured with the rest of my house and it was part of the house design so no extra cost for it. I’m in Melbourne though.

They have had a promo running at some point and it looks like it has finished and needs to be ordered separately.

We have never been told about promo

Promo was in NSW. You get 25 sq m for free plus tiling from the luxurious “Builders range”

Big news all... One year and 6 months on my PCI/Settlement is finally booked in for this Thursday.

I can’t wait.

Wow why did it take that long?


Poor trades and then the site managers not chasing up on them to get the job done right.

Like any big business, M have large sub contracts with key suppliers. Their Hebel supplier really let them down and that is the risk they took when they decided to push Hebel over Brick during a building boom.

Attention to detail was just poor. Some fixes took more than 3 attempts over 6 months. Therefore...... Bad management.

The site manager and construction manager just didn’t give enough care I guess. Needless to say they’ve all been moved on. If you’ve never seen your site manager with a spirit level or actually looking at the fine detail on site, you need to be worried. My first site manager just went around with his ipad, took pics of the trades on site and then marked it off on the checklist as done. Therefore triggering the payment to the tradie and making it that much harder to get them back.

Me standing up for my rights I guess.
The entire way, I refused to pay any progress payment unless the work was done properly to the right standard.

They will tell you defects will be fixed either immediately or at a later stage. If it’s later, don’t believe them. Staff move on and handovers don’t happen. It will get forgotten, if not by you then definately by them. You must have a building inspectors report and ensure it’s all fixed before they move on. I cannot stress that enough and that is why you pay the money for the report in the first place.

I was in the house this morning and when I arrived, I was glad to see painters on site and the Construction Director there too. He’s now my site manager which is nice I guess.

I brought my 2 m spirit level and we checked some of the walls and the windows that had been fixed as noted in my building report. He’s also arranged for the whole external wall to be painted if there are patches to be fixed, which is good. Plus he has arranged for national tiles to use the left over external tiles to tile my outside steps as a courtesy, which i’m pleased about as it’s one less job I have to do after handover.

I am confident everything will be in order for our PCI tomorrow and fixed to the standard required.

M have taken too long but I’d rather it all be done right before occupation.

It has been a challenging journey but that is building for you. To be honest I have learnt so much because of the the mistakes they have made and in a way I am grateful for that because I am hoping to build again and as my little boy gets older, I will be sharing that with him too.

I don’t think the process would have been any different with another project builder. At least with Metricon there is a path of escalation you can take.

Big news all... One year and 6 months on my PCI/Settlement is finally booked in for this Thursday.

I can’t wait.

Wow why did it take that long?


Poor trades and then the site managers not chasing up on them to get the job done right.

Like any big business, M have large sub contracts with key suppliers. Their Hebel supplier really let them down and that is the risk they took when they decided to push Hebel over Brick during a building boom.

Attention to detail was just poor. Some fixes took more than 3 attempts over 6 months. Therefore...... Bad management.

The site manager and construction manager just didn’t give enough care I guess. Needless to say they’ve all been moved on. If you’ve never seen your site manager with a spirit level or actually looking at the fine detail on site, you need to be worried. My first site manager just went around with his ipad, took pics of the trades on site and then marked it off on the checklist as done. Therefore triggering the payment to the tradie and making it that much harder to get them back.

Me standing up for my rights I guess.
The entire way, I refused to pay any progress payment unless the work was done properly to the right standard.

They will tell you defects will be fixed either immediately or at a later stage. If it’s later, don’t believe them. Staff move on and handovers don’t happen. It will get forgotten, if not by you then definately by them. You must have a building inspectors report and ensure it’s all fixed before they move on. I cannot stress that enough and that is why you pay the money for the report in the first place.

I was in the house this morning and when I arrived, I was glad to see painters on site and the Construction Director there too. He’s now my site manager which is nice I guess.

I brought my 2 m spirit level and we checked some of the walls and the windows that had been fixed as noted in my building report. He’s also arranged for the whole external wall to be painted if there are patches to be fixed, which is good. Plus he has arranged for national tiles to use the left over external tiles to tile my outside steps as a courtesy, which i’m pleased about as it’s one less job I have to do after handover.

I am confident everything will be in order for our PCI tomorrow and fixed to the standard required.

M have taken too long but I’d rather it all be done right before occupation.

It has been a challenging journey but that is building for you. To be honest I have learnt so much because of the the mistakes they have made and in a way I am grateful for that because I am hoping to build again and as my little boy gets older, I will be sharing that with him too.

