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Building in Brooks Reach - Community Thread

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That is what I thought, just wasnt sure because the display homes all have the path still there and we thought Stockland may have specified that you couldnt dig up the path.
Hi Guys, did a lunch time patrol today and saw you have a slab Venkat! Congrats!

Sherry, your frames have gone up too

Rubes and Daz, you both had people at your place. Rubes they were up on the roof at your place and Daz they were doing something at the side of your house (garage side), no idea what though but there was a bit of a trench there from what I could see?

And that is it for now! Short and sweet - must get back to work! Ciao ciao
hey guys

thanks Nat yeah i was there working away, we started the rendering on the garage side before the tank comes in, the guys digging the trench were fitting the gas in

Rubes had people on the roof finishing her corner tiles and cementing the edges

Venkat has a slab great news
hope we have more good weather like this
Thanks Nat and Darren - having a slab is great news indeed

Darren, not sure if you checked the latest PM message I sent you. You were the ONE who installed the software on my office computer, and I very well remember you.

Rubes, Yes, our lot is not far away from yours.
I am meeting retaining wall specialists over the next few days and I will update you on how they go. Cheers.
Ohh no i haven't checked.. haha such a small world
i knew your name sounded so familiar.. hope your windows 7 is still running great lol

good to know i have met afew of my neighbors before we are officially neighbors haha
Thanks for the updates Nat- it is great to know when work is being done without having to drive down there. At some stage we need to buy you a drink!

Where is your lot in relation to ours. Are you on Polsson St?
Thanks for the updates Nat- it is great to know when work is being done without having to drive down there. At some stage we need to buy you a drink!

Where is your lot in relation to ours. Are you on Polsson St?

Haha it's all good Sherry, I enjoy doing it
I'll PM you with our lot number
Sorry I haven't been on for a while. Sounds like everyone is progressing well! That's fantastic news!
Every bodies places are looking great!
May have to go for a drive by on the weekend.
Hope everyone is well
Rubes and Daz, you both had people at your place. Rubes they were up on the roof at your place.. And that is it for now! Short and sweet - must get back to work! Ciao ciao

Thanks lovely lady
i love hearing people are onsite doing their jobs!

Rubes had people on the roof finishing her corner tiles and cementing the edges
Woo hoo Daz; thanks for the update!! Hope the rendering all goes well and you get everything done while the rain holds off!!

Venkat Phoenix 1
Rubes, Yes, our lot is not far away from yours.
I am meeting retaining wall specialists over the next few days and I will update you on how they go. Cheers.
Thanks Venkat
Once it's a bit nicer towards the end of the year i think we'll try and organise another meetup at the park (maybe a bbq or bring your own lunch or something like that) But of course if we're ever on site and you see us make sure you stop by and say hi!! Good luck with retaining walls!!

Hi everyone. Sorry i haven't posted anything for a few days - We got our frame inspection report on Monday night; there were a few things that needed to be fixed (will post specifics maybe later tonight/tomorrow) a lot of things that were due to be inspected at the pre plaster/ pre lock up stage were actually incomplete so the report wasn't as thorough or indepth as we initally expected
i think this is both Clarendon AND Howard Ryan's fault for not communicating properly re: delays / best time to be on site for inspection etc. All rooms and everything weere still checked over though. We do feel it was worth the money and the next inspection will be prior to handover.
I will post the deets here a little later and discuss it on my blog.
Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone.
Sorry I haven't been on for a while. Sounds like everyone is progressing well! That's fantastic news!
Every bodies places are looking great!
May have to go for a drive by on the weekend.
Hope everyone is well

Hi Jay, nice to see you pop back on here! It's all good, life gets very busy!

Any news on your land registration yet?!
hey Nat, can you tell me when they have put in the footpath near my block? i'm not planning on heading there for a while unless something has happened

Darren, how did you go about organising the render at this stage? pm me the details if you can as we are doing the same as you
Hey guys a s gals

Things are going great with the rendering and it's looking fantastic

Joh I will PM you

So gas was installed yesterday, kitchen got dropped off today and looks good but not installed yet and the tiler is coming tomorrow again to finish the bathroom walls off
it's all happening

Rubes you had tradies on site all day lol and did Abit of a cleanup in the backyard..
Things are going great with the rendering and it's looking fantastic

So gas was installed yesterday, kitchen got dropped off today and looks good but not installed yet and the tiler is coming tomorrow again to finish the bathroom walls off
it's all happening
Rubes you had tradies on site all day lol and did Abit of a cleanup in the backyard..
WOOO can't wait to see that sexy looking house of yours Daz!! WOOHOO!! so glad you're happy with it

We might just have to pay you to render our letterbox
(as if you're going to have time for any other porjects after you move in haha)
Ohh i am glad they were onsite today; thanks for playing detective for me!!! The site was really trashed last weekend i was there and Howard Ryan made a mention of the rubbish needing to be in the bin in his report so i am glad they are tiding things up
i have no idea what they are doing house wise though.. haha

Hi Everyone,

been MIA for a few days, still been reading everyone's progress which all sounds exciting, I just haven't posted because I have nothing exciting to contribute

The only thing is my other half went for a drive to Brooks Reach yesterday arvo and said they have now planted all the trees in our street
I'm thinking this is probably the last thing that needed to be done on our blocks?? everything else is done and hopefully those fences will be down soon!

