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Sekisui | Burbank - Cedarwood1828

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The inside of our front door is the same colour as the internal trim and internal doors.

Thanks for confirming guys,

For us, the colour schedule says "internal face of exterior door will be stained when a stain is selected", and we've selected woodcare dark oak! It's the only timber and warm element of our front so we're adamant about getting this fixed as per selection.

Will call SS this morning
So I spoke with our SS yesterday. Told him about the new issue, said he'll check the door frame first which is fair enough, but didn't seem to like the fact that I check the build, pick up on these wrong item issues, report them to him & asking for a fix. I said that I didn't wanted the 2 incorrect items installed and rather they commit to fix the problems now rather than leave for us to stress about and deal with later down the track. I don't think that is unreasonable...if they were going to commit to replacements, why install the wrong items just to rip them out later?

Relationship seems to be going downhill but I stood my ground and just said its not my fault that the wrong items are ordered. And if the wrong bricks are delivered for example, I would again highlight the problem. I don't understand why this is an issue. Thought it would save them the hassle of fixing down the track... Makes me wonder if they really will fix the problems, or do they think we will roll over raising the white flag.

Looks like they started on roof trusses today and might be done soon.
and they've back flipped on allowing extra noggings put in, and refused other minor variation we asked for and offered to pay to the trades directly. (capped cold water point to fridge, in ceiling support for island bench light & add a 5th pantry shelf) Apparently this is the stance management are now taking.
Oh man!

I think they reserve the right to change suppliers (really crap but i think it's in the contract somewhere?). This is probably okay so long as the product is equal. If you end up with different motifs in the same space.. well i hope they're similar and that you dont notice once all your belongings are moved in :/

As for the front door - they completely can't change material on you! You pay for a timber frame - you get a timber frame! Good work picking up the mistakes. Sounds like the SS just had a bad day/week. Hopefully they cheer up at some point and thank you for helping them pick up errors.

Really sucks they aren't letting you do the minor variations or putting noggings in. Far out
[quote="cat_dunc"]Oh man!

I think they reserve the right to change suppliers (really crap but i think it's in the contract somewhere?). This is probably okay so long as the product is equal. If you end up with different motifs in the same space.. well i hope they're similar and that you dont notice once all your belongings are moved in :/

As for the front door - they completely can't change material on you! You pay for a timber frame - you get a timber frame! Good work picking up the mistakes. Sounds like the SS just had a bad day/week. Hopefully they cheer up at some point and thank you for helping them pick up errors.

Really sucks they aren't letting you do the minor variations or putting noggings in. Far out

yeah we really don't care about the stackers motifs that much, what bugs me is that they raise a PCV agreeing to supply 3 items in the original brand and spec.. but they ignore the PCV anyway. I know those clauses in the contract and I have no prob with the supplier changes when the product is the same thing. Its really the entry door frames and the thermally broken kitchen door right now - They are simply not the equal product.

I think the SS is annoyed, because he needs to do the job with the materials he has. And we are annoyed because some materials are not what is specified. So I think the root cause is mistakes by the people responsible for ordering. We've previously asked for a sit down to review contract items vs known changes and a colour consult session if changes are big - didn't get one.. go figure...
Ehhc .. you and I have same SS so this SS is not going to be easy when I ask for more noggings.

I'm going keep a case of beer in the car and give it to him when I see him, and ask for noggings later.

It is legal to give gifts like beer or wine? lol

Build Thread : viewtopic.php?f=31&t=81624
nah your current SS was just our temporary one, so you'll be alright

The one I was talking about just above is a different person
yeah we really don't care about the stackers motifs that much, what bugs me is that they raise a PCV agreeing to supply 3 items in the original brand and spec.. but they ignore the PCV anyway.

Yeah when they do a specific PCV for something then that is absolutely what you should get

Its really the entry door frames and the thermally broken kitchen door right now - They are simply not the equal product.

I completely agree
We visited the site today, pretty exciting to walk-through and get a feel for the home. Would have been better if they didn't install the those incorrect items. Arghhh.... !

Anyway, don't think the carpenters are quite finished yet but its getting there. Some photos from today

The front

The back (faces north)

some beefy & complicated looking sections

Kitchen/dining...and of course the disputed door gets installed

think its just the wide angle lens distorting the door frame
Every one seem to be having different issue on windows and door frames. We will have to address these items very strongly during frame stage inspection to rectified. This will only course farther delay on completion. Burbanks should honour on items we already sign for with Sekisui regardless of change of suppliers.

Build Thread : viewtopic.php?f=31&t=81624
Every one seem to be having different issue on windows and door frames. We will have to address these items very strongly during frame stage inspection to rectified. This will only course farther delay on completion. Burbanks should honour on items we already sign for with Sekisui regardless of change of suppliers.

Build Thread : viewtopic.php?f=31&t=81624

I could not agree more Shazaw I'm worried about delays with this too but it will be worth it to get it sorted.

Our Acacia build -
Thanks for all the support guys. We intend to have our product problems addressed for sure. Don't like the delays either, but we rather have a small delay and end up with something we wanted. FYI - Our build should have started alot earlier than it did, so a little more now won't hurt. We got caught up with their delay in obtaining their NSW building insurance, so our file actually went from Sekisui > Burbank > Sekisui > Burbank.

Have seen so many threads here with other builders where issues were found early, the SS/builder promises to fix, owners follow up at next stage, promises to fix before PCI, then PCI hits... the builders say "ohh its too late to do anything now" or "take handover first we'll come and fix at maintenance, we promise". Do not want our builder to become that nightmare.
Bricks delivered! At least they can get one thing right

Its the right brick, and colour/texture is pretty much identical to the PGH sample I have from June 2016

Yay to the correct bricks!

photo from the other day. Thought it was a little ironic - just a single piece of sustainable timber haha, whats the point. "GLTAA accredited CHAIN OF CUSTODY CERTIFIED"

Nice bricks! Looks like you got good quality ones with the colour all the way through, we just went with coloured bricks but colour is only on the surface, was too much upgrade $$$$ to get ones like yours for the whole house!

Our Acacia build -
Yay for bricks!
Trimum got bricks and you have bricks ..... I'm left behind!

Happy for both of you

Build Thread : viewtopic.php?f=31&t=81624
Regarding Burbank Bricks

General Discussion

Hi All, Recently we have signed a contract with Burbank and we are not aware that they have just DORSET, SURREY, HAMPSHIRE, KENT, PILBARA and REDGUM bricks from PGH are…

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