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Jessies Build - Baldivis - New Generation - KEYS

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Wow that sucks. Could your partner look at some FIFO work if need be?
We would both do fifo if we could get the work. Id do anything!
You haven't even shown people inside your house since you've moved in

Damn that sucks. I thought Brads job would be picking up again next year, he was still getting overtime. Did you end up applying at my work?
Nah its going bankrupt. Nah i hate accounts!
My partner got made redundant a few months ago - it certainly puts pressure on everyone even more so with a brand new house. Fingers crossed it works out for you.
How's everything going now, Jessie? Any good news on the job front?

Happy New Year, by the way
Hi momomo!

Would love to do anything to the house but currently going through the "do i want a pool" stage
the bank handed over some more money a few months ago but in not spending it yet. Still don't have a job, cant believe it! Hows your place, i saw you have gardens lucky duck!! Happy new year to you too
Aw gosh its like the homeone family back together again

And the pool sounds good Jessie
After spending an afternoon at a friends with a pool I a, all for pools
and we are all adults in our early 30s, we stayed in there all afternoon Boxing Day. We may have had drinks by the side of the pool as well

Good luck with the job!
all the best for the job go a pool love our pool spend alot of time in and around the pool
Thanks guys!

Nothing much to update, I have my front door and lock, finally. I got my solar panels installed today, cant turn them on till synergy comes round but still pretty excited to have them. Also got half my landscaping done today and really not happy. I was promised a few things and it just didn't happen so a bit annoyed. Also have to pay an extra $500 or so AND im paying for my own turf.

Still without a job so sadly my pride and joy has been sold
I pulled out my other car last week and it needs some work so im stuck at home a lot lately

TOYGT by jessie_03, on Flickr
And where's the pics of the door and lock? Or even the solar panels
You guys didn't even mention my name when you got your solar panels installed?

At least now when you get a job you can get the model with the huge spoiler

I dont even drive pass your house anymore now you have sold it haha
Should mention my name, since my husband did the research

Shake you had to sell your car. hope you find work soon!!
Hope you find work soon too, miss Jessie! Hopefully a kick-a$$ job that pays even more than your last one, and is much more fun to boot!

Nice one on the solar panels - that ought to keep the electricity bills a bit tamer

Sorry about out the front before, I couldn't hear you guys properly as my full-o-beans 8 year old was talking to me loudly at the same time as you guys were saying who you were!! I tried to shush her, but her off switch is dodge!!
Out for your nightly walk eh? Nice night for it. Sorry I had to dash, but Maya starts year 3 tomorrow and she was already getting to bed late as it was...

The whole reason we came out the front door in the first place was because we heard a massive bang, still not sure where it came from? Weird!
Wouldn't we all like a job like that

We were hoping you would've come on over Simomo
. We couldn't even hear Maya, need to get that switch looked at
One of these days I will get a full convo out of you Simomo
. Hope your free this weekend

After you left we did hear what sounded like stones being thrown on someones roof.

And your neighbor on your right had their house inspection this morning btw, and I found out they had 2 ovens and a stove stolen recently.
I know Acey. Gwyn met them the other day and was having a chinwag with them...they said they had been broken into. I must admit that on a couple of occasions when we've had a little family walk and gone past their house, the house has been wide open (well after hours too) - and i'm talking garage door up, front door open, etc. I've had to go in and shut it all up for them. They reckon they've had quite a few probs with the builder trades not shutting the house up after they leave - which is terrible with them this close to PCI!

Will be home all weekend I think, Aceman, give us a hoy!
I'll be sure to mention both of you today when I call

And ill put pictures up once its finished! Nice to meet you from a distance simone

My partner called the landscapers today to tell them we wont be paying the $450 for edging, we brought our own last night for about $60
Apparently we picked natives down the side even though we changed our plans many times and watched them be drawn up in final at the end! And even though its not in the covenants its in the rockingham one that states trees must be placed on the side of the verge. Sad to say the landscaping has been the hardest part of building, really should have been the easiest!
I haven't drove past your place in a while. Ill have to do a driveby when I go out tomorrow hehe. Yeah council trees usually aren't negotiable. Im surprised we arent forced to have them in front gardens like my old estate
Yeah im hoping everything on the native side will die

I haven't got any good pics of the garden yet but my dog loves rubbing her face in it. Im surprised how well its turned out. Very happy with my grass choice
Also very happy with the DIY edging

Your landscaping is looking very spunky, Jessie
And your fur kid is totes adorbs!
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