I don’t think the process would have been any different with another project builder. At least with Metricon there is a path of escalation you can take.

Oh I’m so sorry you had to go through that. It shouldn’t have to be that way. It all comes down to the ss I guess. I hope now that everything gets fixed up for you. These builders really need to care about their reputation. Word of mouth is the most powerful tool to getting clients.

We got all hebel too. But my ss made sure that CSR did the job. My ss is very picky. He used to be a ex builder too. So his is very happy for a private inspector to check everything out. He says two sets of eyes are better then one.

He also puts stickers at every defect. Even if it’s within tolerance. His tradies have all worked well with him so far.

Our private inspector is impressed with it all. And we had him at every stage so far. We are suppose to get decking down. But my ss doesn’t want to do it yet. Cos he doesn’t want other tradies marking it. So he said he will do it at the end. He also will do third coat of paint once carpet is installed. And he said so then doors will get readjusted so it’s sits properly. Plus he believes in doing only two coat initially cos then it shows up the flaws in the plaster. He believes in introducing himself and getting to know the client and having that relationship with them. I swear this guy does not even seem like it he works for Metricon. His set apart. As now I have heard so many horror stories on these ss. Metricon are blessed to have him. He hates it if tradies slack off or don’t do their job properly. If we go there and see something isn’t right. He actually goes there quiet quickly and chases it up. His done so much for us. Gone beyond what we expected. And even if something was hard to rectify. He would change it with no hesitation.

We put bulkheads in the theatre. And we forgot to tell Metricon not cornices. So Metricon put them in. It looked so bad. It’s our fault thou. But without hesitation our ss went checked it out after we complained it didn’t look good. And he got it pulled all down. And fixed it without them. It was a big job and almost impossible to get it straight after that. But he managed.

He put things in for us. I can’t fault him at this stage. And we are 3 weeks away from PCI.

I just wish everyone could have him. This is the 4th we have build. Our build has so many structural changers Metricon has every had. We redesigned it a lot. And it’s his first big house. His done so well with it.

He told us to go around the house and put sticky tape on all the defects.

I actually believe there are Two crews with Metricon.

Crew one only work on Signature Build homes.

Crew two is everyone else.

I’m glad to hear you have had a good experience with M. I only wish I had the same.

As for Hebel... I’m fairly sure CSR don’t install the product. They only manufacture it. They do however license specific companies to install it as per their manufacturer guidelines. Two of them being Empower and Stoddarts.

All the best with your PCI. Sounds like you’re going to have a ripper of a new house!

I actually believe there are Two crews with Metricon.

Crew one only work on Signature Build homes.

Crew two is everyone else.

I’m glad to hear you have had a good experience with M. I only wish I had the same.

As for Hebel... I’m fairly sure CSR don’t install the product. They only manufacture it. They do however license specific companies to install it as per their manufacturer guidelines. Two of them being Empower and Stoddarts.

All the best with your PCI. Sounds like you’re going to have a ripper of a new house!

Thanks I really think it will be.
Don’t know about csr not installing as my ss even told me that csr will be the ones installing it. As well as I saw their vans out there. When it was getting done. He acted like it wasn’t the norm getting csr too do it.

I know that m use a different a crew for the non structural builds. And then they have greenfields which is who’s building ours. They are the ones that do restructuring builds. As well as certain locations. They also do knock down rebuilds. Because the other team couldn’t do our build as there was too many structural builds. So because greenfields do a lot of knock down rebuilds. They took ours on.

We have had a very good experience with our SS. He has been absolutely awesome. This is our first build so was all new to us. Nothing has been too much for him. His attitude to the private inspector lists has been excellent. His take on it is that it is another pair of eyes! He just adds their list to his list and gets on with it.

We are certainly not building a Signature home but he cares greatly about what we think about how the build is going He is only a text or call away and we have had numerous meetings on site.

As a result of our good experience, we would like to build again! My significant other was wondering if it is possible to request a specific SS, assuming he still works at M!
I had to pay extra. then it was part of main slab.
What does that mean? We thought its all one slab? Why would it be separate?

I was given the choice - it wasn't included as main slab pour so I paid extra to have the same reinforced concrete as slab, it was a bit more expensive than having it laid after.

We have had a very good experience with our SS. He has been absolutely awesome. This is our first build so was all new to us. Nothing has been too much for him. His attitude to the private inspector lists has been excellent. His take on it is that it is another pair of eyes! He just adds their list to his list and gets on with it.

We are certainly not building a Signature home but he cares greatly about what we think about how the build is going He is only a text or call away and we have had numerous meetings on site.

