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The Story of Stormy's Castle. *Loooooong overdue update*

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Good luck Stormy! The plans sound exciting - can you scan in a pic of the elevations for us?
Good luck for Monday - make sure you double check the correct drawings.

An exciting day for you.
Good luck Stormy! The plans sound exciting - can you scan in a pic of the elevations for us?

I'd like to, Donuts, but the scanner is already packed! I'll take some pics of the elevations and post some stage! We have a very busy weekend clearing out more stuff!

We've also discovered that the cupboard we've requested in the study isn't deep enough, and that will have to be altered aswell. Hopefully we can do it without being a PCV, but it may cost as more as there will be about 200mm extra building supplies

Thanks all for your well wishes! I'll let you all know how it goes.
Contracts signed!!

We had our contract appointment this morning, and all ran very smoothly...including the pen for the 250 initials and signatures!

There were a few other little issues we picked up on. The extra powerpoint in the garage was drawn at the wrong height, the hallway 2 way switch was in the wrong place, and a few changes to a couple of windows. Otherwise, it's all done, and we have signed 30 years of our life away!!

Looks like it's all systems go for moving in about 3 weeks, demo in 6 and site start within 12 weeks.

I always said I was going to break open the champers after contract signing...but I have packed it all!

Thanks H3nl3y! Everyone we have dealt with have been absolutely fantastic. My fingers are firmly crossed for a smooth build.
Congratulations on the contract signing. Glad to hear the pen held up and that there wasn't any major issues.

Great to hear that things have and are going well with you and your builder... Good luck with your starting dates.
Congratulations Stormy

I hope everything goes smoothly and looking forward to lots of pics

Cheers Mel
Congratulations Stormy

Good luck on your build!
Congrats stormy!

That's the hardest part of the whole process I reckon... signing on the dotted line

Now you can sit a deck chair out the front of your block and watch the progress with a martini
I always said I was going to break open the champers after contract signing...but I have packed it all!

Quick - go buy another bottle and drink out of a plastic cup if you have to!!!

You deserve it after that
Or is it more that I have given up for a month and am living through anyone that is willing to drink it???
You can buy those little individual bottles of champagne now ...

Congratulations on signing. Hopefully your build will go smoothly.

You can buy those little individual bottles of champagne now ...

No no, get a big one and have a glass for me!
Congrats Stormy !!!

It's great to hear you have had a smooth run to date!

Let the pictures begin
Congrats on the contract signing!!

Look forward to the build now!
Good on you, Stormy! It's such a big thing ... definitely worth more champagne purchase!
Thanks for all your kind wishes!

I still haven't had any champers...3 of us have a terrible cold, and that's the last thing I feel like at the moment! It'll have to wait for another day.

I've taken a photo of the front elevation...and that's all I'm prepared to do due to copyright reasons. I've also blanked measurements etc, but at least you get an idea of what it will look like and how it will sit with the cut and fill.

It's a fairly plain and classic looking facade, due to building in an existing suburb...I didn't want something very modern that would stick out like 'you know what'! And this design will tie in with other houses (although, naturally, it will be the best looking house in the street

I can't wait to see it all come together, and judging by how quickly this year is going already, it won't be long until we are in it, and enjoying our 40 squares of space!

Freely available internet plan is here to refresh your memories! This is all I'm prepared to post, again, due to copyright. There aren't many changes except a few added doors, window changes and the Grande Alfresco out the back of the familyroom/meals.

I forgot to mention this thread and my blog to H3nl3y during the contract signing, but if they look at the forum regularly I'm sure they have seen it! Everyone we have dealt with has been wonderful, and we can't wait to have our dream home after a few early hiccups.

And what is the thing I'm looking forward to the most? More than one bathroom and toilet!

And what is the thing I'm looking forward to the most? More than one bathroom and toilet!

Your new WIR?
OK...and that too!
OK...and that too!

40 glorious squares of s p a c e ?
Great floor plan, and I like your facade! Are the shaded bits render and the rest brick? Or vice versa? Have you posted your colours somewhere? (going back to check)
Great floor plan, and I like your facade! Are the shaded bits render and the rest brick? Or vice versa? Have you posted your colours somewhere? (going back to check)

Yep..shaded render, the remainder brick. Colours are in this thread somewhere!

LOL Paula...yes, and the 40 squares of space! But if your saw the size of my 1 bathroom and 1 toilet, you would understand how much I'm looking forward to 3 toilets and 2 bathrooms! It's an absolute nightmare in the morning with 4 people trying to get ready!
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