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_lucinda's house

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Looks amazing, I love the floor
wow lucinda your house looks amazing! Love your yards and what you have done with them. I really like your blind choice too, they look fantastic.
Nice house Lucinda, I used to go to a disco and play basketball at St Clair ... 45 years ago!!
Just checked out your thread Lucinda. Congratulations, your house is beautiful and you did a great job keeping it on track eg. slab hole (would have kept that myself added a trap door and dug out a cellar), wrong toilets, tile job in laundry. It looks stunning. I love all your choices and really enjoyed reading your journey. St Clair is a nice spot. So your new doggie is the white dude, who's the little black veteran in your profile pic?
Have been ignoring my own thread. Can't believe how quickly time has gone by. Thank you for your comments FairmontSACustom, vladmari, HomeAngels, SA Simonds Sierra, tristam, SuziQu (where abouts was the disco?), and TomCat.

TomCat, the little black veteran was Lucinda. She was the tiniest little lady and lived with us for far too short a time. She was 10 or so when we adopted her. She had back problems and was in a lot of pain, but she didn't let that defeat her. She loved to eat, sleep and go for walks. Her kidneys failed however and that was just too much for her. The little white dude seems big in comparison--he is Cooper, and was the only "adult" at the shelter at the time who was small enough for me to handle. Hah! was I mistaken; what a boy--obstinate, independent, determined, ferocious, scaredy cat.

We had the shutters in the front bedroom installed. They weren't what I ordered, but we decided to keep what they gave us ... although I am having regrets about that because the slats are bowing. I wanted two to each window which I think might have reduced the tendency to bow. Never mind. They look far better than the photo when they are open during the day, and we are asleep when they are shut at night, so it doesn't really matter. We are still waiting for the small shutter to the sidelight to the front door--the one that came was too small (and that's after two separate measures to check it was right). Anyway, here's a pic of the bedroom ones:

Roll on good weather, especially for those of you with builds in progress, but also to get rid of the endless mud we can't avoid traipsing into the house.
Those shutter look good
They warm the room up
Aw wow, just read about Lucinda (I get lost on these boards)!. What a darling. I think that's awesome you adopted a senior pooch. My next rescue will also be a senior. Poor dudes are often overlooked and they are all so grateful. Yes, nice shades
Anyone know a paver to give me a quote on my build (yet to start) I need it as a quote to re satisfy the Bank.......
Seeking service is a good start.
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