We also got our MJH contract in the mail on monday and our final plans - there is STILL a mistake on them (only minor) but I need to find time to sit down and go through it all very carefully!

Hey guys a s gals

Things are going great with the rendering and it's looking fantastic

Joh I will PM you

So gas was installed yesterday, kitchen got dropped off today and looks good but not installed yet and the tiler is coming tomorrow again to finish the bathroom walls off
it's all happening

Rubes you had tradies on site all day lol and did Abit of a cleanup in the backyard..

wow thats awesome! I can't believe how fast it is all going now that they have finished the external! crazzyyy stuff but so exciting for you guys!
Hi Everyone, been MIA for a few days, still been reading everyone's progress which all sounds exciting, I just haven't posted because I have nothing exciting to contribute
The only thing is my other half went for a drive to Brooks Reach yesterday arvo and said they have now planted all the trees in our street
I'm thinking this is probably the last thing that needed to be done on our blocks?? everything else is done and hopefully those fences will be down soon!
We also got our MJH contract in the mail on monday and our final plans - there is STILL a mistake on them (only minor) but I need to find time to sit down and go through it all very carefully!
Ah that is exciting DD!! It’s the little things, right?
I hope they didn’t plant your tree in a dumb spot (a few of us on the forum have experienced great frustration and had to change our driveway plans because of this).
Your time to post regular updates is coming, don’t worry
And make sure you triple check those plans, we had mistakes right up until the build (and i am sure there will be issues even then!!)
Ah that is exciting DD!! It’s the little things, right?
I hope they didn’t plant your tree in a dumb spot (a few of us on the forum have experienced great frustration and had to change our driveway plans because of this).
Your time to post regular updates is coming, don’t worry
And make sure you triple check those plans, we had mistakes right up until the build (and i am sure there will be issues even then!!)

Haha Ruby i thought of that because I remember reading a little while back that they had planted your tree in the wrong spot!
I will go on the weekend for a closer inspection....we have a light post on our corner so the other side is where our driveway needs to be, fingers crossed the tree is further over and on the border of ours and our neighbours blocks!

We are in no rush to sign the contracts immediately so i will take my time triple checking them over the next few weeks....
we noticed 2 mistakes straight up by just glancing at the plans...our street name was wrong
...either that or the name has been changed!? i need to enquire about that! ..And the other thing was the sliding door to our laundry slides the wrong way (you literally wouldn't be able to get in or out of the door because the opening is on the side where our washing machine will need to go) how silly! and we even marked it in red on the prelim plans and they still didn't fix it....surely our CLO should check these things before she sends it out....but anyway
Frame Inspection / Pre plaster / Pre lock up Private Inspection by HnK Ryan

Hey all!! I finally posted on the blog about our first private inspection by Howard Ryan. If you wanna have a read go here

We’re happy our list was pretty small in comparison to some I have read over on Homeone and other building blogs. I’m not surprised though as our SS really seems to know what he is doing, but maybe the tradies were just taking a few shortcuts or something.

We forwarded the report onto our SS via email and he responded right away saying he would have his carpenter on site the following day to fix the few issues that were mentioned. He said that it was all stuff that would have been fixed up along the way anyway.

Our one disappointment was that the inspection was not scheduled at the most effective time for best value of our money. Hubby and I think it should have been pushed back a week or so, but oh well, it’s done now.

Hubby and I definitely think it was worth the money to have the inspection done. It’s peace of mind for us and I think it’s also a little extra pressure on Clarendon to make sure they do the right thing knowing we’re having our own private inspector come through and check things out.
Well done Rubes....I think the fact you did it shows Clarendon that you mean business and won't tolerate sub-standard work. (Not that it appears that they do that!) So even though this may not have been done at the best time, it may just make sure in future your builder thinks twice about what they are doing! Glad it got some results for you. I think we will definitely be spending the money to do this ourselves.

Well done Rubes....I think the fact you did it shows Clarendon that you mean business and won't tolerate sub-standard work. (Not that it appears that they do that!) So even though this may not have been done at the best time, it may just make sure in future your builder thinks twice about what they are doing! Glad it got some results for you. I think we will definitely be spending the money to do this ourselves.
Thanks Wiz. Now we're just waiting for the SS to tell us what they are actually working on now haha. As much as we have the 'Journey progress' handout, it's nice to know what is actually happening. We're looking forward to when the sparky gets onsite so we can ask him to do a few other bits and pieces for us (extra powerpoints etc).
We're looking forward to when the sparky gets onsite so we can ask him to do a few other bits and pieces for us (extra powerpoints etc).

How soon before your sparkie gets onsite Rubes?

Got a phone call from BW today, looks like piering is going to happen next week! Yay! She will give me a call with the 'invitation' to come down and watch when she knows what day...
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