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Building in Brooks Reach - Community Thread

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We ended up with a curved driveway because of a tree cemented into the road. The council gave us permission to remove it but we had to pay to have surveying completed and road base laid because the tree bed was actually on the roadway. We decided to curve the driveway instead. When we originally picked our house and positioned the garage the tree was not even there!
Venkat Phoenix 1
Rubes, Yes, our lot is not far away from yours.
I am meeting retaining wall specialists over the next few days and I will update you on how they go. Cheers.
Thanks Venkat
Once it's a bit nicer towards the end of the year i think we'll try and organise another meetup at the park (maybe a bbq or bring your own lunch or something like that) But of course if we're ever on site and you see us make sure you stop by and say hi!! Good luck with retaining walls!!

Absolutely Rubes...I would love to meet at the park when it is spring...I have not met any of the BReachers...except of course Darren.

Let's hope we cross paths on some Saturday.

Great Wiz to see that piercing would happen soon. Frames are due to be delivered net week for us. Cheers.
We ended up with a curved driveway because of a tree cemented into the road. The council gave us permission to remove it but we had to pay to have surveying completed and road base laid because the tree bed was actually on the roadway. We decided to curve the driveway instead. When we originally picked our house and positioned the garage the tree was not even there!

Having similar issues myself with planning for a driveway. Originally there was one of those cemented tree boxes on the right hand side of the block, therefore I have planned for the house having the garage to the left. Now the tree box is moved to the next block, however they have placed a parking bay in front of my block which ends half way through, and with current contour plans are saying my driveway layback will be on the right hand side... Where there was originally a bloody tree!!!

Going through the builder now to see if we will be able to have our driveway cutout through the parking bay as SL weren't interested...

They must not actually think when planning, just have a list of what they need and put it where ever they can leaving the customers to work out the mess. The most annoying thing is they changed the plans after the majority of the blocks in the stage had deposits paid... What's the bet they will expect me to change my house plans though. I can guarantee they wont approve a front yard virtually all concrete to accommodate for their stupid parking and tree bays.

My solicitor did say he wasn't a big fan of dealing with SL... maybe I am now seeing why.
Wahoooo!!! I am sure you all got the email, but Stages 1-6 ar enow NBN ready!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've included the email from Stocklands below
woot woot

NBN have advised that stages 1-6 are now active for service! To find out more or to organise connection for your new home contact NBN at or 1800 687 626

Future stages are expected to be activated by NBN by the time residents move in. Once NBN confirm stages are active we will update all customers.

Moving in to your new home
As many of your builders get closer to finishing your beautiful new home we would like to remind you to let us know your new address once you move in so we can make sure to keep you up to date with everything that happens in your community.

Development Update
Stages 7-9 are progressing well with roads now complete. Footpaths are also well underway and services being finalised. Stage 7 landscaping has commenced with stage 8 and 9 to follow.

Stages 7 & 8 while appearing almost complete onsite still require a number of authority approvals before Stockland can lodge with either Council or the LPI for registration and as such the registration timeframes of September/October are still current.

Please see below registration update where you will note that stages 9 and 9a timeframes have been updated to reflect the level of works completed onsite. Please note that the possibility of an earlier registration date before January/February is subject to all servicing authority approvals being granted early. As more information around these approvals and likelihood of if they may be granted early or not is confirmed we will update and try to narrow this registration timeframe for all customers.

Registration Update June 2013
Current registration dates for all stages are as follows:
•Stages 1 - 6: registered
•Stage 1a, 2a, 5a, 6a: registered
•Stage 7: expected to register September 2013
•Stage 8: expected to register September 2013
•Stage 7a (lots 7011-7014, 7141-7144, 7131 – 7135, 7151 – 7154, 7161-7164): expected to register October 2013
•Stage 8a (lots 8011 -8014, 8021 -8024, 8031-8034): expected to register October 2013
•Stage 9: expected to register between September 2013 - January 2014
•Stage 9a (lots 9101-9104, 9121-9122, 9161-9164): expected to register between October 2013 - February 2014
•Stage 10: expected to register between November 2013 – February 2014
Please note that registration dates are estimates only. They are subject to change due to construction delays and inclement weather.

And there you go
Happy Friday everyone
Yay! Looking forward to getting NBN connected when we (eventually) move in.

We got a letter from our electrical contractors the other day, we're going to meet with them to get a few more things installed/fitted. Even though we have a good mate who is a sparkie, there are some things that are just going to end up being cheaper to get done during the build. We have to hook up the electrical pump box for the pool in the back corner of the block, going to be better off doing it earlier rather than later! Plus, we didn't put in our plan to have lights at the front of the house...duh! So we have to get that done also. Plus some other bits and pieces.

Anyways, it's Friday afternoon just before a long weekend...happiness!

Hey all, I've been wondering what these blocks are going to be, every BR masterplan that I see doesn't have individual blocks or block numbers and the latest one just shows two big blocks - 307 & 327. So I wandered into the office today and asked, and they said they will be 'residential homes'. The thing is, I could only see 1 Telstra box and no water taps etc....hmmmm. Wonder what 'residential homes' means? I really don't want to see heaps of townhouses built across from me particularly (not that I'm going to have any choice

Anyways, if anyone hears anything, please post!

Hey guys hope all is well

Wiz do you think they will be government housing? I did hear something about it but don't know how true it would have been!!

Wiz do you think they will be government housing?

Surely they would have to disclose that at development stages?