As a result of our good experience, we would like to build again! My significant other was wondering if it is possible to request a specific SS, assuming he still works at M!

Are you building in melbourne? He sounds like the same ss as ours? What’s his name?

We have had a very good experience with our SS. He has been absolutely awesome. This is our first build so was all new to us. Nothing has been too much for him. His attitude to the private inspector lists has been excellent. His take on it is that it is another pair of eyes! He just adds their list to his list and gets on with it.

We are certainly not building a Signature home but he cares greatly about what we think about how the build is going He is only a text or call away and we have had numerous meetings on site.

As a result of our good experience, we would like to build again! My significant other was wondering if it is possible to request a specific SS, assuming he still works at M!

Are you building in melbourne? He sounds like the same ss as ours? What’s his name?


I’ve been curious about who your SM is too Doultons. Ours is really good so far, friendly and things are going smoothly although still early days. Our slab manager had a lot of good things to say about him. His name starts with an N.

And We’re in!

We have had a very good experience with our SS. He has been absolutely awesome. This is our first build so was all new to us. Nothing has been too much for him. His attitude to the private inspector lists has been excellent. His take on it is that it is another pair of eyes! He just adds their list to his list and gets on with it.

We are certainly not building a Signature home but he cares greatly about what we think about how the build is going He is only a text or call away and we have had numerous meetings on site.

As a result of our good experience, we would like to build again! My significant other was wondering if it is possible to request a specific SS, assuming he still works at M!

Are you building in melbourne? He sounds like the same ss as ours? What’s his name?


I’ve been curious about who your SM is too Doultons. Ours is really good so far, friendly and things are going smoothly although still early days. Our slab manager had a lot of good things to say about him. His name starts with an N.

Sorry for the late reply. He is awesome. His name starts with a D and we are building in South East Melbourne.
We have had a very good experience with our SS. He has been absolutely awesome. This is our first build so was all new to us. Nothing has been too much for him. His attitude to the private inspector lists has been excellent. His take on it is that it is another pair of eyes! He just adds their list to his list and gets on with it.

We are certainly not building a Signature home but he cares greatly about what we think about how the build is going He is only a text or call away and we have had numerous meetings on site.

As a result of our good experience, we would like to build again! My significant other was wondering if it is possible to request a specific SS, assuming he still works at M!

Are you building in melbourne? He sounds like the same ss as ours? What’s his name?


I’ve been curious about who your SM is too Doultons. Ours is really good so far, friendly and things are going smoothly although still early days. Our slab manager had a lot of good things to say about him. His name starts with an N.

Oh his different then. Ours starts with S LOL

And We’re in!

Woohooo congrats

And We’re in!

Congrats! you have different key ring then us.
)) Happy moving in.

We've been moving last weekend and tomorrow will be our final move and we are in.
Great to hear Nomnom. Keep the photos coming of the furniture and interior design

Metricon Liberty 45, Ryde NSW
And We’re in!

Congrats! you have different key ring then us.
)) Happy moving in.

We've been moving last weekend and tomorrow will be our final move and we are in.

Yes we are moving in slowly too. getting driveway poured in next week or so.

Congrats nomnom. Enjoy your powerfloor!

[quote="Maps"]We have had a very good experience with our SS. He has been absolutely awesome. This is our first build so was all new to us. Nothing has been too much for him. His attitude to the private inspector lists has been excellent. His take on it is that it is another pair of eyes! He just adds their list to his list and gets on with it.

We are certainly not building a Signature home but he cares greatly about what we think about how the build is going He is only a text or call away and we have had numerous meetings on site.

As a result of our good experience, we would like to build again! My significant other was wondering if it is possible to request a specific SS, assuming he still works at M!

Are you building in melbourne? He sounds like the same ss as ours? What’s his name?


I’ve been curious about who your SM is too Doultons. Ours is really good so far, friendly and things are going smoothly although still early days. Our slab manager had a lot of good things to say about him. His name starts with an N.

Sorry for the late reply. He is awesome. His name starts with a D and we are building in South East Melbourne.[/quote]

We are in south east too but mustn’t be too close to you. My SM is doing the two houses further down my street and around the corner. Funnily even though my suburb is a well established area it’s a haven for knockdown rebuilds and there are three metricon builds going on my street and one around the corner right at this moment!! At least my neighbours can’t complain about just me!

where we are there are knock down rebuilds happening everywhere... I reckon in around 1 sq km, there would be at least 35 going on at the moment through various volume and smaller custom builders
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