After going through all findable DA's for that street, I haven't found and "Government" developments.
Oh Daz, you're so funny....not!! I haven't heard that and I doubt it
I'm thinking more along the lines of half a dozen or more townhouses or a unit complex? I don't know...I'll keep an eye on the council planning and development site and keep my fingers crossed!
Hmm lets hope not hey
Sorry I haven't been on for a while. Sounds like everyone is progressing well! That's fantastic news!
Every bodies places are looking great!
May have to go for a drive by on the weekend.
Hope everyone is well

Hi Jay, nice to see you pop back on here! It's all good, life gets very busy!

Any news on your land registration yet?!

Thanks Nat! Yeah life does get busy! Exciting news though land has been registered! YAY!!!!
So now got the next lot of waiting.
Does anyone know how long it took from registration to plans being approved??
Also Darren when did you guys start building?? I'm building rough MJH and am trying to work out approx timing.
Hey all, I've been wondering what these blocks are going to be, every BR masterplan that I see doesn't have individual blocks or block numbers and the latest one just shows two big blocks - 307 & 327. So I wandered into the office today and asked, and they said they will be 'residential homes'. The thing is, I could only see 1 Telstra box and no water taps etc....hmmmm. Wonder what 'residential homes' means? I really don't want to see heaps of townhouses built across from me particularly (not that I'm going to have any choice

Anyways, if anyone hears anything, please post!


Hi Wiz
I'm pretty sure those blocks got divided up to 5 blocks for each and were sold separately as part of stage 1a. Are those blocks on the main rd??
Jay MJH were good they had everything approved and ready before registration so as soon as the land registered then you pretty much had to settle on the last 35days and within 20days after they should do the scrape

We started first week of march I'm pretty sure so it's been 3months and 2weeks
great progress so far I think
Jay MJH were good they had everything approved and ready before registration so as soon as the land registered then you pretty much had to settle on the last 35days and within 20days after they should do the scrape

We started first week of march I'm pretty sure so it's been 3months and 2weeks
great progress so far I think

Awesome. Let's hope they do the same for me
thanks Darren!
I'm pretty sure those blocks got divided up to 5 blocks for each and were sold separately as part of stage 1a. Are those blocks on the main rd??

Thanks jay, they are on Morson Ave. When I was in the SL office yesterday, they had 5 red dots on each of those blocks, but the fact that they show on the master plans as two big blocks is curious. Also that there is only one Telstra box along there for 5 blocks? Can't do a thing about it! But I am very keen to see what's going to go up.
Sorry I haven't been on for a while. Sounds like everyone is progressing well! That's fantastic news!
Every bodies places are looking great!
May have to go for a drive by on the weekend.
Hope everyone is well

Hi Jay, nice to see you pop back on here! It's all good, life gets very busy!

Any news on your land registration yet?!

Thanks Nat! Yeah life does get busy! Exciting news though land has been registered! YAY!!!!
So now got the next lot of waiting.
Does anyone know how long it took from registration to plans being approved??
Also Darren when did you guys start building?? I'm building rough MJH and am trying to work out approx timing.

Congrats jay that is fantastic!!! How exciting!!!

I'm at Alice Springs airport catching up on all the posts after a long weekend trip to Uluru and saw Ruby's post the other night about stage 9 potentially being brought forward, my goodness that would be awesome!!! We won't get our hopes up though but at least there is hope, wish they'd update the SL website already!!!

Looking forward to going out to BR again, hopefully tomoz on my lunch break when I sadly have to go back to the reality that is work

By the way Wiz, hubby and I saw that master plan too with those massive lots on there so if you end up finding out please share, we were pretty stumped by it too
Hey all, I've been wondering what these blocks are going to be, every BR masterplan that I see doesn't have individual blocks or block numbers and the latest one just shows two big blocks - 307 & 327. So I wandered into the office today and asked, and they said they will be 'residential homes'. The thing is, I could only see 1 Telstra box and no water taps etc....hmmmm. Wonder what 'residential homes' means? I really don't want to see heaps of townhouses built across from me particularly (not that I'm going to have any choice

Anyways, if anyone hears anything, please post!


Hi Wiz
I'm pretty sure those blocks got divided up to 5 blocks for each and were sold separately as part of stage 1a. Are those blocks on the main rd??

So I may have been in the wrong spot. As they split the two blocks up on brooks reach rd into 5 lots each. If you look on the stockland website and look at the master plan where you talking about is the same 5 blocks each block. Hope that's helpful, sorry if I confused you.
Went down for a drive this afternoon. Not much going on and it's raining
. Let's hope it clears up soon.
Went down for a drive this afternoon. Not much going on and it's raining . Let's hope it clears up soon

I hope it clears up too Jay! We're supposed to get our piering done this week

Hey there Miss Ruby....where are you? Haven't heard from you for a few days....hope all is well!

Nat, I'm hearing that you luurved Uluru? Welcome back to the real world girl!

Hope everyone has a productive week!
Hi all,
sorry if it seems i haven't been around (i have been reading your posts!) The past week has been a blur!!!


This weekend i came down with a really bad cold so my plans for a super productive weekend were dashed!! DH and I still managed to make a trip out to Warrawong and with the help of we sized up some new furniture for our home!! It's really exciting to pick put furnishings! We ended up putting a deposit on an entry (hall) table, tv lowline, two book/dvd cases for the media room, a coffee table, lamp table, dining room suite, double bookcase and coffee table for the family room and Freedom's sale is on until July 17th so we'll head back there in a week or two to order a 2.5 seater and two armchairs if we get over the bad customer service we've experienced from them in the past week.

Dh and I are heading out to a site inspection at 2pm today at Brooks Reach with Clarendon so I will make sure to update you all as soon as i can (With pictures we took over the weekend too!!).
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